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We definitely should have given you a heads up that it’s more like a two part episode. Haha


Carter sure has come a long way from Season 1, eh? Gets a 10 from me. Tension never lets up for a second in this one.

Felix Huang

Carter surviving this episode was the scariest part. But her number wasn't up.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for Person of Interest!! I agree with you, that this episode is really, really amazing. I really love it, and oh man... that cliffhanger ending! I absolutely love this ending, with Reese busting into the judge's home to save Carter and then him becoming the target the main target when Simmons puts word out for all criminals, etc... to go after the "Man in the Suit". Phenomenal!!! I really love Carter's overall storyline, both in the main present day story, as well as in her backstory showing how she saved her ex husband's life from his struggles in service. And seeing this storyline come into the present day when we see Carter call him to thank him for getting well so he could look after their son. I loved this moment with Carter talking to her son on the phone, as well as her ex. And it's definitely scary seeing everything suddenly become so intense, with Carter finally preparing herself to take down H.R. and its head, Alonzo Quinn once and for all. Yikes! Lionel was fantastic throughout this episode too, as were Finch and Shaw within the little that we really saw them. However, for me Reese and Carter were most definitely the stars of this episode. And I also enjoy Simmons' role throughout this episode too. This episode is most definitely intense from start to finish. And it most certainly doesn't stop in the coming episodes, which I cannot wait for!!! Thank you so much again! Until your next reaction...


No we should have not had let him know. Let him discover himself. It is definitely better if he finds out himself.


Welcome to the real season three. Now it really starts the rest of the season with amazing episodes to come. Now we got everyone coming down to Reese and Carter who are trying to get Quinn to the Fed building. I always loved Carter's plan on taking down HR, she really is playing the game well and also clean (which seems to be almost impossible in this world full of corrupt cops), that is what impresses me most about this episode. Also Carter is the most badass we've ever seen her, she is controlling all these moving pieces exceptionally well and she leaves no matter unattended. Now I am really excited for you to see the next episode, hopefully that will happen soon. It is also a 10 from me.


Thank you. :D Next episode is just the next episode, as will be the episode after that. Thats all that he needs to know from us before he actually sees them.

Dani C

Great reaction to a great episode. I love the way a sense of mounting scale builds through the main plot , while in the flashbacks it's very small scale and intimate. And am always happy to see Elias :)