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Daniel R

Best season right here guys cant wait! You made it Steven!!!

Sarah Trow

Love Season 5 and I haven't watched it yet but I hope you didn't forget the bloopers😁


Well, we officially have our stakes. And this episode has one of my favorite lines of the series...'What I do have is a GED and a give-em-hell attitude and I'll figure it out.' But anyway, just to clarify a couple of points. First, yes Sam and Dean were teleported onto the plane by an unknown force. But they were not teleported off it. Most likely it made an emergency landing in either Baltimore or DC. Then they rented or stole a car from the airport. Second, Meg. The last time we saw the demon Meg was in season 2 when she possessed Sam. She was exorcised back to Hell when Bobby broke the binding mark on Sam's arm with the fireplace poker. In season 4 we saw the ghost of the vessel Meg Masters during the Rising of the Witnesses. She was put back to rest at the end of the episode along with all the other ghosts. For the record, we never did find out that demon's real name. So we just call her Meg from here on out.

Amy Rustand

I think Meg was exorcized, because her vessel almost immediately died after due to wounds suffered from falling out the window when John came back in season 1.... If it was God who brought back Cass and saved the brothers, I think that idea scares Zachariah because his angel faction assumed God was just gone, out of the picture, didn't care. And if He's back and helping the boys and Cass then that might mean He's not in favor of Zach's master plan to bring on the Apocalypse. Which means Zach knows he might be in trouble with Dad for doing all that stuff without permission. Solid start to the season, I'm really glad Cass is back right away because I was REALLY upset when Chuck said he was dead. Becky was hilarious. Poor Bobby - why the heck didn't he get a tattoo like the boys?? So if Satan has a vessel now, I guess the rest of the season is finding and stopping him. Hopefully with MOW eps mixed in. I don't like how separate the boys are right now. Yeah, like you said - how is that gonna work??

Mark Wood

And Zachariah is shocked because if it’s God, then he appears to be not on the angels side. We know Castiel is thousands of years old and he’s never seen god. So God hasn’t been running things (or at least making much in the way of appearances) for quite a little while,

Brenda Lewis

Meg was exorcised out of Sam in Sn 2, but she didn't go back to hell she flew up the chimney. It must have been God that helped Cas and the boys because Zachariah was so freaked by it. I know Dean is upset and angry with Sam, but heaven and hell set them both up. I think if Sam had gotten Dean's real phone message he wouldn't have killed Lilith cause he was having second thoughts. Now that Lucifer has a vessel what is he going to be capable of doing. Does this mean Michael can't do anything about Lucifer without one? And poor Bobby!

Tyrence Purnell

With all the clues given it can be assumed that God resurrected Castiel. If you recall Anna the angel said only 4 angels have actually seen God. The rest have to have faith. So they would get their orders from people like Zachariah. Its like an army. Orders come from above and trickle down. You just obey. But in this case the higher ups seem to be making plans without God's say so. So God has actually intervened and saved the boys plus resurrected Castiel. And I don't know why you believe Lucifer would be able to resurrect Angels. If Angels could resurrect Angels then they wouldn't have been in an uproar when Uriel was killing those Angels in season 4

Steve Quast

As others have said, the demon Meg was exorcised, once from the girl she possessed near the end of season 1, and once from Sam in season 2, but she was never killed.

Helen Wood

Meg was exorcised, which returned her to Hell. I think what is confusing you is that her meatsuit was killed.

Helen Wood

Zachariah is shocked because he doesn't think God is currently active.