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Amazing episode. I tested up towards the end. I had a feeling the vice president would be behind the governor’s decision


for your thoughts on just organising that him and lincoln be in hospital and escape alone, he needs money from the old man, transport from abruzzi,so he needed to include them in the escape for his plan to work when they get out. and if he just poisoned 4 of them it would be too suspicious.

Daniel R

I thought this episode was incredible, I legit teared up during the Lincoln and Michael talks. It's been so long since I've seen the show that I can't remember how exactly it progresses but it continues the twists and turns

Amanda Winner

I teared up too but during the LJ call even though I've seen these season 5+ times

DJ Doena

I don't think the governor / her father is corrupt in the literal sense. He just believes in capital punishment and being visited by the Vice President and a member of his party washed away any doubts he may have had. Also the phone call may have been cruel to be taken with Lincoln present but on a pure bureaucratic level it was to let the warden know "I will not call at 11:59 to stay the execution."