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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I give it a 9 only because of Wesley when Cordelia is talking about ET, he thinks they mean Emma Thompson and gets all excited.


This is in my top 3 for season 1. I seem to be in the minority on this one, but I adore this episode.


I agree with Steven in that most of the episode dragged until “Angelus” appeared. I think I get what they were trying to do with showing how much Angel identified with Rebecca because Rebecca was trapped by her “Raven” character, and the world wouldn’t let her move on, plus they are both lonely and alienated. However, I didn’t care about Rebecca, and I think the episode spent too much time on her. Rebecca may appear naive and sympathetic, but she is the villain here. I think if a man drugged Cordelia to get her to commit murder and/or have sex, we would view Rebecca’s character very differently. But this episode does a lot a great character work for everyone, especially Angel. The metaphor of Angel being a recovering alcoholic works beautifully here. Like Wesley says, Angel has to walk a fine line. Angelus is always there. We’ve seen humans with souls commit evil — Angel has a soul but also a vicious demon constantly battling for control. “Eternity” shows how easily Angel can slip, and how much his emotional walls refrain him from being honest with his friends. I think many of us can relate to exploding at someone we love with all the things we’ve been repressing. That's why this Jokeresque performance of Angelus works for me, because it's not the Angelus of BtVS S2, it's Angel (non-consentually) intoxicated and letting his demon come out to play but not fatally.


The moment of Angel dragging Rebecca to the refrigerator, and forcing her to drink blood is truly horrifying and well-acted. But also, why is Angel drinking human blood? I thought he was drinking pig's blood since BtVS S3. EDIT: In fact, he told Rebecca that he did not drink human blood, and in "Expecting," Cordy was drinking the pig's blood in plastic containers that he usually has. My best guess is that it was an artistic choice because squeezing the blood from the bags looks more...elegantly horrifying (although it looked pretty gross when Cordy did it). It's supposed to be a big deal if Angel is drinking human vs. pig's blood.


This episode has its slow moments but overall it has great character moments and the last 10-15 minutes are great. Sex alone is not the trigger. For Angel, perfect happiness was a culmination of his relationship and love for Buffy, he was truly happy with her, the sex was just realization ow happy she makes him. I think one of the points is to show that for Angel the demon is always there and could influence Angel if the situation is primed for it.


I loooove this episode. It gets a pretty split reaction, but for me it's at the top of the episodes we've seen so far. People have this romanticized idea of evil men in television, specifically vampires... glorifying stalking and the like. This broke that mold the second Angel shoved blood in Rebecca's mouth. It's a wakeup call for the viewers... this guy wants to do good, but the nature of what he is should not be glorified or wanted.

Steve Quast

Of the seasons in the Buffyverse we've seen so far, I'd say the first season of Angel is leagues better than the first season of Buffy. I wouldn't put it up there with Buffy season 2, but it's a solid first season. For the longest time I would have said that season 2 is one of the best, if not the best, seasons of Buffy and that it's better than season 3. I would still say that, for me, the highs in season 2 are better than the high points of season 3. But I would also say that season 3 is more consistently good. There aren't as many bad filler episodes in 3 as there are in 2. So, trying to be more objective, I can go either way between the 2. Comparing the first season of Angel to the fourth season of Buffy, I'd say there's no contest. Angel is better. Season 4 of Buffy has some really good episodes and it had some interesting ideas, but it's a bit of a step down after 2 really great seasons. That's my opinion anyway. I look forward to hearing yours after you're done with both seasons.


Angelus is badass. I wish we got more of him in this episode. I would have loved if all the drug stuff started earlier and we could see him being his usual evil self during the remainder of the episode. After the effects wear off, he would have felt extreme remorse. It would have actually tied in nicely to the next episode too. Missed opportunity, but it’s always nice to see Angelus.

Catherine Thurmond

I was so looking forward to you seeing this episode for the Angelus bit. I love your love of Angelus for I think I love him like you do I mean Spike will always be #1. Which is when I hate Angelus when he's a dick to Spike. This reaction wasn't a disappointment.💜


Yes, the curse loophole is not a sex curse. Plus, we have to remember that Angel did not know about the perfect happiness clause when he had sex with Buffy, and there was a lot of complexity to that -- Angel viewed Buffy as his salvation, but then he did terrible things that resulted from the curse. I think now that he knows, it's always weighing on him. Also, Angel's life has gotten more complicated and heavy since "Surprise." It would take a lot for Angel to relax enough to experience "perfect happiness" again to genuinely lose his soul, imo. But they need the possibility of it for narrative tension, character dynamics, and stakes, and they need the viewers to see how blurry the line is between Angel and Angelus. I think that character complexity is more interesting.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Could I recommend maybe having a visual guide so that we know what days (even as an estimate) certain reactions would be posted? It would be nice to know what to look forward to, think it would be great x

Katherine Thoreson

Who told you that you weren't allowed to love "evil Angel"? Don't listen to them. It's just so amazing that David Boreanaz, once allowed to...um...spread his wings...so to speak...that he just does such amazing things with this character. This is why I love the Buffy season 2 episode, I Only Have Eyes For You, so much. That's the episode, especially the reversed role acting at the end, that Joss said he knew David could carry his own show. And now here we are. :D


I really don't wanna be that guy... but it's been over a month since you posted Angel. Can the Angel fans get an update?