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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


DJ Doena

Two crucial things you need to understand: 1) In Soviet Union you don't question authority. The members of the board you saw weren't of the company as you think of a company. They were local КПСС (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) members and the commitee to oversee the plant. Doesn't mean they know anything about nuclear power plants. And you don't question authority and especially the party! 2) In the beginning when making the tapes he mentions the one guy who serves 10 years in labor camp but should have been executed. That is Diatlov. The guy with the 'stache that vomitted at the end. The problem they all have is that at that point in time (1986) nobody thought that Chernobyl's type of reactor (type RBMK) *could* actually explode. That's why everyone is so sure that it did not explode. That's why when the guy said it exploded they were so furious and asked him how this was possible and he did not have an answer. As for the dosimeters, they even mentioned of having a really good military grade dosimeter that burned out at a 1,000 Röntgens but they believe that to be faulty equipment as well. In Chernobly, Murphy's Law ("everything that can go wrong, goes wrong") was in full effect.

DJ Doena

BTW: Have you ever watched Mad Men? The guy who will hang himself, is the English fellow that came in later in the show and was involved in the coup when he would "fire" Draper & co on a Friday afternoon, fax the papers to London and they'd all created a new ad company by Monday morning, taking all their clients with them.


Ooh, cool, you're reacting to Chernobyl. I watched it a while back, good stuff.

Calvin Allen

I am trying to watch this but it is making me so so uncomfortable I don't think I will be able to finish


I'm so glad you both are reacting to this. It's an incredible show. Glad you both enjoyed the first one

DJ Doena

Thinking about this, I have to revise my comment regarding Murphy's Law. So far, it was in full effect. You are going to see some incredible men and women doing impossible things under great personal sacrifice to contain the follow-up problems.

Mariella Nilsson

sir David attenbourough has a Netflix series about wildlife, and in one episode, I think Forrests, they do a piece on thjenrnobyl! It’s worth watching to see how it is now so many years after!


this was ana amazingly well done show. . and and shockingly blunt. . one of the best shows of the year

Sarah Benedict

Enjoy the series, but be aware, this is a bastardized, unscientific account of what "happened" that day and in the weeks that followed. The acting is good, and even the writing (despite the awful non science they made up) is alright. The filmmakers came out and publicly said they don't want my "kind" watching their production because unlike them, we don't think socialism is a good idea. For that reason, I won't be watching these reactions but I really do hope you enjoy it. Had they not insulted me, I might have wanted to re-watch it...although again, the made up science is almost unbearable...laughable really. For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsdLDFtbdrA

Mariella Nilsson

I haven’t seen the series, and I don’t think tv shows should ever be seen as educational, but if you could share what is unscientific more specifically I would appreciate it!

Kathy A

The name of the episode, “1:23:45,” is the time of the explosion. Also, you might recognize the actor who played Chief Engineer Fomin, one of the two plant bosses yelling at the dosimeter expert who they forced to go to the roof and report back—he played Harry Potter’s dad in the films. Oh, and I highly recommend listening to the Chernobyl Podcast—episodes were released in conjunction with the HBO episodes’ broadcasts, and are conversations with the show’s creator, Craig Mazin. They go into detail on each episode but don’t spoil future eps.