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Elisa Ingo

I definitely prefer season 4 to season 3. Can't wait to watch your reaction to this episode 😊

Valencia Lanier

I can’t wait for you to see the finale.

Amy Rustand

I was crazy tense during this episode. Until Bobby tried to stop Sam leaving, I thought he was possessed - because I didn't like hearing him trying to convince Dean to just let Sam do the demon thing. I'm with Anna, all that is MESSED UP. I'm pretty square now on definitely not trusting Ruby. It started with the smirk she made the first time we saw Sam drink her blood. Ever since then Sam has been crazed about where she is and defending her up and down. And she always has an excuse that's just good enough to cover her. I thought Dean was being too hard on her for the longest time, but now I'm firmly with Dean on Ruby.... I'm at a loss for why Cass and angels are helping Sam. Does it have to do with what Uriel was trying to accomplish? But Cass killed Uriel for that. Are other angels still trying to do what Uriel was trying to do?? Are they manipulating Cass? Anna seems to think so. Cass isn't questioning Heaven anymore since his re-education camp experience. I don't like not being able to trust an angel. You asked about religious reactions: I'm religious. I used to nitpick at stuff the show gets wrong about theology. But I realize they have to create their own world to further their story, so now I'm just along for the ride. I am hoping this season doesn't end with Sam being the new Big Bad. The brothers are always better together, I don't like it when they fight.

Brenda Lewis

This is one of my top 10 all time favorite episodes of the entire series. Such good acting and the story is so good.


So one of the things I think the show does really well is callbacks. If you remember in an argument that John and Sam had towards the end of season 1, Sam said that when he left home John told him that if he walked out the door to not come back. And as you see in this episode that's exactly what Dean says to Sam when he leaves. It's a small callback, but I think it hits home. Also I just want to say that the main reason why Sam was able to beat Dean in this fight, or the previous fight in the Siren episode, is because of the demon blood. It makes him hyper aggressive, therefore making him a tad stronger and a better fighter because his hits are brutal. Now I was a dean girl at the point of my first time around watching this show. However now I am a Sam girl 🤗but I will say after re-watching and re-watching this episode and this season, I am still firmly on Deans side, and it was painful watching they're fight. Anyway I'm glad you liked it. And see you next time. 🙂


So good. Great episode, great reaction. As to season 3 or 4, I definitely prefer 4 but a large part of that is Misha Collins.

Brenda Lewis

Well said. I have always been a Sam girl, but it was so terrible to see Sam so out of control. After watching him try to detox we can see just how much the blood affected him. I love how this show it's afraid to take a soul as sweet and gentle as Sam's and twist him like this.

Amy Rustand

I just re-watched this again. When Sam went in to choke Dean - that hit harder this time. His message, "I could kill you right now and there's nothing you could do about it. You're weak." - that's brutal. I guess a fitting rejoinder to Dean telling Sam he is a monster now, also brutal. Both are true in a way, but I hate them making me see it.

s jaco

I prefer S4, but then I love Castiel and I enjoy the angels and everything that comes with it.

Rue Surnameunimportant

Bobby told you NOT to push him away, Dean. I know Sam was in addict mode, etc, but Dean just can't act mature sometimes.

Jason Usher

great reaction, and besides the bloodsucking i'm on Sam's side at this point the plan is to kill Lillith and Dean is just a normal powered hunter, which makes him weak in the sense of Dean v Lillith, it doesn't matter that the Angels say he can kill her because they have been liars and horrible since they came, and Sam has killed Alastair who has been the most powerful Demon we have seen yet so he would be the right choice to kill Lillith, plus he already has Demon(Azazel) Blood in him so adding more shouldn't matter much, and Dean calling him a Monster isn't new, Dean has thought of him that way and called him a freak ever since Sam got his visions in season 1, and he knows Sam is sensitive about that and he still said it to him and than he pulled a John Winchester and told him don't come back if he walks out the door so he is a massive dick and hypocrite for that seeing he has done horrible things as well like torturing thousands of souls in hell, in which if it was Sam who went to hell at the end of season 2 I guarantee he would have never said yes to that question because then he was probably to moral and didn't want to hurt anyone ever besides the actual bad monsters