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Linda Bykle

Am I the only one struggeling with Dropbox? If i try to jump ahead in the video it freezes on me...and I have to go back and start the video again...this happens 2-3 times on every video...in both the web page and app...I'm so sick of this 😩


Can someone please help me? I got back from work yesterday and I thought I'd watch the Harry Potter reaction and I was enjoying it very much, up until the point I reached the hour mark where I couldn't go any further. Is there a way around this cos I really wanna watch the rest please?

Linda Bykle

Go into the app and add the video to a list...that should help 👍


This is in reply to your Harry Potter advice. I'm sorry but I don't quite get what you mean. Is it just moving the video file to another folder. Or is there more to it, cos I don't really know much about Dropbox

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Quiet Minds- Thank you so much! This episode for me overall is really good, even though I also have some issues with it too. This episode makes me feel very conflicted more than most other episodes, if not every other episode throughout the entire series, and it all has to do with Neal's death, that came merely so that Rumple could live again, and so Rumple could tell Emma who the Wicked Witch really is. Neal's death of course is tragic and very sad. However, most of the emotion I feel from his death comes from the emotions shown by the other characters, mostly in Rumple and Emma. I can't really say that I feel badly for Neal all that much by the end of this episode, other than that he was unable to say goodbye to Henry and feared his son may never remember him, which is also very sad. I felt a bit underwhelmed by the end I think, and it comes from more than me not really having been too big a fan of Neal's character. Don't get me wrong... Neal's death in this episode is tragic and I absolutely feel terrible for everyone who cared about him, especially Emma and Rumple. Belle, Henry, and Killian too. But if I'm being honest... this isn't the first time we've seen Neal supposedly die, as we were led to believe he had been killed by Tamara back in season two's part one finale, Second Star to the Right, until it is revealed in And Straight on 'Til Morning that Neal was still alive after all when we see him being saved by Phillip, Aurora, and Mulan. In Quiet Minds, Neal's real death is much more tragic. And yet I feel that if he wouldn't have supposedly died before, I would have felt worse about him really dying in this episode. Does that make sense? But I think what bothers me the most was when Neal was talking to Belle about paying the cost to bring his father back. First... Neal was just so careless about how doing so would make those who loved him feel. And of course... to bring someone back from the dead, especially someone as powerful as the Dark One... there's going to be a terrible price to pay. Yet Neal did so regardless, despite Belle's pleas for him to wait so they can try to find another way to save Rumple. Honestly, it was a foolish decision on Neal's part. I know Neal was desperate to save his father, but he should have trusted and believed in Belle over Lumiere. He could have trusted in the other heroes to help him too. And he should have known right away that the cost for bringing someone back from the dead would mean another life would have to be taken in return. Just liked Zelena rubbed in their faces. Neal of all people knows the price of magic. He knows better than anyone except for Rumplestiltskin. Overall, this whole storyline just really kind of bothered me for these reasons. What do you think, Geeked Out Nation? Do you agreed with my thoughts? I would love to know. But with all that being said... I felt so badly for Rumple and it was definitely sad to see him take Neal into himself in order to try to save him for a little while, even though doing so made him go crazy upon gaining Neal's mind too. That was a nice touch on the episode's storyline. I really love that all of our questions about what happened to Rumple and Neal were finally answered. Also... the acting for both Jennifer Morrison and Robert Carlyle was phenomenal during Neal's death. I felt most of the emotion throughout this episode coming from them. And while I don't care much for Neal... I think this was easily his character's best episode. Michael Raymond James' (Neal) acting was also really good. Now... if I had to pick my favorite scene from this episode, I absolutely love the brief moment between Killian and Neal in the hospital, when Killian suddenly hugs Neal much to his surprise, then states that he still sees the boy in him whom he once knew all those years ago too. And Hook is grateful for having had the time with Neal, as well as with Bae, in spite of their conflict between one another caused by their love for both Emma and Milah so many years ago. This moment between Hook and Neal is quite sweet and very unexpected coming from Hook. I think that's what I love about it. And it shows just how far he's come since Hook was brought into the show as a villain. Also... once again, Colin O'Donoghue's (Hook) acting in this scene was phenomenal as well. Oh... as for Hook having looked after Bae... I suspect they were together for quite awhile aboard the Jolly Roger wen Hook cared for Bae until he handed him over to the Lost Boys upon Bae finding out the truth about his mother running away to be with Hook. Even though we really don't know the length of time. I wish we did. Just the way that Hook talks about having looked after Bae, I feel like they had been together for a long time. Especially since Hook, and I suspect Neal too, had lived in Neverland for nearly two hundred years. Hook for more than two hundred years, actually. And in answer to your question about who is older... it's definitely Hook. Bae was just a small boy when Hook was already in his thirties. We see a very young Bae walk into the tavern where Milah is playing dice with Killian the pirate, some time before he becomes Captain Hook and before Rumplestiltskin becomes the Dark One. It's years later after Killian becomes Hook and Rumple becomes the Dark One that Hook and Bae actually meet, as is shown in the end of Second Star to the Right, then throughout And Straight on 'Til Morning. I absolutely love the moments between Regina and Robin too of course. Their banter and sexual tension between one another is hot and beautiful. And now Regina knows she and Robin are meant to be soulmates like Tink told her all those years ago upon Regina seeing Robin's tattoo on his right wrist, which actually freaks her out a bit, causing her to run away from Robin so she can think. Also... I love hearing them repeat their lines they spoke to one another in the Enchanted Forest, with a few changes in the wording, showing just how perfect they are for one another too. I really like the moments in the end where David and Mary Margaret come into Gold's shop to tell Belle and Killian that Neal has died, as they comfort them. And then seeing Emma go to Henry to tell him about his father being a hero who died to help them, in the only way she could without Henry remembering the whole truth. It was such a beautiful and sad moment. Also... I like the scene in the end between Rumple and Zelena once again within her storm cellar. Right now... Gold is broken upon having lost his son once and for all. And he's still trapped as Zelena's prisoner. However, ooh... is he angry now. It's going to get good. :) Overall... this episode was just okay, but I still really enjoy it. And I really enjoyed your reaction for it. I can't wait for the storyline to continue throughout the rest of the season!!! So much good to come!Your reactions like always... are so much fun. Thank you again, so much! Until next time...


This episode always gets me in the feels every time I see it.. Neals death is such an emotional scene and always gets me.. the only thing I was ticked off about was the fact that as soon as Belle said over the phone “he should be dead right now” he begins to suffer and feel pain.. but it definitely does make sense when we learn in the flashback that it was Rumple inside Neal keeping him alive. What also sucks is that Henry never got to meet Neal, sure we know henry does know Neal.. but Henry’s memories are different now and it must fucking suck not being able to meet a parent for the first time. I still do believe that Rumple is heartbroken, but he’s also really angry at Zelena for having himself under her control and ultimately causing Neal’s death. She made Lumiere LEAD Neal and Belle to bring back Rumple without sharing the cost.. which we find out is a life for a life. I also like the idea that since Rumples mind was all cluttered not only from his mind but also Neal’s, we can see that Zelena had a hard time controlling Rumple with his dagger. In the beginning when we learn that “Gold” actually did escape, we can also assume that when Neal “is out” the dagger doesn’t work so she was angered by the fact that she couldn’t control Gold if Neal was taking over. Overall i enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait for more reactions! Until next time :)


This episode always turns me into a total basket case. The actor who plays Neal and Robert Carlyle get such a great moment, and Jennifer Morrison does the emotional stuff so well. I hate that Henry never got to say goodbye to his father, though. As someone who lost my father suddenly when I was a child, this hits me particularly hard. And it sucks.


NEAL :( I was so heartbroken when this episode aired. His death was the reason why it took me so long to finish the show. I honestly never got over it.


My biggest pet peeves on shows is when the writers further a love story or ship by completely damaging all the other options. That’s what they did with Neal and I’ll never get over it. It was such a cop-out. If they wanted Hook/Emma they could have still done it with Neal alive. He was a very complex and interesting character. He was the whole reason for the curse in the first place, and it ended up completely useless. Henry never got to say goodbye to his father, and Rumple lost his son. Ughh

s jaco

This is one of the reasons I stopped watching OUAT before the Series final, Killing of Neal was a big a no for me, even if on my first watch of the show I didn't care for him as much as I do now. But then as much as I love rumple (Fave character) I've never been a fan of his return either. His arc was very much complete. The whole S1-S3A told an amazing story and it gets completely destroyed here. And I feel like you can tell that afterwards they didn't really know where to go, so it just gets less and less good. Not to mention I dislike it when shows feel the need to kill a love interest off so a pairing can happen. Neil should never have been killed off, and the show suffers from it as a consequence. I did watch further though than this to see what it would amount to be I never reached S5. Even on all my rewatches.


what else would you have wanted them to do with Neal? I can't think of a whole lot. Like it or not, they cut some dead weight on an already bloated cast. What you ought to be more upset about is that he was clearly the Kathryn in the emma and hook love story because they didn't know what to do with him after his s2. His only purpose in 3A was to be the one who got them off the island.


I get that this is probably going to fall on deaf ears because you liked him, but he really wasn't that complex. They clearly didn't know what to do with the character beyond being part of the past of other people's stories. He wasn't his own unique character at any point. It was either this or disappear like Ruby and Whale. That doesn't work for him because he's too engrained in the main characters' lives. This had to happen, and it has nothing to do with Hook and Emma getting together in my opinion. His only purpose for surviving past s2 was to be an introduction to neverland and the way out. Any other important information left to learn about him would have been through Rumple or Emma backstories.


I wasn't bothered by his death because I never connected with him. He wasn't adding anything to the story we did not already have and it was time for him to go. Especially when you consider that Rumple's story has now been played out by this point. He would have either disappeared like Whale and Ruby or taken up screentime better used elsewhere.