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Just Want To Get A Feel Of The Community. Which Do You Prefer? 



Vimeo can give some people problems so just be aware. There is a small reactor I watch who was using Vimeo, and because he was using it for Patreon (early access) they threatened to close his channel unless he upgraded to a special package - due to him making money outside of Vimeo from their platform. Then when he paid a few weeks later they deleted his Vimeo account for copyright anyway, even though they had been fine with it until then. He got a refund at least, but still not great. I didn't want to say the name, but I can let you know if want to check out the videos he made on what happened.

Amanda S

I marked Vimeo since I had zero issues with it for the one episode that I tried, but since I've only seen one video on this service, it's hard to tell if this was the normal experience or if this was just a lucky try.... Dropbox has been somewhat troublesome though, but not so bad that it would stop me from watching. It would be more confident with an answer if I had some time to really try Vimeo out.

Mike Watkins

I voted vimeo as it's so far given me zero issues for streaming. Dropbox has an issue for me where it will just freeze at some point while streaming, forcing me to either fast forward a tiny bit or refresh the page, but I've gotten around it by downloading, which works fine. That's how it's been for me, I would be curious to know if the dropbox freezing thing is something specific to me for some reason or if it happens to anyone else.


Happens to me all the time, swapping resolution will work most of the time. Although bizarrely if it freezes on 720 and I fix it swapping to 1080p, it will still be broken if I go back to 720p (same for whatever resolution it freezes on initially)..


I picked Dropbox just because I like to download the episodes.


I always download the episodes, so as long as both platforms allow downloading, I don't have a preference.

Calvin Allen

Vimeo froze on me several times. I wasn't even able to finish the supernatural episode


Vimeo always freezes on me. I always download the eps so it's not dependent on my internet speed. As long as I can DL, I'm good.


Dropbox 100% - I do prefer to download the episodes, but the times I have watched them without doing that, Dropbox is the only one that's really reliable and works for me. It's faster and easier, so as long as Dropbox is an option - I'm very happy.


I had some buffering problems with the Vimeo videos and have never had an issue with dropbox. Bith work, but I prefer dropbox.

Henry from CO

DropBox for downloads.

Ceara Abrahamsz

I feel like the picture quality is way better on Vimeo, which is why I voted for it.

Katherine Thoreson

The only real difference for me is that with Dropbox I always download your videos in case they are over 1 hour long. But it's not a hassle for me to do so, and I personally had no real advantages with the Vimeo platform.

Sarah Trow

I picked Vimeo because I watch on my phone and Dropbox has an issue of if I'm watching the video I can't pause or go back in the video....I tried downloading the Harry Potter one and Dropbox told me I didn't have enough storage and needed to upgrade(pay). I've watched videos that are well over the hour mark on Vimeo from other reactors and can cast it to my TV so I don't have to watch on the small screen


I always have to download (from Dropbox) to save my nerves.


I don't have a problem with Dropbox, but it would be great if you could do Part 1 & Part 2 for longer reactions like HP so we can watch them without having to pay to upgrade to more Dropbox space - that's the main reason i voted for Vimeo.

Rob Flynn

They both perform fine for me, but I do prefer DB sometimes because I like to download the episodes to take with me if I'm not going to have a connection or something.


Maybe try just uploading the harry potter reaction to vimeo , that the one that freezes

Juan Sanchez

Let me put it this way. Vimeo watching a 45 minute Buffy or Angel episode takes 45 minutes. Dropbox watching a 45 minute Buffy or Angel episode takes 120 minutes.