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Howdy, So as you all know over the past year I worked a lot in both my day job and on the Patreon/YouTube Channel. I didn't spend much time with my family. So I was speaking with my brother about hanging out together and ran the idea of having him join me on a series for YouTube and Patreon. This would be a series we both have not seen or seen episodes sporadically but don't remember anything about what we saw.  Figured it could a fun way for me to hang with him. This wont take away from what I do on my own for the channel. This is just recording and watching a show during the time that I would have gone to hang out with him anyway. 

Below I have put several shows that he has not watched and might be interested in. There might be a few shows that he might have seen but I don't know if he has. I have also added a few shows that I saw when they aired for a season or two but don't remember them really at all. 

The shows will be marked with how much I or he has seen of them if that is the case.

Please vote for any you would be interested in see us do a reaction for. 


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I would love to see you react to more House. Hugh Laurie and Jennifer Morrison are phenomenal. And Justified is also a really good show too. Especially because of this show’s biggest rivals.

Ryan Wilson

If you end up doing Heroes, just do the first season. None of the other seasons are worth it.


Please react to House!


Heroes! I know some don't like later seasons, but I do and I'd love to see your reactions/thoughts to it all. There's also "Heroes Reborn" afterwards, which continues on that story. I don't know if I'd prefer just you watch it or with your brother as I'm not familiar with your brother and his reactions to things, but I'm intrigued and looking forward to seeing how it goes.


OMG, X-Files, one of my favorite shows!


I feel no one gives the X-Files enough credit. Heroes has a lot more votes but man...I could never finish that show. House is another great show. I hope one day X-Files can be a thing, as well as the original Charmed.


Heroes! And Misfits.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Oh my gosh, Heroes please! I can’t stress this enough. 😬❤️

s jaco

Vikings is pretty good, I prefer Black Sails and Spartacus but it's a good show. Heroes I never finished, dropped it after somewhere in S3. The rest I never watched, so I cannot commend on those.


Stephen, you should definitely try Black Sails, if you haven't seen it. One of the best shows ever!

Scarlett Monrow

Sons of Anarchy would be great for you! Also House. And I DON'T recommend "Chernobyl" - there are a LOT of wrong information in there, things that never happened, people behaving in a way they never did in real life.

Reef Sami

the leftovers is gonna blow your mind into billion pieces. it's so impressive.

Hans Olav

Chernobyl is great and is only 5 episodes so it is easy to slip in.


Heroes is like a classic, the characters are amazing and very different, the storyline is nice. About Vikings, it's stay as for me as one of the best series made this past few years, the characters are very profound and well realized, the storyline never bored me one time, always challenging for our characters and new horizons to discovers, many battles and the way they shoot the show, specially in s5 is incredible, the scenes are exceptional and cameras too. For Grimm, as I voted for it too, it's a show I discovered not even a month ago, It's a nice show, the characters are nice but it's not the show of the decade obviously, not that profound and I had to keep up to get this far sometimes but through the seasons the storyline is getting more intense and better, so it's cool. But people, Vikings stays the best of all of them.


Vikings ! It's really great 😊

Allan Cornett

Tried to rewatch X-files and is is so dated and bad. My vote Misfits.


I’m sorry no. Dated maybe. But never bad. Don’t shit on classics kid or you won’t get love here.


I remember when you watched the Vikings episodes. (I was your third Patreon supporter at that point!)

DJ Doena

I enjoyed House while it was on but in the end every episode follows pretty much the same recipe. Patient with unusual condition. They try to find the cure and three times almost kill the person only to find the solution in the last second.

DJ Doena

I love the first season of Heroes. But that's where you have to stop watching the show. It dramatically declines after that.


House or Heroes, definitely down for either

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Heroes is just far too wishy washy in the way the creators and writers write this show's characters throughout the seasons. There's too much back and forth, even though I really do like a few of the actors in it.


Misfits is so fun and original with british humour !

Allan Cornett

I agree and it has one of my favorite love stories.


Not sure how someone can watch 3 episodes of Vikings and not continue.


Vikings and Chernobyl. Chernobyl only has a few episodes so it would be an easy one to do.




Chernobyl is a masterpiece. It's 5 episodes, so might be easier to knock out. House and SOA are also great.


House is similar to Cox in Scrubs in certain aspects, being the arrogant/immature/sharp-witted doctor, but more antagnositic and emphasizes his depression and loneliness. Whereas Scrubs is a more balanced comedy/drama, House is more of a medical drama with very funny comedic moments, especially between House and his best friend Wilson (a normal person who puts up with House, and House and his attractive boss Lisa Cuddy (who tolerates his sexual comments and immaturity). Another major difference between House and Scrubs is that where the drama in Scrubs is less gloomy and more personal/real, House for me is a bit more cynical and dark. The medical mysteries in each episode is always tied to some personal insecurity that the patient is hiding, so each episode is its own character study that reveals more of the main cast as they react.


True Detective season 1 is basically just an extended world class movie. The writing and acting are both the best I have ever seen. You will thoroughly enjoy it throughout.