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Fredrik IB

This episode is just WOW. One of the best episodes of television in my opinion.


One of my favorites of the show. And I’d say this is, for me, the quintessential Chuck episode, because it’s so well executed AND contains a little bit of every element that represents the show. When someone mentions Chuck to me, this is the first episode that comes to my mind. On top of the full main/supporting cast, you’ve got Chuck’s Dad, Bryce, Roarke, and Awesome’s parents as guest appearances; you’ve got Jeffster performing Mr. Roboto as backing for a rad action sequence, and plenty of other great music choices throughout; you’ve got multiple twists, turns, and revelations; you’ve got some Chuck/Sarah romance; and you’ve got Chuck stepping up to show he really can be a hero. Last thing: When this aired, the show was VERY much on the bubble for renewal. The feeling was it was at best a 50/50 chance whether that To Be Continued card at the end would ever be resolved. The reaction was a combination of blown minds and nervousness — what if it gets cancelled, after that ending? Thank god they brought the show back, because they really rolled the dice with the last 15 minutes, a lot of setup for a third season that might not have happened.

DJ Doena

The reason you were under the impression that Ellie's name was Elizabeth was because Lester was wildly guessing all versions of Ellie's long-form name a few episodes ago.

DJ Doena

Bryce dying was due to the fact that Matt Bomer was about to star on White Collar.

Fredrik IB

Indeed, indeed. This episode is the culmination of everything awesome in Chuck.

Fredrik IB

Also, I find it funny that during your reaction of the second episode you ever did of Chuck you said that most episodes would probably be around a 6 or a 7. The last four episodes you've given between a 9 and a 10. I really hope that you're thuroughly enjoying the show thus far. And yes: The Mr. Roboto montage is the best scene of the show up until this episode. At least to me :)


They needed Bryce to open the door, that's literally why they pulled a gun on him as he was opening the door with the code.

Katherine Thoreson

Yes! We finally made it here. Mwahahahahahahahaha!!


The Mr. Roboto montage was amazing. Way more enjoyable than it has the right to be. One of the things that always bugged me, was Chuck's insistence to quit and to get back to his life, not taking into account that Sarah's presence there is directly related to his participation. When Sarah told him that she was leaving and he gave that surprised- hurt look, i was like "what exactly did you think was going to happen???". Anyway, in other ways this was one of the best episodes of the show.