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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



One of my favorite episodes.


I'm pretty sure that what him remembering one of his old games not watching the kid he just helped... his hand on his cane was moving almost in sync with what the players were doing , that's how I interpreted that s ene anyway.

DJ Doena

I totally disagree with you there: You said "the main thing is the case". For me it (almost) never is. The case - may it be a medical one or a criminal one - is the tapestry. But it's not the portrait. I don't watch Castle or House for the criminal / patient of the week. I watch it for the main characters and their interactions and relationships. I couldn't care less about what this kid was suffering from. In the end House will find out what it is the same way Caskett will catch the killer.


So there is a reaction to the pilot somewhere? Can't find it and it's not under the tag 🤔


And I totally agree, this episode is just fine. It's not bad in any way and you will enjoy watching it, but that's about it. Nothing memorable.

DJ Doena

Patreon has changed the way links-to-tags look. Steven probably does copy&paste from older posts which is why the links don't work anymore. Here's the House tag link: https://www.patreon.com/GeekedOutNation/posts?filters[tag]=House And here's the pilot specifically: https://www.patreon.com/posts/house-m-d-pilot-31852016


Just wanting to know Steven, if we will be getting a Harry Potter reaction every week?


house is the Head of Diagnostic Medicine. . and yes the 4 of them are his residents/interns


the leg doesnt get fully explained until i think the 3rd season. . maybe 4th


Did anyone else have some sound issues, sounded like an echo on Stevens voice occasionally. The pilot had a very different feel and look. It was filmed separately in a different place with different equipment and setup. It didn't have a set intro yet or anything. I always notice how very rough it looks compared to the second episode and even more as time goes on. It really was a more traditional "pilot" rather than just the first episode.