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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


DJ Doena

The cut on the eyebrow is just a reminder of how great the trilogy was/is. Remember when Doc fell off the toilet and that's where he got the idea for the Flux capacitor? Yeah? That was just a week ago, on the day Marty arrived in 1955 for the first time. That's why Doc jokingly punched in the date into the computer in the very first movie before he got shot by the Libyans.

DJ Doena

Lost in translation: When the Colt merchant asked Marty where he learned to shoot like that, Marty replies "7-Eleven". I grew up with these movies dubbed in German and sometimes such cultural references need to be adapted to make sense to an audience that doesn't have 7-Elevens. So what did he say in German? "Space Invaders". (which made equally no sense to the vendor) :-)

DJ Doena

BTW: Did you recognize the Marshall that forced Mad Dog to give up his gun? Marshall Strickland. His identically-looking descendant will one day roam the school hallways enforcing discipline! ;-) Bonus info: Th reason that Strickland doesn't show up to arrest Tannen is explained in the novel to the movie. It's because Tanned murdered Strickland in the bank heist they had on Sunday (if I remember correctly). It's a scene that didn't make it into the movie.

DJ Doena

Here's my one serious gripe with the story of that third movie: While it's great that Marty grows from all his time-traveling experiences and becomes a greater man by the end, I find it incredibly unfair that Doc does not warn Marty about the accident. Marty saved Doc's life time and time again, warning him about the Libyans, coming back to 1885 instead of letting Doc get shot by Mad Dog. But Doc will not warn Marty about that accident? Nah Doc, not cool.

DJ Doena

Historical fact: They type of hat that Seamus McFly is wearing and was made fun of, the bowler hat, was far more common in the Old West than the wide-brimmed hat we associate with the era.

DJ Doena

Rewatch fun: Should you one day choose to watch these movies again, you will find so many details. For example: In Part II, in 1985A, Biff was watching a Clint Eastwood movie in the jacuzzi. Take a closer look at that whole scene.


It truly is one epic movie cut into thirds, thus validating calling them parts to imply they are installments, not sequels.

DJ Doena

Movie weirdness: Movie trains never seem to stop or even emergency break when they destroy cars that are on the tracks. They just drive through.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for your final reaction within the Back to the Future Trilogy!! I really love this movie, as much as I love the first two. Back to the Future Part III is definitely much different from the other two, given its setting takes place within the old west. And yet, this movie also keeps to what we love about the first two too just like you mentioned. We continue to see the clips from the past movies, their characters brought back as they play different versions of themselves upon playing the characters' ancestors, and there are so many great callbacks to the other two movies as well. I love seeing Marty and Doc fight to survive the Wild West in 1885, against Mad Dog Tannen, or Biff's great, great grandfather and his gang, against Doc falling in love with Clara, and in their many struggles with finding their way back home to the future under a serious time crunch before Doc or Marty are killed. This movie is just so much fun. I love Seamus McFly also played by Michael J. Fox. He's just a good man who helps give Marty the strength to finally resist getting into a fight simply for being called a chicken. In regards to Lea Thompson, who plays Marty's mother Lorraine, playing Seamus' wife in 1885 and being married to Michael J. Fox's character, rather than to an ancestor of George's... I think it's great that you brought up that you hoped it was George's actor Crispin Glover who played Seamus instead, because it would most certainly make sense for Lorraine and George to be together in the past as well. Unfortunately... it's simply because Crispin Glover (George McFly) didn't want to come back for the sequels that she wasn't married to a George like character too. So instead... Michael J. Fox took up the role as Seamus, just like he took up playing the role of both of his children in the future within Back to the Future Part II too. I love Clara, played by Mary Steenburgen, and I love hers and Doc's love story throughout this movie. They fall in love quickly, but their romance for me really works, just like it did for you too. I think they're adorable together. And I love that Clara comes after Doc upon hearing that he truly does love her, then later saw the models of the time machine and train, which clarifies for her that his story had been true all along. That he didn't actually lie to her, or mock her for her love for Jules Verne like she believed he had. Everything strange Doc ever let slip to her... about having read Jules Verne when he was just a boy, and among other things, suddenly made sense to her. And I love it. Also... I love the fight between Marty and Bufford Tannen in the square, which once again brilliantly ends with Biff being covered in manure and saying his famous line... "I hate manure." Absolutely fantastic!! And I love that this fight happens because Marty is actually fighting to protect Doc, rather than falling once more for Biff's taunt about being a chicken, or yellow. One of my favorite callbacks in this movie that I don't know if you caught... During this fight, Marty straps the stove cover to his chest to protect himself from being shot by Mad Dog, then proceeds to beat Bufford until he wins and Bufford is defeated. If you think back to Back to the Future Part II, to the scene when Marty comes to Biff inside his pent house apartment to ask him about the almanac so he can find out when he and Doc need to return to in order to stop Biff... Biff is in his hot tub with two ladies watching a classic Clint Eastwood movie on TV titled, A Fistful of Dollars. The scene he's watching is when Clint Eastwood uses a metal plate to protect himself from the villain he's facing off against and pretends to be killed after getting shot, until he stands back up and defeats the villain in a fight. Marty then turns the TV off, and proceeds to confront Biff in Part II. This moment is what gives Marty the idea to do the same thing in standing up against Bufford Tannen during this fight in Part III. Marty had obviously watched this scene on the film before turning off the TV, then remembered it again upon being put into a very similar situation for real. And it's great, because Biff had been watching a Clint Eastwood movie, which is another reason for Marty taking on his name upon coming into the Wild West. It's brilliant and I absolutely love this!! Also... I really love the entire train robbery beginning with Marty and Doc scrambling to catch the train and jump onto it, ending with seeing the train crash and blow up within the ravine. Seeing Doc and Clara finally get together as they fly off on Marty's hoverboard is beautiful, and seeing Marty reach 88 miles per hour at last just in time as he travels through time to return home to 1985. And then... the DeLorean in the end is destroyed, just like Doc wanted. However, Doc spends the next several years within the old west along with Clara and what we later see... with their two children as well, building a new time machine from a train that is powered by steam. Not just so he can return to the future to pick up his dog Einstein, but also so he can find Marty and Jennifer in order to assure his best friend that he is alive and well, and happily married. I love the introduction of their two children and seeing that Doc an Clara named them Jules and Verne after the famous Author who made them both fall in love with science. I love, love, love Marty's and Doc's deep friendship throughout these three movies. Both of these men have shown that they are more than willing to die for one another. They couldn't be more different, but their friendship works and they have a lot in common after their many adventures together. I would have absolutely loved to see more movies made because these movies are so much fun to watch. However, I love this Trilogy just as it is and it makes complete sense that Doc's and Marty's story ends after three movies. It's perfect! And yes... I agree that both Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd were born to play these roles within one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time. I absolutely agree with you. :) Thank you so much!! I can't wait for many more movie reactions from you to come!! Until next time, my friend... Thank you so much!! Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

1) I would absolutely love to see your reactions to the original Indiana Jones Trilogy with Harrison Ford if you haven't already seen them before, not counting the fourth Indiana Jones movie that was more recent. They are absolutely phenomenal as well. I would also love to see your reactions for other great classics such as... 2) Any Star Wars movies, especially the original Star Wars Trilogy if you've never seen them before 3) The original Jurassic Park Trilogy 4) The Count of Monte Cristo starring Jim Caviezel and Guy Pearce 5) Frequency also starring Jim Caviezel and Dennis Quaid 6) Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner and Ray Liotta 7) The Wizard of Oz starring Judy Garland 8) Any of the movies within the Avengers Universe you haven't seen 9) The Mighty Ducks Trilogy starring Emilio Estevez 10) Any of the X-Men movies starring Hugh Jackman in the classics, and James McAvoy within the First Class series 11) The first four Die Hard movies starring Bruce Willis, not including the fifth movie of the series unless you wish to see it as well 12) Singin' in the Rain starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds Thank you for your consideration! I hope a number of these movies will make it into your polls for future Classic Movies Fridays!!!!

Brad turner

Classic! I used to watch this all the time. I loved how the main theme song was chopped up and only continued playing when Marty punched maddog.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Oops... I had another actress in my head when I wrote her name. You're right. And of course I knew that. Ha! Ha! Ha!


You called out ZZ Top in the opening crawl. That was them at the town festival after they take the picture.

DJ Doena

In the movies when Doc and Marty discuss the changes done by Biff and the Sport's Almanac, Doc uses the image of a branch that created an alternative 1985 (labeled1985A on Doc's blackboard). In reality, the movies created loads of time branches starting with the simple fact that the original 1985 was a world were George McFly was a loser and Doc was shot and killed by Libyans. A few weeks ago (before David was watching the movies) I was discussing the many time streams at work to the amusement of my colleagues. While discussing this another thing came up: After Marty arrived in 1885 and the fuel leaked Doc and Marty overlooked something. At that point in time there were two Deloreans in 1885. The one in the bear cave with the fuel leak but also the one hidden in the Delgado mine. The one with the defect time circuit. The one that - 70 years later - has to be repaired by 1955 Doc. Why not use the gas from that Delorean? Refueling it in 1955 is not much more hassle than putting on new tires. But then this movie would be less than an hour long and a lot less entertaining. And also someone pointed out to me that Doc probably had to remove all liquids before storing it in the mine so that the liquids don't cause more damage while being hidden away for 70 years. Long story short, someone recorded my little rant about this and I wanted to show you this :-) (it's in German but it's about what I explained above) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie-yucE8CPs

Brent Justice

I'm kinda dumbfounded how you didn't know the doc who sent the letter from 1885 was the 1985 doc that was struck by lightning in 1955 in BTTF 2 at the end. That's the whole reason Marty went back to the 1885 was to save the Doc after he found out he gets shot a week after writing the letter. Did you for some reason think the Doc existed in 1885, he'd be over 150 years old if that were true lol, no, the Doc was not alive in 1885. The whole point of the movie is Marty saving the '85 Doc. The 1955 Doc never actually time travels in any of the movies. ............ Also, it tickles me that people underestimate film making technology throughout the years, afterall the Terminator 2 liquid metal melting CGI was done in 1990, Star Wars was made in 1976, a good budget can do a lot.

Scarlett Monrow

Thanks for a great reaction! Have you seen Aliens and Terminator 1-2? If not - they are also classics and for good reason!

Scarlett Monrow

I would also add "Clue", "Point Break" (original), "Three Fugitives", "Big Business", "Bram Stoker's Dracula".


I’m with you 100% on Indiana Jones. Love that trilogy


Ooh, I'll wait until I have a little more time to sit down and fully watch this. I don't really have any movie ideas for you since I'm not sure what all you've seen, but I'm sure others have some decent ideas. Probably go after some of the more iconic and popular things like this that you haven't seen, might be a good idea to aim for.


Clara Clayton : But was this man tall, with great big brown puppy dog eyes and long silvery flowing hair? Barbed-Wire Salesman : You know him? It always amused me to imagine that that's how the salesman had thought of him. :D