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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Sarah Benedict

At the end - Harold is "Admin" at 68.74% probability of death. :)


My favorite episode of the entire show and it cements the reason why I love Root as a character <3


Funny thing about that name 'Maria Martinez' ... We actually haven't met her..yet :) Pure Brilliance. Remember the name for next. You'll see


Love this episode. All about the intricacy of how many moves ahead the machine thinks, and how much she sees. Root just along for the ride. If you notice, the Machine has them in different missions with the same person at the same time. Root was on a mission to stop Decima from getting the chip to stop Samaritan from coming online, while the rest were focused (and on a mission) to stop Decima and Vigilence from killing Cyrus


Just to clearly about the intros, I don't think there is anymore intro changes for the rest of this season but the Intro for the "RAM" episode they used the season 1 intro not season 3's, they make a new intro for each season but they only messed with a few of them over the cores of the series, 5 or 6 total I think.

Paul Fisher

The episode title, "/", is the character that denotes the Root path for file systems in Unix computer operating systems. So the "/" can be read as "Root Path." Root's real name is Samantha Groves. As Paul Pirnus noted above, we'll find out Maria Martinez later.

Ross Pogharian

Robert Hersh = Control's "Reese" haha

DJ Doena

The prisoner Root freed at the beginning of the episode was played by Colin Donnell whose later roles include Tommy Merlyn on Arrow and Dr. Rhodes on Chicago Med.