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Heather Flores-Ricks

I'm fine treating Buffy and Angle like one show if that is what fits in your schedule best. I don't mind weeks where I don't get a buffy episode. But i could be solo here.

homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

Treating Buffy and Angel as one show is the ideal option. Like honestly that's the best way for you to watch the show and those who don't watch Angel will have to live with that because honestly what really matters is you get the best viewing experience


I also don't really mind waiting for Buffy as I watch four other reactions from you. BTW, are you continuing BSG? I really hope so, but there hasn't been a new reaction since early December so I'm kind of nervous.


I am biased this episode gives Spike back his purpose and Spike's shirt is almost as awesome as the one Herb Saunders from Baltimore wore on Angel.

Amanda S

I watch both Buffy and Angel, so to me it's all one universe and I don't mind how many of one show comes out before the other. But I'd hope most people who only watch for the Buffy episodes would understand that because of the nature of the show, they might not get any episodes from Buffy for a week or two, but then the following week/s they will get more episodes than normal, which makes up for it. It all evens out in the wash so to speak.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Aww I love getting as much Buffy as possible......understand if you need to treat it as one though. Dunno why but even though Angel is great, I find the arc storylines not as compelling compared to Buffys. Even though Angel s4 gets a bad rap its genuinely got the stronger overall season arc and big bad. Ah well, we shall have to wait for Buffy....your reactions are great so I can do that x

Mariella Nilsson

i watch Buffy more, so I want Buffy on it’s own, But If you want to treat it like one thing, and do it in order, but do two episodes a Week, Maby thatwould work, since you wouldn’t need to wait to long for Buffy Even if there are e few angel in between? And as a rewerd you get two Buffy a weak when there are a Buch of Buffy.


Riley was able to find them because he was tracking the pheremones of the demon. Also, I love Spike's lines in this one. American doing a British accent pretending to do an American accent. So great. "No surrrr. I'm just a friend of Xanderrrr's hurrrr." lol


Knew you’d be excited for Spike to be back in action. Re: Angel/Buffy, I’m watching both, so I don’t mind it being one big thing. As for what other reactors have done: One or two have watched Buffy straight-through, then gone back to watch Angel straight-through. The others have watched them both simultaneously using the SlayAlive order (which I think you’re using?) or something very similar, alternating between handfuls of episodes of each show. However: If you feel very strongly that you don’t want to do that due to different supporters, then I’m sure I or someone else could find or make an alternative order which switches between them more frequently. The biggest issue is to preserve any crossover elements — for example, obviously you’d want to have watched Angel - The Bachelor Party (for Doyle’s vision of Buffy), then Buffy - Pangs (for Angel crossing over to follow up on it), then Angel - I Will Remember You (for Buffy following him back to LA). If you watched Pangs first, or watched the two Angel episodes back to back, then it’d obviously have been a little weird. But that’s not really the reason for the big clumpings in the SA order. They do that so that you get more uninterrupted arcs for each show before switching to the other. Get in a groove with one for a bit, before switching. So, if you really want to release Buffy and Angel episodes on a more even/regular basis, I’m sure an order exists or can be put together that allows that without screwing up any of the crossover bits. I’d be happy to look around for one, if you want.

Ari is my Cat

Spike is the best part of this episode.


24:30 Now you see why the watch order is the way it is, because you were supposed to leave Buffy all excited about the Spike reveal and instead you had to sit there so long with "Neutered Spike".

Valencia Lanier

I honestly don’t care what order you watch them in. Whatever works best for you. I binged watched them and then swapped Buffy and Angel seasons once the spinoff happened. That did mess up crossovers a bit but I didn’t mind too much. Maybe someone can tell you when the next crossover is and you can just group those together. I can’t remember. Love Spike. Riley is Riley.

J Scott Page

I would just think of buffy/angel as one show as some others have suggested. I personally love both shows and it is all the same to me. That said, I watched buffy back in the day and never got into angel til a few years later so I didn't see them in order. Watching reactors watch it in order is the first time I am seeing them in order myself and it is quite interesting.

Ari is my Cat

If you go back and forth it's not that big a deal, you'll just end up watching them like they aired.

J Scott Page

Woah, I saw you got the comics, be careful with them. There is a comic series that picks up after the show leaves off as well. Don't wanna get spoiled.

Ari is my Cat

Most other channels react in the guide order.

Salv Mancuso

On the watch guide, there should be episode names in bold, those are the ones you must watch in order. All the others that are not on bold, you dont really have to.

Nica Marie

Riley not knowing about the Slayer actually makes perfect sense. He's military. They don't see them as vampires and demons. As Forrest said, they're just animals. The Initiative focuses on protocol and weapons, not the elements of the supernatural. So, they wouldn't consider the Slayer as a real thing. Merely myth. Nothing to ever mention to the recruits. Now, while I am excited that you picked up some reboot comics, I must exercise caution. Maybe wait to read them. I haven't myself, but I've seen online articles and I know that they feature certain character developments that you have not yet reached on the show. They also have made some major changes, but I'm more worried you may be spoiled to upcoming reveals if you read them now. Was that vague enough to be non-spoilery? I certainly hope so.


I don't know about everybody else's preferences, but for me personally, do what's best for you. If you want to follow the watch order to the letter, record the episodes in order, and do early releases for the higher tier, that's cool. But aside from the episodes that MUST be watched in order, which are far and few in between imo, then the rest can pretty much be watched like one buffy, one angel and so on. If it's not already highlighted on the watch order, it might be worth finding out which episodes NEED to be watched following each other for spoiler purposes. But other than that, you can pretty much go one for one. I never understood why the watch order that most reactors use do four of one, five of the other like that. I think it's mainly for the flowing of the arcs, but I don't think not doing that will take anything away from your experience. That's just my opinion though... But I watched Angel AFTER buffy when I was a kid, and I don't think it made much of a difference. On a rewatch when I got older, there were a few moments where I was like 'OH, so that lines up' but again, it didn't really hinder my experience, so I don't think doing the one for one order (Aside from a few episodes that are like 2 parters etc.) will be a bad thing. Again though, just do what you think is best and are most comfortable with :) Also, as someone said above, please be careful with the comics. A lot of spoiler risks in them, lol.


I've always been on the Riley train. I love him. I know I'm in the minority, but don't mind.


FOLLOW THE WATCH ORDER. It becomes very, very important a few episodes down the road. There are a couple of episodes of Angel that will make no sense at all if you watch them before the Buffy episodes that precede them. I get that you end up with a bunch of the same show in a row, but just do it. It's far more upsetting to have them effectively out of order than have to wait a while and then get a whole bunch in a row. Incidentally, I bet that the people who aren't watching Angel are just skipping a few of the early episodes because they're frankly not that great. From ep 9 to ep 17, I don't care a whole lot about Angel, but after that it's pretty much a steady stream of good.


He put up a poll asking if he should and the outcome was that he said he was going to continue with it, but he hasn't recorded it since.


I think you gotta follow the order. There are a few times, not many but enough, that you would have information that would make very little to no sense if you watched the wrong show first. Things will be mentioned that you won't understand the context for, and it will hinder your enjoyment of stories. Treat it as one universe, sure... it would be a bummer to get episodes less frequently, as im sure these shows are what many of us are signed up for, but I think the majority of us care more that it's done properly rather than quickly.

Katherine Thoreson

The watch order is to allow the viewer to get through smaller story arcs all in one go. It also takes into account making sure you don't see anything on one show that would be a spoiler that happens on the other. The way the shows originally aired was the episode of Buffy and then the episode of Angel. One a week. You can definitely watch them that way, like Buffy 4x11 followed by Angel 1x11, and so forth, and there will be no kind of spoilers, and everything will still make sense. I say do whatever you believe would work best for you. "Either Riley is really tall or Buffy is really short." The answer is both. :) Spike is the best in this episode.

Allan Cornett

The watch order you are thinking of following is nonsense. If you watch Buffy then Angel you will always be watching in the right order. The bonus is fans of both shows will be happy. That weird watch order is just unnecessary.


I do prefer treating them as one universe and following the watch order but I’d be OK with one following the other as well.


Not necessarily true. Back when the show originally aired it did not air the episodes at an even space. for example Angel came back two weeks later then Buffy from it's winter break. So watching the first season back to back creates paradoxes in the Buffyverse timeline.


I like the SlayAlive guide, and the other reactors seem to enjoy it. But ultimately, do whatever works best for you.


Most reactors I've seen reacting to Buffy and Angel do use the watch order, which does mean that if the post weekly, there are some weeks they do Angel but no Buffy so those weeks people don't get Buffy. I don't think most people complain about that, but there might be some who do, I'm not sure. As for me, personally, I feel you should watch them in whatever way works for you. Don't stress about it, and just look into it and decide what way is most comfortable for you to do it. Oh and sorry I don't really have advice on the best way to go about things because I really think the best way is different for each reactor, but I'm confident you'll figure out what works for you. Also, as far as rating episodes, I think going by what episodes you like/enjoy the most is probably the best way. Maybe it's okay to have honorable mentions of episodes you recognize as being really well written/directed/acted but weren't your favorites.


Would it really be a big issue to watch it one for one like how it aired? I get there's a preferred viewing order but really if its gonna cause a headache why not just do one buffy then one angel each week?


there is a slight issue with season 1 because Angel came back later from winter break.


I honestly don't care about the watch order thing. I get that there are some cases where you might need to do it, but I don't want to wait weeks for a Buffy episode. I watch Buffy more than I do Angel sooo yeah. I support you for some other shows as well, but mainly Buffy. Anyway thats just my opinion.

Hazel Angus

Seems pretty vague to me - I've seen almost all of Buffy but not looked at anything involved with reboot. And I have zero idea what you're talking about. So that's reassuring! :-) Agreed on the Initiative/Scoobies contrast. Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses.


There are a couple of crossover episodes that will mess with your experience if watched in the wrong order. The first two such crossovers you have actually already seen, the first was the whole thing with Spike's return and the ring of Amara; the second one was about Angel and Buffy visiting each other. In both of these cases the story started off in Buffy and then continued in Angel. Other than that, the order doesn't really matter that much.


I am going to have to go all Star Wars on you......"there is another"

Allan Cornett

You could do a list of your favorite episodes and a separate list of the best episodes. One of the best Buffy episodes IMHO is very hard to watch and not my favorite to revisit.


Riley's my Fav. >.>

DJ Doena

But isn't it just one Buffy, one Angel? Weren't they aired originally this way or were there truly weeks were they preempt an Angel episode in lieu of another Buffy ep?

Marshall Dante Robertson

Noooo! I've been waiting for you to fast track Buffy since forever so while I would definitely miss my weekly Buffy, you honestly have to do what works for you.......but seriously no. 🤣😂😉


I'd really just do them the way they were broadcast. That's how I watched them back in the day.. Episode 11 of Buffy then episode 11 of Angel etc. That way you don't miss anything.


I agree with your score of the episode. Spike made this episode for me he's so awesome. I love that he can hit again. Its an essential part of his character! Buffy and Riley I'm still meh on but I think she liked Riley in the beginning because he was "normal" and that's something that she hasn't had before.

Renee Pope-Munro

The obsession with this order is unwarranted, IMO. I watched it when it aired back to back each week and whilst yes, there are some individual show arcs that flow when watched together, nothing was spoiled or out of place for me in the OG watch order.


I've never watched Angel and I don't watch your reactions to it. I admit I'm here for Buffy and I would be disappointed to be a patreon with no Buffy for weeks.


The order it aired in was fine to watch, Buffy followed by Angel each week. Everything flowed fine! If you have people that pay to see only Buffy then this would be the better way to react. This was how the show was originally meant to be watched. x


I don't remember being confused. My first watch was 20 years ago 😅 I think they explain things quite well everytime there is the case and we understand. I've just never been interested in Angel.

Allan Cornett

I never tried to imagine what I would have thought about some Buffy episodes if I had never seen Angel. After some reflection I agree that even if you never watched Angel, Buffy would still make sense. I always looked at it as one story and missing Angel is missing part of Buffy story.

Shauni Livingstone

I personally think it's best when a reactor uses the watch order, I watch ur reactions for both series but not all the Angel's as I do prefer buffy but I dont mind having to wait for it if it means ur watching it in the watch order

Daniel R

Steven, if it's the way YOU want to watch it it doesn't matter what we think. We are paying for your raw reactions to this universe as a whole. You can totally apologize and recommend coming back at a later date for those who only watch one show in order to get their "money's worth" but at the same time you should do it in chronological order because it can get messy later on. People will just have to understand. Just saying.


my vote is to follow the watch order and do both shows as one universe. Most reactors do it this way. The weeks with and without buffy even out eventually. s1 Angel is never as popular, but s2, s3 etc is always super popular along with buffy s5 and s6. I enjoy this episode for the most part. Spike makes this one - as always lol.

Pho3nixX (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:52:16 I think most reactors go by the slayalive.com watch list & that is the way I am watching the reaction.
2020-05-17 19:31:58 I think most reactors go by the slayalive.com watch list & that is the way I am watching the reaction.

I think most reactors go by the slayalive.com watch list & that is the way I am watching the reaction.