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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Remember the name you couldn't identify in the last episode. That was her, Maria Martinez :)


Great Reaction. This episode was okay, but what I like about it is that since Carter's death, every episode (even the fillers) served to move the story forward in the next arc of the season. I can't wait for you to get to the end of this season. Please try your best to keep your promise of making 2eps of Person of Interest a week. Keep safe.


Not my favorite episode of the season but still a solid effort in an overall amazing season of this amazing show. I agree with the 2 eps a week comment. This is the best show on his channel and to keep up with the intricate storylines, 2 a week should be a must. Hope he can do it to!!!


I like this episode. It's not great, for the most part a pretty standard case-of-the-week, but I do like the bits of Root and how the number ties into the greater storyline. The thing that I absolutely don't like is Greer, tbh. He is a pretty bland villain to me and I don't really like villains that always kill off the people that help them - at some point you'd think people would stop working for him. He killed the woman who got the drives for him and now he got rid of the guy who got the generators. Why would people still wanna help him do things if they know they're just gonna be off-ed anyway?