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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Hey man i just want you to know your doing great! Your reactions actually got me into this show. So ive been binge watching it since then and im currently on the beginning of season 4! Since I just saw this episode week ago and re-watching it now i will say this is the most unlikable nick has been throughout. Mainly because they are all usually so likable! But he was genuinely awful this episode imo. He was a bully too paul, and a bad friend to Jess. I dont really think he redeems himself by the end of it. This is the only time hes really like this though thank goodness. Keep up the good work man! Your killin it!

Ceara Abrahamsz

Paul>Nick #sorrynotsorry :P


Agreed... the first mediocre i would say episode. Even though Paul and Jess seem perfect for each other, so more power to him for being like that, i completely understand where Nick's coming from, as i also wouldn't be able to handle being around such a person for long periods of time... I'm also grumpy like that...

Tammy L. Faulkner

Love Justin Ling... he makes everything better. I feel if that had been any other actor it would have been less intriguing.