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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation





Can you react to dogfights history channel you don’t have to do it anytime soon or even react to the whole thing if you don’t want to it’s about ariel combat through history


I agree with your rating. This is one of my least favorite episodes from season 1. I wasn't feeling the bells and kids stuff either. I like Nick & Schmidt though. Their relationship is one of the best.


I am also Not the biggest Fan of the episode. I really liked nick and schmidt though. And the rooftop talk between nick and windston. I love schmidt in general He is hilarious.

Mariella Nilsson

It would have been the cruelest april fools day joke if all the links didn’t work, so glad to get so many good episodes!

Mariella Nilsson

I looove Winston! i like them all but he always makes me laugh the most!!!


I think this episode is ok. I don’t love it, but I do like getting to see a bit more into Winston’s personality. Also the Nick and Schmidt stuff is pretty funny


I liked this episode. Didn't feel that much the Winston, Jess dynamic and story, but loved the Nick and Schmidt war. Schmidt is definitely the most hilarious character in the show. Greenfield is fantastic in this role.

Alice smith

I think this episode gave you more to nick and schmidts relationship and a little bit more into winstons personality, but other then those things its not the best episode. Its not a episode i would remember off the top of my head.