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I like this episode. I really love Seth. Seth and Sandy are my favorite characters :-)


I do really like this episode! I'm on the same page with you, the stuff with Ryan and Marissa (their scenes together) are the least interesting part of this season. They go well together but still lack the chemistry that should exist between couples. I can understand it though, they have a big age gap between them. Mischa Barton was only 17-18 during the first season, and Ben McKenzie was 24-25.


Also I've got to add, these O.C reactions are the ones I enjoy the most out of all your videos and others' on YouTube, so I'm really hoping you can start uploading them more often maybe 😅 No pressure though. And hope you can properly start Misfits at some point as well.

Alexis Cardarella

I love all the Seth moments in this, as out of hand as his story arc with Summer and Ana has gotten. Marissa.. she’s dealing with a lot.. She’s clearly not verbally expressing that to anyone.. But she deserves better- namely from her parents. Her mom is a one note shallow asshole, and they really utilize that to a very ridiculous point.


Well this is only the beginning.. Marissa is probably one of the most problematic charactes ever


It will bother me 'til the day I die that he named the holiday "Christmukkah" and not "Christmanukkah".