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 PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 


Mark Wood

These last two are just great great tv. And yes war will piss you off. The reason you don’t retreat is that it also the enemy to retake those positions. The idea is that giving up that area and having to retake it will cost more man power then what you lose in holding your position. As for taking out the Lt. it did happen on occasion, but was really frowned on. As for disobeying his order that could open you up to mutiny charges which could carry a death sentence and a ton of shame.


Fox-Holes: hello, most people dislike the old foxhole and think, just like you, that they dont help. i get where you are coming from and just wanted to shoot you some info why they are vital: the wehrmacht used 88mm flak cannons as artillery against both airplanes and "High-explosive shells with percussion fuse (impact or 0.11 second delay) were fired against ground troops or fixed targets" these shells explode above ground and then cover an area arround 50 square meters, this means if you stand in that range when the shell explodes you are most likely dead, but since the shrapnel all came from one shell, it will rain down in that area at an angle. in short: the only way you are getting hurt by artillery in a fox hole is if the shell either explodes directly above you or the fuse fails/the fuse is set to impact. 50m2 is (i think) arround 538.19 square feet (you use feet in the US right?) <3


also with a range of 26,000 feet they would just keep shooting wherever you retreat to


Hell. Fucking. Yes.

DJ Doena

People help me out here. I distinctly remember a scene from this episode where they showed all the people who died in the woods. They showed Muck one last time in the fox hole and then he faded away accompanied by Lipton's voice over. Somehow I missed it this time? Or is this something that happens at the very end of the show?

DJ Doena

Also a foxhole protects you from a direct explosion blast and direct gunfire.

Stephanie Bedworth

That's the scene from the church at the end. For everyone who died or left, as Lip said their name, they disappeared from where they were sitting in the pews. Muck was there.

Stephanie Bedworth

You probably didn't realize it but Sgt. Foley, the guy Dike called over and yelled at in the middle of that battle was Jamie Bamber (Lee Adama from Battlestar Galactica).

DJ Doena

What's really weird is when you watch episodes like this where people like Joe return to the front lines, return to their comrades, only to lose a leg and get sent home. And then you remember the show Mad Men when in one episode Don Draper is meeting up with someone and it's a a veteran with a missing limb and Don's commenting on how they couldn't even send him a "whole man", basically completely invalidating the sacrifice these men made.


"There's no way that actually happened" LOLOLOL But it did. It's in the book. Totally happened. This is the episode that made Shifty my favorite character... and the reason why I picked up "Shifty Powers" as a gamer tag.


The army didn't make a mistake to hold the line. In a war, sometimes the best strategic move will result in the deaths of some of your side. They held that position to prevent the German army from moving away from Foy. I don't know if you caught it, but in the episode they mention that allies had cleared the woods to the east and west of Foy, meaning they were attempting to surround the German forces, so that the Germans would either surrender or all be killed. If they had attacked right away, the best they could have hoped for is that the Germans would retreat and they'd have to face those same Germans again sometime in the future. Oh, and if you pull your army back anytime they get attacked, then you might as well surrender. The enemy will fire on you, some of your army will will die. It sucks, but that doesn't make it any less true.


What dumbass put a 1