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This was the season that aired immediately after the Writer's Strike. Due to the strike going on as long as it did, they scaled back the number of episodes in the season, and then compensated by making the first handful of episodes longer. Fun fact about the Writer's Strike: It occurred because networks like ABC and NBC had started hosting full episodes of TV shows on their websites, but weren't compensating the writers for it. So, TV viewership was falling, because people didn't have to watch the shows live anymore.... and the writers' contracts didn't say anything about streaming revenue, because streaming revenue literally *didn't exist* at the time that the contracts were signed. The studios attempted to play it off as "advertising" for their shows (which, is obviously ridiculous). So there was an industry-wide writers strike right at the birth of the digital streaming age.


This opening is beyond brilliant and with this, we enter season 4......Geronimo!!!!! wrong series sorry


The strike happened in the middle of this season.


For these episodes (42 mins), have you considered making part 1 and 2 for youtube that way you won't have to cut the episodes down as much to meet youtube's guidlines?