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I'm with you on the Not-a-Fan-of-Henry train. Also, the not trusting Rumple bit is annoying in this episode. The twist is great, though, and Pan is an amazing villain. I knew you'd love him due to your love of great villains. Little Rumple breaks my heart. His story is so sad and I just want to give him a big hug. Robbie Kay and Robert Carlyle are both brilliant actors and their scene together is so good. Of course, I love everything Robert Carlyle does in this show. Looking forward to the next one. :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you for another fun reaction! This huge twist with Pan turning out to be Rumple's father all along was amazing. I enjoy this episode that is known to be among most fans' favorite episodes, but it isn't one of my favorites from this season because of Henry's actions and foolishness to believe in Pan over his own parents. However, it does have one of the show's biggest twists in it, when Pan was revealed to be Rumplestiltskin's father. I love that I didn't see that coming... at all. Kudos to you for coming up with the possibility, even though you second guessed yourself. :) I really, really enjoy the overall storylines for both the present day and in the backstory, when we finally get to know Rumple as a young boy and how he wound up living with the spinsters after his father abandoned him. However, I was disappointed in the very end because Henry fell for Pan's lies and trusted him over both of his mothers and his father, especially after they pleaded with him to believe in them like they believed in him. That they loved him. This really bothered me so much. It makes me dislike Henry just a little. I still love him through the rest of the seasons, but this Neverland arc really takes away from what I love about him, and it makes me wish that so much of the focus from this arc wasn't so centered around him and Pan. I love the Neverland arc overall, and it's among my favorites, but it's not my absolute favorite arc for this reason. Henry kind of goes back and forth between liking magic and hating it a little too much for me, and the fact that he was willing to sacrifice his life with his family all there for him, even upon believing Pan when he told Henry all he would have to sacrifice was going back home, when last season Henry was prepared to destroy magic with a stick of dynamite, kind of made me mad. But then Pan is very convincing and Henry is still just an eleven year old boy. I do somewhat understand it. Just not enough to not let this make me feel upset with him. Outside of this main storyline... I really like how Emma encourages Mary Margaret to have hope that a way for David to leave Neverland can be found, when Mary Margaret is usually the one giving the hope speeches. And more so, I love the moment between Emma and Hook when Emma asks him if there's anything more he can do to help her find a way to help David. I love Hook's remark after Emma first approaches him and states they need to talk, as Hook answers, "I've found that when a woman says that, I'm rarely in for pleasant conversation." And I also love the moment Rumple steals Hook's sword and begins to tease Hook about how his looks could fail him, then David continues to mock Hook as he tosses Hook the dagger. Brilliant! I am sad that Hook wasn't in this episode more than he was, but I also understand why this episode focused so much more on Rumple, Pan, Emma, Regina, and Neal, with them being the parents. Not all episodes can be focused on Hook, as sad as that is. Ha! Ha! Ha! :) As for Rumple's role throughout this episode... I like the brief moment where he begrudgingly agrees to help David with the cure for the cure after Neal sternly tells him to help without a price attached. But more so, I really enjoy the scene he has with Pan inside Skull Rock, when Pan uses his old card trick to steal the real Pandora's Box from Rumple in another twist I didn't expect and that was very cleverly done. Sadly, Pan traps Rumple inside the box instead of Rumple doing so to Pan. I also really like how Emma was clever to come up with the idea to create an eclipse over the moon so they can break through Pan's barrier spell, and that Emma and Regina combine their powers together to do so. Brilliant once again! That twist though with Pan being Rumple's father... definitely one of the biggest twists in the show. Not my favorite twist, but it's huge. And I also like that we learn Rumple called the doll Rumple has had in his possession all this time Peter Pan, which is Pan's reason for calling himself Peter Pan. Very nice. As for your question about Pan never leaving Neverland... we don't see it very often and Pan doesn't leave often most likely because the magic of Neverland is all that is protecting him from changing back into and adult and him losing his belief. However, we do see Pan away from Neverland back in episode four... Nasty Habits when Pan comes out to create his band of Lost Boys. Oh... and something you might find interesting... the Shadow is voiced by musician, Marilyn Manson, which is why his voice is so dark and creepy. While I personally really don't like Marilyn Manson, I think he was a great choice to voice the Shadow. I get chills whenever the Shadow speaks. Overall... this episode is really good. :) I really agree with you that Henry's attitude towards his parents, Pan, and his belief in magic this season so far has been strange and out of character for him. He's very wishy washy, and I really hate that in any character. But nonetheless, I still really enjoy this episode. Thank you again!! I look forward to the next episode. Until next time...


At this point of the season I believe Henry is 11? Maybe 12, not that it makes much of a difference bc in S2E14 titled Manhattan he states that he’s 11 so he’s at least 11. But it’s weird that they don’t use the actors real age bc the show has its own story with a storyline they want to use. Also, really loved the amazing twist of Pan being Rumples father, complicating the family tree as we know it. I never really suspected it, as I was probably 14 at the time and didn’t really have a sense of “twists” in movies and shows. Most of the twists kinda got me off guard as I was younger when watching them the first time. Anyways, I’m rambling. Can’t wait til your next reaction :)


I do like Henry in the show. This episode did him a great disservice. There's no way he would have reacted to his Dad that casually. When I look at it though I know the island messes with kids heads. What I get from it is he is to some degree bewitched by it.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really wish this was so. I would like to think that maybe somehow Henry was bewitched, or enchanted by Pan. It would help to explain why Henry just ignored his parents' plea for him to stop and trust that Pan was evil. This episode absolutely does Henry a disservice, because outside of this Neverland arc, I love Henry.

Linda McDonough Garcia

Thank you Georgia for standing up for Henry. I love Henry & have since the pilot. Now, did I like what he did in this episode & that he trusted Pan over his parents of course not. But, I don’t think those actions & any previous questionable actions warrant the cruel & callous words spoken by Geeked out Nation in this reaction. I’d like to think you’re right about Henry being mesmerized or bewitched by Pan & neverland. He’s very naive & wide-eyed so I think Henry wanted so much to be a hero & that Pan was telling the truth. In every Peter Pan story/movie we had read or watched Pan was never a villain so for Once to make him a villain was a surprising twist so maybe Henry didn’t want to see Pan as villain or believe that he is evil & was lying to him.

Sarah Benedict

I'm with you on the Henry thing... especially considering the kid was trying to blow up a well to DESTROY magic about 4 minutes ago lol. So happy I up-ed my patronage so I can see these as soon as they get posted. :) <3


It's so annoying everyone's behavior towards Rumple, they say they are good but nobody gives him a chance and recently he has more help than Regina or Hook so they should stop this hypocrisy. And more stupid than Henry does not exist.

Fly on the Wall

I would be sad if Henry died. While he might now be my character by himself, his relationship with Regina is one of the main things I love about her show and its what drives Regina’s redemption arc. And Regina actually is my favorite character. Her character would suffer without the love of her son.