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Scarlett Monrow

My absolute favorite episode in SPN. 1) Pretty sure that if Zach tried to brainwash Dean with fake future, Cas would be able to spot it, so there is no point in tying for the angels. 2) About short separation: 1 episode was pretty much all the time fans could handle the boys being apart and it was painful. SPN has it's own rules and boys being apart for one ep is equivalent of other tv show characters separated for half a season.

Daniel R

Sorry but the CW will never allow Dean and Sam to be separated for more than an episode or two MAYBE lol so never believe in the "we're going separate ways" thing

Scarlett Monrow

Just my opinion, but Dean2009 should have clocked Dean2014 for not taking care of Baby!

Amy Rustand

I gave this a 9. Cass was hilarious, "The voice in the phone says my minutes are almost gone!" - perfect..... Great storyline. Jared was bangin' as Lucifer! He played it so emotionless, but so superior. A nice change from the usual overwrought, mopey Sam. And Dean devastated and crying at what the future was, that wrecked me....I see your point about the reunion not being a big enough moment because time apart was so short. I thought the reunion in the S4 premiere with Dean getting out of Hell was amazing, don't even know if they could top that anyway. But I was enjoying the Dean/Cass team so much last episode, I almost wish I had at least one more of those.

Natalie Shepherd

I love this episode, to see Cass playing a different version of himself, and as others have said fans in general don’t enjoy the boys being apart, although I like it when they have a big argument and take time away from each other, that’s family! You mentioned Jared’s acting in the Lucifer (White Suit) scene, Jensen has mentioned this at cons before, because obviously this was a Dean heavy episode especially playing two versions & Jensen was really proud of his work on this episode, whereas Jared had most of the week off & went on vacation but Jensen said when he saw the final cut and saw Jared’s acting in that scene he was like, kudos Jared knocked it our of the park.

Sharon Owen

Watching this episode during a pandemic... 'lets see what's in the sports section, oh wait yeah there is not sports...' so true!

Sharon Owen

And not forgetting the toilet paper reference too lol

Chaos T

I thought of this episode when all this stuff began haha

Chaos T

I agree with your opinion on hating when shows resolve an issue quickly but in my opinion they handled it well in this episode and it made 100% sense. The call back to the Croatan virus was awesome and I'm glad the writers didn't abandon that plot line.

Jason Usher

this is a 10 for me, an absolute perfect episode, from perfectly played Lucifer Sam, to the hilarious Cas, to the extreme Dean, and the Croatoan part wasn't really the point to the episode so that's why they didn't dive into it more, the point was showing how bad the world got to 2009 Dean and to show him Sam, and as far as Zachariah show a fake future, Cas would have known and he thought Dean seeing everything so bad and seeing Sam as Lucifer would make him say yes


How did the writers know we'd need to hoard toilet paper??? They were a few years off but they knew what they were talking about lol.