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This is an episode that makes me really appreciate your candor. I never really knew how to feel about this episode the first time I watched it (I was probably about 17 when I saw it the first time). Now I love it. You’re completely right, the whole engagement was really rushed. The whole time they were just dating, things were never quite right. Max proposed almost as a last resort due to the whole him being a teacher and Lorelai being a parent of one of his students, but that wasn’t right either. The scene with Dean shows just how much Max doesn’t know about the Gilmore girls which should have set off alarms, but it didn’t for him. Lorelai on the other hand was low-key freaking out for the first per of the episode. Then at the bar the monologue by her mother, Emily, set her over the edge. I love when Emily talks about how she could barely eat before marrying Richard and then it shows Lorelai stuffing her face Lorelai then calls Christopher who, regardless of how any of us feel about him, is the only man Lorelai has ever loved (albeit when she was 16). She falls back on the one man she might compare Max to or at least she would compare her feelings to him to her feelings to Chris since it would be the most familiar. The next day when Max shows up and essentially calls her selfish, I think he’s right, but it doesn’t make me mad at her. I think the time before a wedding is a time to think about yourself and what you need. It would really be bad to marry someone that you don’t actually want to spend forever with or with whom you know it won’t work (like what Luke said, it has to be with the right person). She kept insisting he was the right one but in a way that made it seem like she was trying to convince herself, even when Rory brought up the phone call and asked if Lorelai was happy. I think she wanted to be but in the end wasn’t. The one thing with which I don’t agree is Lorelai coming in to leave at the end. That was poorly handled. I don’t blame Rory though. She had already checked in to see how Lorelai was feeling. Also regardless of anything, i’d never expect a 16 year old to make their parent do the right thing. So her helping her crying mother does seem weird or selfish to me other than in the way that all teenagers are pretty shortsighted. Anyway, I loved watching your reaction. Hopefully you like the next one more!

Other Boy Reactions

I really enjoyed your reaction to this episode and how honest you were. I can’t blame Rory for wanting to comfort and enable her mom in her time of need, but I totally agree that this episode makes Lorelai a little unlikeable, but that makes it so good to watch and your reaction that much better😄👏🏽👍🏽🙌🏽👌🏽


I agree with everything you said about Lorelai and Rory's relationship and how they influence each other. Lorelai is broken when it comes to love and some of the decisions she makes. When it comes to Christopher I cannot stand his character and I hate the way that people act around him. I get that the characters are used to him and just expect him to not be around, but he takes no responsibility for his actions and no one expects him to which is soooo annoying. Anyway great reaction I pretty much agree with everything you said.


I completely agree with your explanation of Lorelei’s and rorys relationship and how poorly Lorelei handled everything. I interpreted Lorelei calling Christopher as her being self destructive to her & Max’s relationship. It seems Lorelei hasn’t had a lot of long-term relationships since Christopher. So she continues to go back to him because she knows Max is not the right person for her. However I completely agree that the show hasn’t done much to build up his character. He’s been missing from their lives and he’s only talked mentioned in passing. She called him in a way to self sabotage her relationship. She should have taken responsibility and confronted/talked to Max instead of just running away from her problems. Lorelei definitely has flaws and there are many moments on the show when she’s inconsiderate and a difficult person to be around.


I laughed at the" yogi berra type thing" comment about the baseball canteloupe sized right as you said it wasn't funny so felt inclined to make sure you got the joke before calling it a bad one. Yogi berra was known for certain unique phrases often just misspoken existing phrases or something like that. Examples are "Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical." "You should always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't come to yours." "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." So anyway, these type of phrases are called Yogi-isms and Lorelai was implying Suki's comparison was yogi berra like. Not "haha" funny but kind of neat I thought.


Almost forgot the most famous Yogi Berra quote that you've definitely heard many times (and yes it originates from him) "It ain't over till it's over".

Valencia Lanier

I never thought to use the word broken for Loreli but I always noticed she had relationship issues. But how did that happen? Is it because she doesn't want a relationship like her parents so she ran the other way? What other role models did she have? I remember the first time watching this episode like no, no, no, what are you doing, stop it. Back when she tried to break up with Max it was because she said it was affecting Rory. Really it was affecting Loreli. She honestly doesn't know how to deal with a man who is part of her life, with the exception of Luke. We see how adamant she is about there being nothing between her and Luke but that's cause she doesn't know how to handle it and also worried about losing him if something goes wrong. Yeah, I don't like Christopher either. And even if she didn't want to marry him, they had a whole child together. But then remember his parents are horrible, so clearly he has not only relationship but parenting issues too.

Stephanie Bedworth

As much as I like Max, it was obvious that it was never going to work out with them. They've implied before that this is normal behavior for her. When things start to get serious, she bails. I don't really care for this irresponsible, impulsive side of Lorelei. She's a good character but I've never been able to get behind this aspect of her. They got engaged, impulsively, after a huge argument. Not good.

Mariella Nilsson

i agree with all your thoughts, But I think that the most important thing is realising she didn’t want to Marry him Before the wedding! I’m glad she didn’t get Married if she didn’t really love him. I’m am very similar to both Rory and lorelei, and totally understand their actions. Their personality types are not that common, wich makes the show interesting, but makes it hard to understand them, sometimes. I don’t think lorelei was selfish, I think Max pushed the marige thing on her before she was ready, she had never thought about marriage before he brought it up, and she Maby pushed herself to do something she wasnt ready for! Glad she realized it in time!

Mariella Nilsson

I feel like she loved her life the way it was, and realized she didn’t love him enough to change that. i get that, she loved him enough to date, but not to change her whole life.

Mariella Nilsson

i don’t think lorelei is broken, some people are paradoxes in that they are verry feeling oriented and good at understanding other peoples emotions, but their own feelings are hidden from them in a sea of thoughts, imagination and expectations. And their tru feelings are just as much of an enigma to them as to others, so love is her Achilles heel, everything else in her life she has controll over, but love leaves her blind.


I think the writers knew exactly what they were dong when they chose Lorelai to call Chris instead of Luke. Everyone in the comments is talking about the fact that Christopher is her first ever love so that's why but it also has to do with her answer when Chris asks why she's calling him. Christopher knows her better than anyone here- no matter how you feel about the dude they grew up together, dated for some quite some time, and have a child together. He knows he better than her parents, any of the townspeople, and with a different perspective than Rory. I think Lorelai called Chris because if anyone could tell her that something is off about this (as someone who had been in a long relationship with her) without bringing in judgement from a previous encounter with Max, it would have been him.


I completely agree. Better to realize it before than to go through with it!

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I didn't like that she called Christopher either. I hate that guy with a passion. I like Rune better than I like Chris. RUNE. But I get why she called him. She wigged. She was realizing that she was forcing herself to be in love with a guy, moving too fast into marriage, whom she doesn't love as much as she should. It just sucked to realize that when Max is a nice guy. He just wasn't right for her. He doesn't get her that well, which was obvious when DEAN, who is a friggin TEENAGER, had to tell him the ways of the Gilmore girls. He wasn't integrated into her life. He barely had any part in it. Both of them just refused to accept it because they liked each other too much. I didn't really like Max, though. It's true, he's nice, but sometimes I feel like he doesn't understand Lorelai's craziness so much that it actually feels like he's talking down to her at times. I don't know. Just feels that way.