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I just found out today that my brother has only watched a handful of the MCU Movies. My literal reaction was this.



Philip Lee

Same. Only 3 or 4. Haha.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

First, love the glee meme! Second, that's downright criminal. School the fool


Iv only seen the first iron man lol


i’ve seen a few LMAO

J Scott Page

I have seen them all. Even the "bad" ones were entertaining. I hope with him watching Agents of Shield, maybe he will watch them all eventually.

Stephanie Bedworth

I haven't seen the Hulk movie and I only very recently watched the Captain America ones because I'm just not really into CA that much.


I had only seen 4 of them until a few months ago. When Disney+ came out, I binged the rest of them.


I've seen all of them but Black Panther, didn't get the chance to see it in theaters and just haven't had the inclination to purchase it and watch it.


I haven’t really seen any new movies since I started my second job three years ago. I’ve been meaning to binge them when I have a few days off together but have not really had the opportunity.


I have only seen iron man. That’s it. Lol


I’ve seen iron man 1-3, guardians of the galaxy 1&2, Thor, and black panther

The Answer

I've watched them all you're just very late

Jason fielding

I can understand why not everyone did not watch every mcu movie. But how can someone watch ant man & the wasp before infinity war. antman & the wasp ending would not make sense if you watch it first.

Heather Flores-Ricks

My sister has watched all the movies and TV shows in chronological real world time order 🤣😂


We marathoned them all before Infinity Wars and again before Endgame. It's so worth seeing them all at least once! I hope you fix this for him.


First off, that Kurt gif ❤️ Also, I’ve seen all of them. I haven’t rewatched Hulk, Thor 2 and the other bad ones in a while. My favorite MCU films are Winter Soldier, GOTG, Black Panther, Infinity War and Captain Marvel.


Maybe he needs to drop the 'classic' qualifier after he watches Back to the Future Part III so we can vote for him to watch these.

Kristin Carter

I think I saw the first Iron Man a long time ago, but that's it .... Just not my thing 🤷

Scarlett Monrow

I've watched only first 10 movies. Thor 2 was beyond boring. Captain America was the best one, especially since I didn't know anything about the character before watching it.


I’ve seen more than a handful, but I’ve skipped a lot or lost interest halfway through when I tried to watch. There are just sooo many, and I’m kind of tired of Marvel movies dominating the market.

Uriah Walters

I've only seen the first two iron Man films and the first thor. That's it.


Plz no. These big Marvel movies always get so many votes so other kinds of movies stand absolutely no chance. And there’s sooo many Marvel movies he’ll just be watching nothing but Marvel (and probably Star Wars) forever 😫

Ceara Abrahamsz

Me, I have not seen a single one. Maybe some of the first Thor movie, possibly, but I have not had a single urge to watch any of those movies. Sorry, not sorry. 🤷🏼‍♀️💯


Wow, So many of you did not watch them all. I(Steven) am obsessed with the MCU.


I've only seen a few -- mostly earlier ones. They seem formulaic and forgettable to me, sorry, although I appreciated and liked Black Panther.

Ari is my Cat

I've seen them all, most more than once.


A couple of the stand-alone films were not great. Not terrible, just a little dull like Thor 2, or a couple of the Iron Man films. But it is a shame that this puts people off, as the best of them really are extremely good. The Avengers saga, although Ultron was the weakest, is an amazing series of films as a whole. Civil War is a really good film, and I think better than Age of Ultron. Dr Strange was really fun, Guardians of the Galaxy is pretty amazing, and the Thor "reboot" (what it feels like) practically saves the Thor series and is one of my favourites.

Thomas Stark

I haven't seen a Marvel movie since I was forced to sit down and watch Avengers 2 & Thor 2. Didn't like either. Hmmm. But maybe I should get onto deadpool 1 & 2 at some point.


Thor 2 is terrible. As someone who likes MCU for the most part, although not the die hard fan many are, I hated it.


“Formulaic”- you hit the nail on the head. Ridiculously predictable with over the top special effects just for the sake of being 💥EPIC💥 are just some more reasons why they aren’t really my cup of tea.

J Scott Page

Float this by him: Maybe he can do movie reactions for them as he goes through Agents of Shield. When he gets to the point in the show where the next movie ties in, he can do a movie reaction, then back to the show. If I remember correctly, Winter Soldier is the first one somewhere in the middle of season 1. Just a thought.


This picture is missing Far From Home at the end, by the way. Also Ant-Man and the Wasp has spoilers for Infinity War. I understand the appeal of watching them in timeline order, but I dunno, I’d just watch them in the order they came out cause that’s how the audiences viewed them. I suppose I’m not too pressed one way or the other though. But yeah, definitely wouldn’t watch Ant-Man and the Wasp in that spot. That’s the only one I can think of that has direct spoilers, but you might be missing a hair bit of knowledge that the films assume you already had from some of the other films since they’re out of order. But yeah, good movies! I own them all and would definitely recommend them. Even the worst ones are still decent movies, which most franchises can’t say. The best ones though are amazing!


I have seen most but not all of them. There are a lot of them and theyre designed in a way where it doesnt really matter too much if you havent seen them all, you can still pick it up.

Josie Ball

I've seen most, think just 3 I haven't but I also had no interest in. Was told the main things I needed to know about them though. Hulk, Dr Strange and Black Panther. Saw few clips of Black Panther though

Josie Ball

Just read some comments and am surprised so many people didn't like the second Thor movie! I think it's one of my favs of the MCU honestly lol


ive seen none of them ngl


What spoilers, besides the end? I don't mind the end "spoiler" there, as it's more of a mysterious tease, IMO.


Sure, you might not know what it means right at that point, but once you start watching Infinity War, it will become clear what it means and therefore how that movie ended, which could ruin the suspense.


me, because i despise them

Mariella Nilsson

I havn’t seen any! and I’m ok with that!


LOL I am more connected with the marvel comics than the MCU so I haven't seen any but like, Deadpool, and I am good with that lolol.


I've only seen one. That was because I was out of other Joss Whedon stuff to binge. Then I started trying to watch them all in order but couldn't stay awake through Iron Man despite my love of Robert Downey Jr.


The start is going to be a little harder to get through now, because we look back with rose-colored glasses, but it wasn't really until the actual "Avengers" movie that the movies as a whole started to find rhythm and flow to it. That is when they figured out how to us Hulk/Thor/Black Widow and Hawkeye. They got Captain America and Iron Man right off the bat. I envy the ride, he is about to embark on