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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Scarlett Monrow

Please lower volume on the show, it's almost impossible to hear your comments. Thanks!

DJ Doena

May I offer a slight bit of criticism? When you're watching episodes together, it comes very natural to quickly talk about a certain aspect. But in that moment you both lose focus of the actual episode for a minute or so. I don't have anything against your discussion per se, it's enriching. But you should pause the episode until your focus to it is restored. :-)


Without going to much into it, this Series is subtle. It's refreshing when Movies/TV do this, they don't [at least most times] insult the Viewers intelligence by beating you over the head with details/information: These things you pick up for yourself, you have to pay attention because these moments aren't meant for the spectacle. What you see in the Series are ingenious set-ups for things to come. Finding out Micah is a Technopath was one of the coolest things in the Show. I tried very hard not to spoil things, choosing my words carefully, lol - hope I got my point across.