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I got sorted into Gryffindor in the official @wizardingworld Sorting Ceremony. #HousePride https://www.wizardingworld.com/outcome/gryffindor‬ 



Sounds about right, I'm not surprised! Fellow Gryffindor here 🦁

Uga Engelhart

As a Slytherin, I'd like to clear up some misconceptions that the movies may create about us. ;D While yes, a lot of Slytherins tend to dabble in the dark arts and a lot of evil wizards/witches do come from Slytherin, there is nothing inherently evil about Slytherins. 'Slytherins tend to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented. They also have highly developed senses of self-preservation.' Among many others, Merlin himself was a Slytherin. Just wanted to clear that up, because the movies do genuinely make it seem like 'Why do they even let this house exist?' and don't really shine any light on the Slytherin students in the background who aren't evil assholes.


To be fair to the movie 'Why do they even let this house exist?' is only because he misunderstood what Ron said. He thought that every slytherin ended up being evil, when Ron really said "There's not a witch or wizard who went bad that wasn't in Slytherin". We don't know the percentages but safe to assume vast majority of slytherin dont go around killing people.


In the stories it seems like the Quidditch games are fast, but catching the snitch is not easy. It does mention that games have gone on for days in the books. And although the snitch is worth 150 points if you score 160 first then the other team catches the snitch you still win by 10. So there are tactics involved, if you are more than 150 points behind you have to not catch the snitch and try to defend it against the other seeker catching it. There are some things explained in the books that would have helped the films, and there are some things explained in later films that either directly or indirectly explain parts of the story or world. The "love" answer is corny, but it gets better.

Hans Olav

I remember my big takeaway when watching it as a kid was that it felt rushed, but I think for a children's movie - they couldn't make it any longer with a lot of ground to cover. It gets better, I think.

Mike Watkins

This was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed rewatching this and seeing your thoughts on it. I agreed with most of your points and happy to see you enjoyed it overall. I think with the snitch, the idea is that most of the time, they don't ever catch it. It's so fast and small that the teams can't just rely on winning with it, otherwise the other team would just score endlessly over them with the other balls. At least that's the impression I get from watching and having never read the books(so I don't know if this is expanded upon or not). Anyways, thanks for the video, I'm looking forward to more :)


I've read the books :) Catching the snitch is mandatory to end any Quidditch match. Whoever catches it earns a bonus 150 points for their team, which is added to whatever they've scored from goals. If Gryffindor scored 2 goals and caught the snitch, their resulting score is 170. If the other team scored 18 goals, then they'd win with a score of 180. In the books, there are a lot more matches (that we see/hear of) - every house gets to play each other. Points are accumulative; winning the cup means your team had the highest tally. Sometimes, catching the snitch can be strategic - when they needed a certain amount of points, Wood told Harry to delay the snitch getting caught until Gryffindor have scored enough goals to help them get ahead for the cup. There is tons more to Quidditch than shown in the movies, which is something I always wish wasn't the case. I hope this explanation cleared up some confusion though. It's all about points, but yes the snitch has to be caught.


Yes, the love answer is corny but remember he was a kid. Dumbledore didn't exactly explain the exact reason why Quirell couldn't touch him. The real reason is much more dark and complicated. :D Just you wait Geeked out Nation


When this came out only the first four books had been released. Therefore, there are things that happen in the later books that are important to the story that aren't included in the movies that were released before the final books were out. I highly recommend reading the books after watching the movies because it will answer all the questions you posed in this reaction. :)


Ron has 6 siblings--Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and Ginny. I don't think Bill is ever mentioned in the early movies. I have 6 children, so Mrs. Weasley is my soul sister. We both know what it's like to live in chaos. lol Although I'm a Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw and Molly is a Gryffindor. ;)


No movie was released before a book, what are you on about.


Literally the he first three paragraphs of the book explain exactly why the Dursley's in their mind didn't like the Potters or Harry. ´´...Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you’d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn’t hold with such nonsense. Mr Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large moustache. Mrs Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbours. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no finer boy anywhere. The Dursleys had everything they wanted, but they also had a secret, and their greatest fear was that somebody would discover it. They didn’t think they could bear it if anyone found out about the Potters. Mrs Potter was Mrs Dursley’s sister, but they hadn’t met for several years; in fact, Mrs Dursley pretended she didn’t have a sister, because her sister and her good-for-nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be. The Dursleys shuddered to think what the neighbours would say if the Potters arrived in the street. The Dursleys knew that the Potters had a small son, too, but they had never even seen him. This boy was another good reason for keeping the Potters away; they didn’t want Dudley mixing with a child like that. ....```

DJ Doena

There's an interesting youtube video about the changed dynamic of the main trio compared between the books and the movies. In the books, Ron is the only one truly knowledgable of the wizarding world since he grew up there. Hermione is the really smart one and Harry is the allrounder. In the movies Hermione not only keeps her own role, but also takes a huge portion of Ron's role as well which leaves him with little to do but to be the comic relief. The video itself show scenes from later books/movie but is - in my opinion - not really spoilery because it picks certain scenes to make a point but the scenes themselves don't really spoil a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IETG9vuHf58

DJ Doena

I happen to have 26 editions of the first novel in my collection, the two most recent editions being Latin (Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis) and Scottish (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stane). This is an older picture where I "only" had 21 editions: http://doena-journal.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/potter01.jpg And no, I don't have the other volumes as often ;-)

DJ Doena

The man playing the caretaker Filch (David Bradley) also played the man (William Hartnell) playing the very first Doctor (Who) in a sort-of-documentary-sort-of-movie. It's called "An Adventure in Space and Time" and chronicles the first years of Doctor Who back in 1963. Since Steven is watching Doctor Who as well, here's the trailer for this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWCd_F33n8M


That is so true Ron's character as many other males were left out crucial traits in favour of the women of the show.

DJ Doena

As for the four houses. The Sorting Hat makes it a point to write a poem/song for every new class year's feast about the sorting. This is the one from the first book which gives a bit more insight into them: ‘Oh, you may not think I’m pretty, But don’t judge on what you see, I’ll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I’m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all. There’s nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can’t see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you’ve a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You’ll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don’t be afraid! And don’t get in a flap! You’re in safe hands (though I have none) For I’m a Thinking Cap!’


As far as Quidditch goes, the golden snitch makes more sense if you think of it in terms of fifteen goals = 150 points. Meaning if it was G vs S and Slytherin put the quaffle into the hoop sixteen times and Gryffindor didn't score once but Harry caught the snitch, Slytherin would win because they would have 160 points and Gryffindor would only have 150. The snitch needs to be caught to end the game, but theoretically that could take hours and the opposing team could score hundreds of points during that time.

DJ Doena

Firstly I just came off a 50 minute treadmill watching you and the movie, so please forgive any spelling mistakes :-) Secondly, please keep in mind, that the books were always aimed at children that were about Harry's age. so 11 for the first one and at some point 18 for the last one. The safeguards that were placed in front of the Philosopher's Stone (which is a "real" alchemy artifact btw, not invented by JK Rowling) were all aimed at different skills you needed to possess which should have made it impossible for any one wizard to get past them. The first one was Fluffy, a magical creature whose weakness you needed to know. Then came the Devil's Snare which requires knowledge of Herbology. At least in the book the trio solved it together. The reason they moved that to Hermione is party explained in the video I linked above but will also become apparent in the next three sentences. The next one is the flying of brooms and catching tiny objects mid-air. Such a coincedance that this is Harry's special skillset. ;-) Then came the chessboard which requires yet another skill - Ron's to be precise. Then there's one that's left out of the movie and is solved by Hermione in the book. It's one without the need of magic but it was a pure logic puzzle and as per Hermione, loads of wizards can brew the weirdest potions but really suck at logic. The logic puzzle also conveniently prevents Hermione to continue with Harry but rather she goes back, grabs the brooms and flies Ron and herself up to the castle. And then the final puzzle with the Mirror of Erised (anagram for desire).

DJ Doena

As for the fast-tracking. Well, actuallly... HP1 is actually the shortest book with 223 pages with the later ones going into the over-700 category. And the first movie was actually the most complete one compared to the book. They didn't go into every detail (for example. Harry does not go straight from Diagon Ally (anagram of diagonally, because it's tangent to the normal - Muggle - world) to King's Cross station but rather there is a month in between. Harry was born end of July, school starts 1st of September. In my personal opinion the movies really lose against the books from the third movie on where they had to keep out loads of stuff some of which I find to be rather important to the understanding of the plot.

DJ Doena

PS: Sorry for nerding out so hard, I promise I stop posting now. :-)

DJ Doena

PPS: I won't say anything about Hermione being Human while the other one being Wizards, because that is going to become a topic in the next movie and then we'll discuss it.


Is anyone else having issues with the upload? Mine freezes at 51 minutes to go and won’t load regardless of what I do. 😤

DJ Doena

Are you watching in the webbrowser? Or the app? If the first, it won't go past one hour, this has been a long-known unfortunate issue. Please download the file to your computer and play it with free players like VLC. Or use the Dropbox app.


Yes. The audio will eventually start playing, but the video will still be frozen. I can watch it through QuickTime, but there’s no audio, which is something I’ve always had an issue with on my MacBook Air. I’m not sure what to do. I’ve never had this issue with any other videos.


Thanks for reacting to this! To make it more clear, Ron was saying that every bad wizard has come from Slytherin but not every wizard in Slytherin is bad. Hope that makes sense.


Not true. There has been "bad" wizards from all houses and definitely not all Slytherins are bad, that's Ron's upbringing and predujice talking. He can be very narrow-minded about certain things. And about Slytherin, it favours the ambitious, clever and cunning, self-prioritizing people, and most bad people have those or similar traits.


There was also a troll before the potion riddle, but they didn't have to do anything about it since Quirrel had left it unconscious.


Just wanna point out to Steven that everybody is "human". Non-magical humans are called muggles by the wizarding community. And there are no separate worlds, everything is happening in the same world, but magical areas are concealed from muggles in different ways (explained in the books). Muggle - like the Dursleys or us Muggleborn - a wizard/witch born to muggles (Harry's mom) Half-blood - one muggle and one magical parent (like Seamus said in the beginning, "I'm half and half") OR Half-blood - born to magical parents, but grandparents or earlier generations were muggles (basically everything between purebloods and muggleborns). Harry is half-blood. Pureblood - strictly only wizarding blood in the family history. Kind of rare and most pureblood families are related at this point (some marry cousins etc to keep bloodlines "pure"). The Weasleys and the Malfoys are pureblood. Also the Potters were before James married Lily.


Like someone said earlier, there is more to it than just "love" :) It's better explained in the books later (by Dumbledore, who didn't wanna get into it at this point), and sort of explained in the movies.


The Weasleys in a nutshell: Molly and Arthur, the parents. Molly takes care of the home and Arthur works at the Ministry in the misuse of muggle artefacts office Bill - works in Egypt as a curse-breaker for the Gringotts bank, he's been out of Hogwarts for at least a couple of years Charlie - studies dragons in Romania, two years younger than Bill Percy - on his 5th year and he's a Prefect, very ambitious and studies hard Fred and George - twins, on their 3rd year, beaters in the Quidditch team, cool pranksters Ron - feels overshadowed by the successful older brothers and talented friends Ginny - one year younger than Ron, super super lame in the movies compared to the books!


Agreed about Ginny. She was badly cast in the movies.

Scarlett Monrow

An amazing kid's book and a an ok movie that could have been good, if only the 3 main child actors could actually ACT! I heard that some good kid actors from Hollywood were suggested, but Rowling insisted that the actors be British. Thanks to that we get to see Hermiony preform: head thrown back, mouth opened wide, deep breath, head leaned forward and read out the lines in the scrip, because that not how human speech sound in real life. And Harry can't act out a realistic physical sensation to save his life. Thank god for adult actors that save the movie.

Mariella Nilsson

Agree, but there are good child actors in the UK, but casting could be better, then again if Rowling liked them, Maby that is how she saw them in the book!

DJ Doena

BTW for all of you younglings, in the late 80s there was a computer chess game for Amiga and IBM PC called "Battle Chess". Take a look if this looks familiar to Wizard's Chess: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMjSweUlXAU#t=6m20s

Idun V

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff really got the short end of the stick in the movies. Most of all Ravenclaw, the house colours are wrong, the house animal is wrong and one of the house members in the books is in Gryffindor in the movies 😏 As a Ravenclaw, this always comes to mind when I see reactions 😂


Love this, how often will these be going up?

Daniel R

Watched this with you for the first time, enjoyed it. I saw bits and pieces of the film growing up but never sat down and watched it all the way through. The plot was a bit meh but like you mentioned the lore was pretty good and I love the world they established. I'd rather know more about how everything works rather than the some big plot with Scooby Doo bad guys. It was a light-hearted film and if it wasn't for you I probably would have never watched it but I enjoyed myself. Harry does a lot of dumb stuff, makes me wish Hermione was the main character tbh lol


I finally can watch it with you, so I love Harry Potter, the first movie established the world and the rules in, we met the characters, they are young for now so dumb but lovely, I loved the last scene, Harry Potter never had anything link to his parents and now he has something to remember them, it was touching.


Yo! I'm a Slytherin! Let's goooo!


Where is the other half? for me the money I paid is alot and there isnt the movie there.


if you read the books you learn that the food at the feasts are actually made by slave labor but they cut that scene out of the second book!

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

The Vimeo vid is no longer available and Dropbox is no longer working…