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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 


Mark Wood

Repeat after me. Everyone dies on Supernatural.....one of my favorite episodes as its one of the few where you get real consequences, and people’s actions and dialogue fit the seriousness of the situation. Almost no humor (especially once they decide they are going after Lucifer), really solid atmosphere, solid across the board acting. Outside of a couple of Sam and Dean deaths its quite possibly the best deaths the show does.


WTH :)) You closed the video like a full minute before the end of the episode. You missed a minute of the end of the episode.

Mark Wood

As for the colt. It was designed to kill creatures. They have never tried it against an angel, let alone an arch angel. Remember the Colt was made in the 1800 hundreds. Angels haven’t made themselves known for I think they said two thousand years.

Scarlett Monrow

1) Photograph was burned to imitate hunter's funeral. Personally, I'm also against burning the photo, it should be kept. 2) About Helen staying with Joe: of course they could have rigged something to open the doors, that's not the point. Point is, no matter what, Helen would not leave her child to die alone. The first time I watches this with my mom, the moment they decided on the bomb, she said "Helen is going to stay with Jo. No way she's leaving." 3) Crossroads deals and demons: any crossroads can be used and there are many crossroads demons, they usually have red eyes.

Scarlett Monrow

I love this episode. Definitely a 10 for me. This is my third, all time fav, SPN episode.

Brenda Lewis

Burning the photo was their way of giving them their hunters funeral I think. This is such a great episode, one of my favorites and there are still some really great ones in this season to go.

Brenda Lewis

Yeah I wish they had kept the photo, but it was so symbolic and affecting I understand why they would have Bobby do it.


Jo, Ellen, and Rufus were in episode 2, and I think it's meant to demonstrate an all hunters on deck sort of situation. Additionally, these first 5 seasons encompass the initial story plan for the show, and they wanted to pay some homage to the better secondary characters (who are/were still alive) - Meg, and the Trickster included. Also, if Satan being around doesn't result in some named casualties they probably wouldn't be doing the character concept justice.

Mark Wood

Absolutely, there was literally no way Ellen would abandon her child to die alone. The scene with those two is one of the absolute best. One of the few scenes where the show actually makes me cry. Out of 15 years there’s maybe a total of ten, this is absolutely one.

Amy Rustand

Wow - haven't cried this much since Dean's monologue over Sammy's dead body in the finale of season 2. The actress who plays Ellen really nailed the emotion.... Totally not surprised she stayed - she's Jo's mom, Jo is her only child, only family left - no way she's gonna leave her to die alone. Would make any excuse up to stay....Castiel wouldn't have been able to heal Jo - remember that he couldn't heal Bobby's legs bcuz he was 'cut off from Heaven' after taking the Winchester's side and helping them in the finale of Season 4. He's lost some of his powers (healing, ganking demons we find out this episode; but he can still 'fly').... The actor who played Crowley was in Firefly series, I really like his style! The accent and sarcasm, same stuff here....I like the callback Lucifer made to "The End" about Sam saying Yes to Lucifer in Detroit... Nobody needs an anti-Lucifer possession spell or mark bcuz Lucifer is an angel, and unlike demons, angels can't use a vessel without that person's freely-given permission. That in itself protects anyone from Lucifer 'possessing' them.

Daniel R

the fact that Jo died before she could tell her mom she loved her back gets me every time; there had to be high stakes going to kill the Devil and since you could bet on Dean and Sam making it, the rest of the supporting cast is fodder essentially

Natalie Shepherd

Every frickin time, I cry my eyes out on this episode, no matter how many times. One of my favourites. Believe me Death’s proper Intro is one of the best, can’t wait for you to see it.

Jason Usher

Great reaction, this is another 10 for me, one of my favorites, it has real consequences and real emotion and real badassery from Lucifer

Helen Wood

Bear in mind that he burned one copy of the photo, I am sure there are plenty of other copies. He still has the negatives.