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Been at my warehouse job for almost 7 years, moved up from dock worker to manager. He asked if I could make it till late spring which is about 5 months from now. I told him I can’t and he got upset and told me that they “Don’t Need My Two Weeks” then I just left.

So that’s how my work day ended. Fun Awkward Times.

Looks like Patreon Full-Time Is Starting Earlier Than Expected.



Wow! That’s f*cked up!! Hopefully that won’t be a big strain on you 😬


I’m sorry things happened like that. Very unprofessional. But shake it off and know that we all love you and are excited for your journey with one awesome job to begin and your health to be protected!!

kyra bah

Aww hun. I’m soo sorry x

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Sorry to hear that buddy....that's pretty horrible 😲 Hope you're holding up okay. Take some time for yourself to sort things out, we will all understand. *Hugs* x


Wtf. that’s annoying :/ you are literally being responsible and AT LEAST giving a 2 weeks notice.. some ppl just quit without any notice. that sucks man. hope you’ll be okay :)

Janet Daurity

Same thing happened to both of my sons, I'm so sorry! If you are able to add more request tier I would be interested and probably others.


What a dick!!!! You know you can report his ass. I was a manager at a store until my cousin said he would support me to finish school. My manager asked me to stay through the New Year and my dumb ass stayed. This bitch never hired anyone to replace me and asked me to stay longer I said no and she told me not to come back as well. So I am right there with you and know how you feel. You stick to your resolve baby. It dont matter how many years you been there they dont care about you.

Angel Garcia

They were ungrateful I’m sorry that ended on bad terms but you did what was right for you and shame on them for not appreciating the fact you gave them notice good luck on the future :)


What an arrogant arsehole, hold your head up mate, at least you know you weren't the unprofessional one!


That's absolutely ridiculous and unprofessional, especially considering your 7 years of service. Oh well fuck them. Their Loss, Our Gain. All the best for 2020.


I hate warehouse jobs been doing that since 18 I'm 21 now, and done with them. Sorry that happened 🤦‍♀️


Wow...sorry that happened :-( But you'll be fine. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.


Hah... if he'd done that here he'd owe you 5 weeks pay.

Katherine Thoreson

I had a boss basically say that to me once. It's so sad that you gave so much to that job and in the end when you wouldn't give them even more, they just dismissed you completely. Oh well, don't have to deal with that environment anymore. Onward and upward.

Linda Bykle

The american work system will never stop to amaze me...I'm so glad I live in Norway...where workers actually have rights 😔😊

Ali Jacome

So sorry that happened to you, but if he is like that, is good you are out of it. Look at it like this: first is your happiness, health and mind. If they were asking to give up on that... bye! You did your best, you own them nothing.


That hopefully confirms that you've 100% made the right decision! After 7 years you deserve at least a bit of respect or common decency or maybe even just good manners from the person you work for.. disgusting behaviour to treat someone like that! But on the bright side.. Yayyyy we get you sooner 🎉🎉🎉


I'm sorry that happened. That was so trash of your EX-boss. Good riddance to him! You're on to bigger and better things.

Donell Robbins

I can't believe some people I'm sorry to hear this happened to you as well


That really wasn't professional of him at all. I'm sorry he behaved like that, a petulant child who didn't get his way. But that's on him, not you. It takes courage to pursue your dreams, so be proud of yourself for taking such a huge step. On the other hand, take the time you need to adjust to this new life of yours, it's okay to need time to deal with how you feel about leaving a job you've had for so long.

Collector of Stuff

While I have always given two weeks notice, because I was taught that it was the professional thing to do, I personally felt that it was a one sided expectation of professionalism. Never have I met anyone that said their job gave them two weeks notice when they got fired.

Janet Daurity

I have to tell you (I hope others don't hate me) but I would gladly pay double (10.00) for your full length reactions, they are the best on the internet. Better than anybodys and I pay 10.00 for other's reaction that are not as good as yours, just more reliable. You need to rethink you price structure now that you will be able to "deliver"!


Wow, that's not very cool of your ex-boss.

Marshall Dante Robertson

That was a sign from the Powers That Be. See they don't just help vampires, they also help cool as hell Patreon creators find their calling. You are the Chosen One, Steven. 🤣 Here's to a better future! 🥂


Thanks, I like my pay structure. I think its fair. I do have ideas for what I will be doing with the extra time.


Did you do it like half baked

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I’m so sorry they treated you that way after all you’ve done for them. That’s awful. However, I am so happy to hear that you’re done earlier than you expected and can do better for yourself, as well as us here on Patreon. I’m excited for more reactions!! Especially for more Once Upon a Time, Person of Interest, and hopefully more Pushing Daisies now too!!! Sincerely, Heidi


Workers have rights in the US as well (especially if you are part of a union). If he wanted to do something about his boss doing that he could as someone handing in two weeks notice is not a valid reason to immediately terminate them. Also it's dumb on their part as they could have let him finish the two weeks and potentially train the replacement.

Alexis Cardarella

What a dick weed. And yet you probably can’t do anything because you want him to remain a reference just in case.. That must have really stressful, though. I’m so sorry.. Good fucking riddance though.

Renee Pope-Munro

That’s super unprofessional. Are you full time? He surely should have to honour your two weeks (or is that my Aussie showing?).


I don't know, I live in America, and while respecting 2 weeks notice isn't a law...it would be seen as extremely unprofessional for a boss to not allow it. I'm not a lawyer, but if it happened to me, or someone I know, I'd tell them to get a lawyer and see if that counted as being fired. Because the company might be required to pay a severance package. I mean it sort of sounds like you said "I quit" and your boss said "you can't quit, cause I'm firing you."

Alexis Cardarella

Unfortunately that’s how it works here. Late capitalism in America. Unless he’s part of a union, there’s probably nothing he can do. That said, I don’t know his entire situation.

Alexis Cardarella

Acquiring a lawyer and pursuing something like this would cost a lot of money. Although some would do this on contingency, depending on how strong the case is and if they stand to make a profit.

Dani C

Your boss sounds like a total cockwomble

DJ Doena

If I may make a suggestion. Now that this is your fulltime job, still try to give yourself a weekend or you burn your self out in the end. You can't do this seven days a week all year round. On a more egoistic note: Maybe put your weekend not on the actual weekend, this way we viewer get new stuff on the days that we have off. ;-)

Abbie C

Wow your boss is gonna regret that now they're gonna be scrambling to find someone else, (Evil laugh) I do not feel sorry for your boss at all


Unfortunately that is your Aussie showing, in America the worker has given their rights away in order to keep low paying jobs coming in. A lawyer will not really care unless there is a chance to make money, he can call the Equal Employment Office (EEOC) or OSHA and have them investigate, but they are backlogged and really don't do anything unless he can prove it was because of race/age/sexual orientation. There is very little in the way of help for an employee, we in America have gone all in on Corporations being right and if there is an issue I guess people believe it is just simple to get a lawyer to fight for you, when you just lost your job. The good thing is because how he was let go, he is now eligible for Unemployment benefits, so his boss actually did him a solid.

Mariella Nilsson

Is that really legal? After working there for so long you should be able to get a year of if you want to get back to it later, that way they might keep a good worker in the long run!

Rob Flynn

Yes. Most states in the US are 'at will' employment. Notices are just a courtesy. Companies can fire you at any time for any reason (other than a few protected classes). You're also free to quit at any time for any reason without any notice whatsoever. That might get you a bad recommendation if a new job prospect calls them for a referral, but they can't sue you or stop you or anything like that.


Other people have probably said it but... It sounds like that job wasn't worth keeping.

Calvin Allen

Some states don't allow bad recommendations, just a confirmation of whether you worked there or not

Hazel Angus

Well that was a stupid move on his part, he's now out a very well experienced manager. Not only that, it's bad for his reputation - not saying you'd do this, but some people in this situation would tell their friends and people they know that it's not a good place to work, meaning the boss might find it even harder to find new staff.