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This is random and means nothing. I was just curious What everyone would watch If They Had One Choice. 



I watch a lot of your reactions like the o.c, scrubs, Gilmore girls, supernatural, once upon a time, Buffy/angel, and the vampire diaries ... but if I really had to choose .. I chose the vampire diaries but supernatural is close second and Buffy/angel close third.


I'm not sure if you can do it on this site, but a ranking system might have given better data. I subscribed for Buffy, but did at $5 for many of your other reactions.

Shauni Livingstone

I watch buffy, angel, the office, the oc and the vampire diaries but of course if I could only choose 1 it would be the buffyverse


I'm here for buffy/angel primarily, but I also enjoy supernatural and dexter

Janet Daurity

Dexter is the only one I watch. I just don't care for any of the others although I'm sure watching with you would be great cause you are a great reacter.

Brad turner

I chose buffy but I also watch Prison Break and the OC

Cameron Rayburn

I am only subbed to u to see you react to Dexter and Buffy and Angel, those are the only ones that you watch that I like. One that you're not watching that I liked is HBO's Oz, it's a bit too gritty for you to benefit from putting on youtube though, not sure that you would enjoy it. It has a lot of recognizable actors in Oz some of which are from Dexter. Six Feet Under is another good show but it's obscenely morbid. There's quite a few people who are reacting to Buffy currently but you're the only one actually doing Dexter. Actually there is a couple on youtube Bernies Channel that are doing Dexter that have made it quite far already on season 5/8 but they don't have a patreon with full reactions sadly. Only a few have made it to Angel so far.


I originally signed up for Buffy/Angel but that's actually the reason I didn't pick it. You can find a lot of reactors watching it (it's a good show with a huge fanbase so I totally understand why). Person of Interest is just as good imo and very few people react to it so I chose that one


I voted POI but watch Prison Break, Psych, and the office


I love too many to pick just one that's why i went from the $1 Doctor Who tier to the $5 tier lol


I’m here for Nikita. Not a lot of people react to it, so I am glad someone is finally doing so. My favorite show!!


Picked BtVS and Angel, but also watching Gilmore Girls, Dexter, and occasionally a few others (for my favorite eps of them lol).


its sad i have to vote for one, i voted for chuck because people didn't vote for so i don't want it to be without a vote, but i would vote equally for chuck, prison break, person of interest, dexter, the office and supernatural.


The office obviously


Person of interest


Person of Interest. Definitely.


Buffy, The Expanse, Prison Break, Nikita, Gilmore Girls..I wish Buffy & Angel would be considered separate. I understand that they are in the same universe, but they are there own shows.

s jaco

I picked Buffy, but I will also definitely watch S2/3 of Gilmore Girls, most episodes of SPN (some are too scary for me) and TVD. Teen Wolf is missing from your list but I also watch all of those.

s jaco

Yes! OZ, Oz is so good! Not enough people know it, but it's brilliant.


i regularly watch(ed) and look(ed) forward to your reactions for a lot of shows (including oc, gilmore, battlestar, prison break, veronica mars, the office, buffy, angel, band of brothers, malcolm (r.i.p.), and various pilots), but i voted for psych because that's a show i love for which i have not found ongoing quality content anywhere else. there was one podcast i liked that just stopped putting out new episodes, and a couple others i couldn't really get into, but i love that you seem to get the show and appreciate it for what it is, even though what it is can at times be very silly.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Love me some Buffy and Angel but for me it’s easily, hands down, Once Upon a Time ❤️

Stephanie Bedworth

I love and watch Buffy/Angel, Gilmore Girls, and Band of Brothers but Battlestar (and Handmaid's Tale) is what drove me to sign up for your Patreon so I guess it's only right that I vote for BSG. :)


Hey Nancy! If you don't mind, let me know what podcast you're talking about, I'm on the same boat when it comes to Psych reactions and their scarcity.

Fredrik IB

I came here for Chuck. I stayed for Chuck. So, yeah... Chuck :D. I do enjoy your other reactions too though. Psych and probably Scrubs being second and third.

Christian Liechti

Love a lot of your shows. Supernatural, Doctor Who, Dexter, Once, PoI. However if I had to choose, it would be Buffy.

Daniel R

I would have voted Supernatural but you're already about to start Season 5 which is the peak of the show so I'm changing it to Vampire Diaries, it's basically the lovechild of Buffy and Supernatural lol


I watch Buffy (no angel), Veronica Mars, Dexter and some Psych. I would love you to react to Misfits or Dark.


This vote hurt my feelings, how to only choose one, but I picked......still can't do it....hahahaha

Elisa Ingo

Definitely Supernatural! Although I love many of your other reactions too,


"Doctor Who"...awesome Buffy/Angel/Office are all doing well, less guilt.....I like my choice.


I’m watching Once and The Office :)

Scarlett Monrow

Hard to choose one. I'm here for Spn, Buffy/Angel, BSG, TVD


I watch Supernatural, Psych, Veroncia Mars, Nikita, Gilmore Girls, & Vampire Diaries


That’s a difficult choice. I went with Supernatural but Buffy, Angel, Doctor Who and Gilmore Girls are all at the top of my list. Just below that are Psych, Scrubs, Battlestar Galactica, Chuck, Handmaid’s Tale, and The Expanse.


If it's just one then I have to pick The Expanse, after that Band of Brothers and Person of Interest, but I'm also here for The Office, Psych, BSG and a few other Pilots.


Voted for buffy. But I absolutely love and look forward to your vampire diaries and Gilmore girls reactions :)

Dani C

I came here for Doctor Who - and honestly you;re approaching my favourite era so that very nearly got my vote but....POI - I love your reactions to POI and unlike Doctor Who, hardly anybody reacts to it, so - if I could only watch your reactions to one show, I wold set Who aside with a heavy heart and focus on POI :)

Light Yagami

The office hands down


I'm here for Buffy and some day Legend of Korra

Allan Cornett

Here for Buffy/Angel. I would love more Misfits.


I picked the OC, but love your Buffy, Office, Chuck, Psych, and Scrubs reactions as well!


Picked anime but also love your reactions for teen wolf, office , and supernatural


I picked Buffy/Angel because that's what I came here for, but I also watch Once, Veronica, Supernatural, Battlestar Galactica, and the OC. I would also watch Misfits if you continued it.

Mike Watkins

I had to pick Supernatural, but it's not an easy choice. Nikita, Battlestar, Person of Interest, Chuck and Expanse are all amazing shows as well.


This was not an easy choice! I picked OUAT, but it was a close call with Doctor Who and Gilmore Girls. Ultimately, there are some episodes or sections of DW and GG that I'm kind of ehh about, whereas with OUAT I'm so excited for every episode/reaction.

Katherine Thoreson

I am a total Whedonverse person, so I'm naturally inclined to choose Buffy/Angel, but you're the only person I know of who reacts to Psych, so I chose it for that reason.

Valencia Lanier

I think I came across you for Supernatural and that's the one I picked. I really like to see reviewers watch that show. And then I saw you reviewed Buffy/Angel, Doctor Who, & Gilmore Girls. And now The Vampire Diaries which I would have chosen second because I really want to see how you TVD.


Same with me and Person of Interest. I'd be inclined to vote Buffy/Angel, but I don't know any other PoI reactions so I am going PoI D:


I watch several reactors who watch Buffy, but I usually stop watching at season 5 (with the exception of a few season 6 episodes), but you're the only reactor I've seen reacting to the Office and BSG, so those are pretty much my top two, along with Once.

Kacey Caldwell

I thought at first to vote for Buffy since thats the show I first came here for but I decided on Gilmore Girls because your the only person i know doing it.


I only come here for TVD.


I watch Gilmore Girls, The Vampire Diaries and The Office. If I had to choose one i’d say Gilmore Girls because i’m so excited someone is finally reacting to it