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Thank You All So Much, I Want To Make 2020 Even Better Than 2019. This Change Hopefully Will Do That.


Life Update

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As soon as I saw the title I knew what this was going to be about. I’m so happy for you! You are by far my favorite Patreon reactor I support and yours would be the last channel I would ever stop supporting, and that’s the truth. So glad for all that’s to come, and I’m really hoping this works out for you. You definitely need to take care of yourself first first and foremost. You were definitely burning the candle at both ends and I don’t know how you were able to do it as long as you did. Best of luck to you. 🎉

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Congratulations, my friend!! Congratulations on taking this risk. It's fabulous! :) This is indeed wonderful news. I'm so happy that all of our support is able to help you so you can quit your day job and focus more on your own self, as well as on making Patreon and YouTube reactions for all of us. Get yourself well and get plenty of sleep, then enjoy watching and reacting to our shows. You deserve to make yourself well. I am so happy to be here to support you in all the ways that I can. Wonderful, wonderful!!! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Ari is my Cat

It seems every month I end up paying a few days late but I like your channel.

J Scott Page

I am so happy to hear that you are taking this step! Your body/mind is the same as a machine: you can only run at maximum power for so long before it starts to break down/wear out. As a patron I am glad that you'll be able to devote more time to giving us what we love. As a person who myself works full time and is also juggling a few other projects, I am inspired by this. Perhaps one day I will have the guts to do it too and devote my whole self to doing what I love. We love you, man! 2020 is gonna be a great year! Peace!


Congrats on ur new path. I’m so excited for you and for the year ahead and to watch all the existing and new shows all the way from little New Zealand.


Wow. I’m so happy for you! I cannot believe you’re taking this risk. I haven’t been a patron for too long but I’m happy for you and glad that you’re going to be taking this risk. I am currently a full time student with a part time job and I cannot understand how you managed a full time job plus making Patreon and Youtube videos for us to watch.. plus the live-streams you’ve done in the past. But it’s great to hear this news. It’s good to take care of yourself because people lose sight of that and it’s good that you’re noticing it. 2020 can definitely be your year! Also, I’m happy to hear that you can make the time for all of us :) Might I suggest movie reactions?? 👀 Idk. Can’t wait to see where we go in 2020! :) ❤️


You scared me for a minute at the beginning. I thought you were leaving us. That is so exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I’m so happy for you. I have been worried about you.I wish I could make decisions like that. I have two jobs as well and I am exhausted all the time. It’s sad to say but Patreon is pretty much the only social activity I have time for. I work every day, one job, the other job, or both. I can’t even bring myself to ask for a regular day off from Walmart so I have a free day every week. And I completely agree that you shouldn’t really change too much on Patreon. You don’t need to do it all at one time. You still need time for yourself. Well, I’m definitely here for the duration. I follow someone on Patreon who is actually no longer doing Patreon for the foreseeable future and I can’t bring myself to cancel my support. He was one of the first ones I followed on Patreon and I feel like I’m losing a family member every time I think about canceling. Love ya’ Steven. I’m sure it’s gonna be fine. You are awesome.

Renee Pope-Munro

Leaps of faith are scary, but worth it. Congratulations, friend!


I'm a fairly new subscriber and I mostly lurk but I wanted to creep from my dark corner to say congrats! I'm really happy to see you have the courage to move forward in your life's journey. It's always wonderful to see people make positive changes in their lives and become happier for it.


I (and I am sure many others of your supporters) have been thinking for a while that you have been overburdening yourself - and it did come across on screen a little bit (with as you said being a bit distracted and not so focused). I'm glad your parents and those closest to you in life seem encouraging and supportive of this decision. You now, hopefully, get to live the "fantasy" … working from home watching awesome (and perhaps not so awesome) TV all day :) Lots of great shows on your pilot list (and some not on there yet) I imagine many of us want to "experience" again for the first time from your reactions. As someone who loves his home theatre though, it is sometimes sad you don't get to experience all these shows "properly" - not sure if that is a concern to you, but lounging back and watching on big screen with surround sound is where it's at. Be nice if you can watch shows in a more relaxed manner as well. Good Luck! P.S. You definitely should have left the poster fall jump scare in there. Maybe use it in youtube/channel intro video.

Katherine Thoreson

I'm so happy for you, not only because you're going to be doing something you love, but because you're also taking care of yourself. That's always important. What you said reminded me of this Australian movie that I love called Strictly Ballroom. It's kind of a docudrama comedy style around ballroom dancing, but there is a quote that they say several times in the movie; "A life lived in fear is a life half lived". I think it's amazing that you're pursuing something you really love to do, and I'm not going anywhere. :)

Janet Daurity

I'm in for 5.00 a month for Dexter and even though its been 3 weeks since the last one, I feel like I get my money's worth. I would be willing to double my money for more Dexter. I would love to see you continue with Six Feet Under (which you did the pilot of). I will gladly support you in any way I can. It's been 3 weeks since you did Dexter. I tried to do the "fast track" but it was all sold out. What are my options?

Other Boy Reactions

So happy for you! I could feel the “burnout” a little coming from you this past year so I think this will definitely elevate your already great reactions to the next level since you’ll be able to focus solely on your channel. We’re proud of you and can’t wait to continue watching your journey!😄👍🏽👌🏽🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🔥🔥🔥

Alexis Cardarella

For the love of god, as much as I love your reactions, please start getting at least 7 hours of sleep. And be sure to pace yourself. Try to take breaks, and get up and move every hour- at least. Because all that sitting, as stimulating as it is compared to a boring desk job, can burn you out too.. Other than that, lol, I’m really happy for you. I hope this is a change for the better for you. I think the pros definitely outweigh the possible cons. 🙂🥳 https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/06/health/how-to-move-more/index.html

Heather Flores-Ricks

I'm so happy for you. Take care your self so we can keep enjoying your presence in our lives 😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️


I became a patreon of yours not too long ago and its crazy how much I relate to your situation right now concerning work and health. So congrats to you for making a change and facing your fears this year and hopefully I'll find myself doing the same! 👏👍☺

Amanda Logsdon

Wow, good luck, I'm not going anywhere. I really look forward to your reactions.


good for you man. Health is the most important part, so it's good that you're making changes to improve that. Good luck.


I'm so happy for you Steve. You should always do what you love, if you have the chance and I admire you for taking that leap :-D


Health should always be the number 1 priority, glad you’re taking this step, as long as you get more time to rest and chill, then that will definitely help you!


I don't post a lot because I'm afraid of spoiling the shows you are watching. I recommend that you take a couple of weeks off of recording as well. Or set up a schedule with days off for yourself. Days off are important for mental health. There will always be posters who ask for next episodes immediately. Rabid fans (myself included) are like five year olds. We want what we want...and now. But we are also rational and compassionate. We don't expect you to kill yourself. Take days off, don't let fear push you to overdo now that you have no safety net. Rabid fans may complain, but generally speaking we are a loyal bunch and will stick around for our show(s). :)

Mariella Nilsson

PLease sleep at least seven, eight hours! You Will feel so much better! I’m happy that you do this to take care of yourself, I dont know if it helps but, I garantee that I Will continue to support you for a long while! And I plan to support at a higher tier. thanks for sharing, we want you to be healthy!!


As one of your first and longest Patreon supporters it’s been so exciting to see your page grow! Congrats on the life changes. It’s always nerve wracking but exciting. I just quit my job too and I start a new job in a couple weeks. Thank you for always thinking of your supporters while balancing your own life. That’s part of why I follow you. You don’t just take our money and give us 50%. You’re always giving us 100% even when your personal life has bumps in the road and that’s why you’re such a great person.


Fantastic news man, I'm over the moon for you as I'm sure everyone else is. Just knowing that you'll be happier in your day to day life is amazing, congratulations!


Really gald that you were able to take this step, hearing how much stuff you had going on and how little sleep you got was honestly a bit worriying so I'm really happy for you that this is about to change. And no worries, we are here to stay ;)

Jonathan Foreman

I honestly love your content man. Your input in the shows that I love is something that I really value even if it's something I don't agree with you on, and I love how much you're honest and open with us. You're just a genuinely great dude and I intend to be here for as long as you're putting out content. I'm so happy for you and I hope your health improves, and you get to keep doing the things you love doing. Love you man, I can't wait to see what you do next.


Good for you Steven! Not many of us get the opportunity to make a living doing something we love so if you get a chance, you should take it. Happiness is the best medicine and I have no doubt that you'll succeed. Hope you feel better soon

Light Yagami

Glad to hear about the change, sounds like it’s for the best. Also really hope you can post some Dexter or the office tonight

Dani C

Brave move - very exciting. You only get so many journeys round the sun - may as well spend it doing something you enjoy. And - y'know, if down the line in a couple of years you end up changing your path again and going back into a day job, well, you'll have had the experience and fun of earning by doing what you love and that is really worthwhile.

Dani C

Does this mean we might see you in Discord ? :P

Stephanie Bedworth

I have a feeling you're going to be amazed by how much better you feel after you start getting a decent amount of sleep on a regular basis. Congrats on your big leap! It'll be a change and there may be a few bumps in the road but I think you'll get through it fine. I haven't been here but three or four months but it seems like a very tight community. I have a hard time thinking you'd ever have a mass exodus.

Ali Jacome

I usually don't comment but I'll try to do it more often. First, I want to thank you because you has always been trying to be a responsible patreon host. I live in another country so I choose very carefully who I'm gonna follow and pay for it because my currency is not dollars but Mexican Pesos. There are guys I follow and they don't even care what they are doing so I stop following them. But you has always been polite, respectful, so cool to watch reacting to something. I came here for Supernatural and now I'm thinking to add Girlmore Girls (because that's a favorite of mine) and Dexter. If I have to spend some money definitely is gonna be for your patreon. So if you are worried that this will disappear, stress not cuz we'll be here and I can assure you that more new people will come. We have faith that tgis endeavor is going to be great for you. 😊

Abbie C

Aww I'm so happy for you, I'm not crying my eyes are just sweating


Congratulations on making a positive step forward for you and your health! I think this is a step you’ll be happy about for the long run and your supporters are definitely here for you!


Good luck on the future success of your reactions