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UPDATE: Movie Reactions go to the $10 tier until the edited movie reaction goes on YouTube. So this movie reaction for Harry Potter won’t be going on YouTube for Several Months.




Woah yay! Although.. the books are better 🙈

Daniel R

ayyy I never got around to watching this series, or at least never the full movie but I'm excited to watch with you :)


Oh I’m so excited for u to watch this series! I love it so much, it’s so iconic!


Yes!!!!! Such an amazing Franchise! If you like to read, I suggest reading books as well.


Do I have to be a certain tier to get movie reactions? Sorry to ask dumb questions lol


Omg!! How much do you know about it, if anything? 😍


Awesome!!! Can’t wait to see what you think!!!! :)

Ari is my Cat

Funny thing about the series is that each movie is for a slightly older audience than the last. This of course is for the youngest audience.


Has he added the link yet??


Never mind I just realised its a post for all patrons




I have seen 2 films from series when they came out in theaters. Gary Oldman was in one and Robert Pattinson was in one


Love it! By watching them all in a short span you will also be able to see how the characters and the world evolve and the tone changes as the actors and the audience age as well! There were 10 years between the first and the last movie, so you will see the actors grow pretty quick!


Does anybody know what tier movies will be at?


Don't know if I'm 100% right but tier descriptions make it look like it's the $10 tier


Do you remember a lot from the 2 films you’ve seen? Also it’s crazy to me that you saw them in theatres without having seen the others, madman😂


Is there a link to this yet?

Ryan Wilson

This one really sets up the other 7 well.


It's a good thing I've already pledged $10 🤞🏼 looking forward to it!

Catherine Thurmond

Updated from 5 to 10 so let's watch some magic lol💜


I’m at the $10 tier but don’t see a link. Is it active yet?


Wheres the link, I'm at the $10 tier but I can't find it


Same here. I love these films and can’t wait to watch along with him :)

Allan Cornett

Saw the first one. Too childish for my taste, but my kids loved them.


You should continue with them. As the characters age, the storylines take a darker tone and by the end of the series it can *barely* be considered suitable for kids... 😊 it gets sooo good.


Omg I am wayyyy too excited for this!!! I am older than most here probably, so was an adult when Harry Potter came out and never even gave it a second thought. I did not read the books or watch the movies until just a few years ago and now I'm totally addicted to it. Have read all books once through now and watched the movies countless times. Going to read all the books through again.


Where is the link ?


Any rough estimate on when will the link be available? Cheers,


Omg I’m sooo excited. I recently listened to all the audiobooks again. Harry Potter will always hold a special place in my heart. It was the first fandom I was involved in, and it was batshit. I was a 11 year old fighting on the internet 😂. I love how the movies change and become more adult as we aged with them.


This is me, too. I’m 38 and started watching the movies when I worked at a video rental store about 15 years ago. Then I started reading the books and got hooked. I attended the midnight release parties for the last two books, and read “Deathly Hallows” in about 12 hours, including sleeping time. Lol Now I’m a full-on Potterphile. It’s my favorite book series, and I’m starting to pass that love on to my kids. My oldest is 13 and read all the books a couple of years ago.

Renee Pope-Munro

As much as it pains me to see this with all the missing hook knowledge, I’m so down! Any idea when this will drop?