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Felix Huang

Love your reaction. This is probably the best episode to date. Even better than "God Mode", the Sesson 2 finally. Each flash back themed around loss and how each character deals with the loss both in the past and present. Such writing is a master stroke, and why I love POI. PS. Simons was shot in the shoulder ( a gift from Carter) so it was closer to a fair fight.


One of my favorite episodes and basically an act closure for the series with the end of HR. Now they have a bigger fight ahead of them, as Root says. Cannot wait for more! The show runner is Jonathan Nolan, brother of Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, etc).


Definitely a 10. Such a great 3 episode arc, and really shows how far the show has come from it’s beginning. The show-runner/creator was Jonathan Nolan. He worked as a writer with his brother Chris Nolan on a lot of movies beforehand (Memento, Batman Begins trilogy, Interstellar) and went on to create/run Westworld after POI ended. Given that resume, it’s obvious he always had grander plans for POI than another run-of-the-mill CBS procedural, but maybe had to take his time early on to get it on the air. Though at times I think this show benefits from it — the 20+ episodes, case-of-the-week (usually) format gave them a lot of room to breathe and to build out all these characters. Re: Lionel’s flashback — before he admits anything, he asks the therapist to confirm the session is covered by doctor-patient confidentiality. IRL, whether that would prevent the doctor from turning Lionel in depends on state law; but generally speaking, confessions of past crimes to a psychiatrist would be confidential.


I would imagine that even if the therapist could have tried to turn Fusco in or recommend that he isn't fit for duty, Fusco's buddy Stills probably could have pulled some strings to ensure that Fusco could remain a cop.

Phoenix Dawn

This episode is everything!


Elias killing Simmons was so incredible. Lionel’s speech. Root in action. Best episode so far for sure.

Ross Pogharian

Cool piece of imagery... episode starts and ends with an EKG


My favorite episode of the series. This was just great. The music with Johnny Cash at the beginning and the music playing during Reese taking out the Marshall's were just spot on. I do love that your first thought was that Elias was going to be going after Simmons but the gang never thought of that even though he was most likely the one the Machine knew was the threat because of him having to make plans to get to Simmons. Liked the fake out that Lionel might be the one to do it but again thinking logically after the fact you realize that if he did it, it would have been a heat of the moment thing that the machine can't predict. However, the flashback of his confession was so chilling it almost makes you believe he really is going to kill Simmons. All the flashbacks were great in getting insights into the characters. Love the ending with Elias. His little speech at the end is fantastic along with him going back into the shadows while his man goes to kill Simmons is such a great shot. Can't say enough about this episode.


Thank you so much for this reaction!!! Now you see why we were so anxious for you to see this awesomeness. I am not sure you noticed, but on the opening sequence, the machine called Harold and gave it Simmons number. The flashbacks were the bomb (especially Fusco's - I think this was in the middle of HR uncertainty and that is why he didn't get in trouble for confessing). The whole episode is amazing perfect 10. But if you remember one thing from the episode is this: as root says : We have a much larger fight ahead of us, and it's coming .. and boy it does come :) The fight scene between Fusco and Simmons also came right after the flashback where he shot an unarmed bad guy, and Simmons was unarmed as well. Shows how far Lionel has come. The whole chase for Simmons was amazing. The music and everything still gives me chills and trust me. All of us are feeling exactly the way you do, teary with Joy. The last scene wow, talk about sweet revenge, and thus ends the ER chapter of the story! See you at the next episode


the last 2 episodes are in top 20 all time episodes of all shows on imdb by rating, episode 9 is 16th and this one is 11th, but dont worry, there is a couple of more on that list coming :)


Here is the first of my 10s, that is all 😉


I think my dad would love this show but I'm struggling to get him past the case-of-the-week beginning. It's a shame cos he's missing out on episodes like this. Love Elias' speech to Simmons at the end and how he sits back to watch him be murdered.


"We're out of options, we need root" --Every UNIX/Linux admin at some point in their life Also, I really liked the story behind Lionel's name, it somehow added a whole lot to his character. And the music in this show is amazing and fits so well. Sometimes i rewatch on youtube the "listening with a million ears" part from first season, as well as some of the season finales :)


I think you're still failing to really understand the premise of the show - asking questions like "how does Root get the machine to do things for her". Root is doing things for the machine, not the other way around. She is basically a religious zealot, and the machine is her God. For the same reason, it's not that Harold is afraid of letting Root out of the cage because Root is evil - Root isn't really evil so much as amoral. But he built the machine in a limited way to only be able to call payphones and spit out numbers for a reason. If something that powerful has agency, and an ability to interact with the world - if it gets out of the box he put it in - humanity is completely screwed. Who the hell knows what goals a being that intelligent has? It would have a completely different view of the universe than we do. The difference between us and Harold's Machine would be the difference between an insect and us, only a thousand times over.

Dani C

Great choice of picture for this one - that scene - the expression on Reece's face is haunting. Fantastic performances from all the main crew - and that opening, with no dialogue, just Cash singing - wow. Gets me every time.


Why would someone vote 8? Lol

Dani C

Great reaction. This is one of my favourite episodes of the show. Every performance was on point, the writing was tight and the music - wow. It's just a beautifully crafted piece of storytelling - all the pieces fitting perfectly together.

Dani C

Also - the scene you picked out with Root getting badass with the two guns - makes it into pretty much every POI tribute video on youtube.

Dani C

To be fair - in his wrap up when he was going through the episode he described Root as being like Jesus, and the Machine being like God talking to her. So I think he does get that part. Also - the next couple of paragraphs about the implications : might be worth editing them out - spoilers.

Dani C

I had the same problem with my best friend. He thought it was well made and interesting, but too much a case of the week show to hold him. My mum on the other hand I was able to persuade to watch and she ended up loving it


Carters ex plays Mothers Milk in The Boys. That’s a dope show


They aren't spoilers. That's the actual theme of the show. The Machine isn't a cylon, it's not the T1000, it's an actual example of what a learning piece of software with general intelligence might be like if it had access to that much information. This is what Harold is dealing with right now... the uncertainty of what the machine could do if it escaped the bonds that Harold put it in. That's why he's scared. He doesn't know, and neither do any of us. We should be as scared as he is, because this is what very smart people are attempting to build right now, in real life. These aren't story issues, they're actual issues with AI in the real world that this show was dealing with somewhat before its time.

Dani C

Yeah - I don't disagree - spoilers may be the wrong term . I just think some of this stuff, that some viewers would already be putting together become more apparent

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love this episode so much!!! It's easily one of my favorites, not just within this season, but throughout the entire series. Reese is absolutely phenomenal throughout this episode, as is Jim Caviezel. It's because of episodes like this one that I love him as an actor so much. A small part of me also can't help but cringe a little throughout this episode as well. Those of us who watches this show regularly know and love Reese because he's a good man and a hero fighting to save as many lives as he can to make up for the sins of his past, even though he isn't the monster he believes himself to be. And yet... throughout this episode, we actually see the darkness in Reese as he seeks out vengeance against the real monsters responsible for Carter's death. And Reese is scary. However, he's just absolutely incredible throughout this episode and i absolutely love him. I felt absolutely heartbroken for Reese, because he's currently so lost. Also... Root was absolutely fantastic throughout this episode too, especially in the moment we see her take out the marshals guarding Alonzo Quinn with two guns in hand. Shaw's sentiment about her doing so being pretty hot... I completely agree. Amy Acker nails this role perfectly! I really love Finch, Fusco, and Shaw throughout this episode too. All of them are deeply concerned for Reese, which really shows how far their friendships and partnerships have grown from season one. I love that Finch will do whatever it takes to save Reese, and even though Reese has fallen down a darker path against his wishes for him, Finch's concern is still more for Reese. I love how Fusco is the one who finds Simmons in the end and fights him to get his own payback against Simmons for Carter. I love, love, love Fusco's speech about how Carter had been one of those who saved him from being the corrupt cop he used to be before Reese enlisted him to work for him and Finch, and then Carter too. And I love that while Fusco wanted to kill Simmons, he fought through his hate for the man and arrested him instead. Brilliant! And of course... I absolutely love, love, love the very end between Elias and Simmons, as Elias talks about how he knows that Carter never really liked him, but that he liked her very much because she fought for justice and never allowed herself to become corrupt. And I love that he had Simmons killed through his own right hand man for Carter and the others. This scene is incredible and it's the perfect ending for such a phenomenal episode like this one. Thank you so much again for your reaction, my friend!! I agree with you, Geeked Out Nation... that this episode definitely feels quite different from all the rest of the episodes throughout this series, which allows for it to stand out among all the rest. It's fabulous. I can't wait for many more reactions for Person of Interest to come!!! Until next time...

Drake Raiju

If you're wondering who created the show, it's jonathan nolan (brother of christopher nolan) and JJ abrams (who didn't participate as much from what i gathered). And the music by ramin djawadi, the dude making the music for game of thrones (the original themes anyway)

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

“Vengeful evil Jesus” is probably one of my favourite descriptions for Root ever