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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

My gosh... I am such a fan of Emma and Hook!!! That scene between them as Hook proclaims to Emma he will win her heart... absolutely beautiful. :) And by far it was my favorite moment in this episode. I just love them so much, and definitely so much more than I like the idea of Emma and Neal together. Killian tells Emma that he believes he will win her heart without use of trickery, and he tells her he has absolute confidence that she will save Henry, then that's when the fun will begin. I love it!!! So perfect. Just as I love Emma's responses to him too. She was strong and said she was only focusing on saving Henry, but it's clear she was pretty surprised by Hook telling her the truth about Neal with him being a pirate and especially because he was hoping their kiss meant more to her than she realizes it did right now. And she was grateful for Hook's confidence in her. From the look on her face while he's talking, it's clear that his words meant a lot to her. :) As for Hook talking to Neal about his shared kiss with Emma... it wasn't out of spite or to rub Neal's nose in it. Some fans of this show, especially those who prefer to ship Emma with Neal over Hook, feel that Hook was saying this to be mean towards Neal. Or to be petty. I don't think that's true though. Hook was honestly apologizing and hoping there would be no more problems because of a woman coming between them. Problems like Hook had with Baelfire all those years ago about their fight in regards to Milah, Neal's mom. Hook honestly believed that Neal had heard his confession about kissing Emma in Echo Cave and wanted to help him to understand. Nothing more. However, this conversation causes the friction between Hook and Neal, which I do understand, but I also honestly hated the whole childish argument between them inside Dark Hollow as they fight over the lighter, which is really because they're fighting over Emma as Hook later tells her. I really wish they really would have left this moment out. It's childish or petty arguments between people that are the reasons for me hating love triangles in shows. Including in Once Upon a Time. And yet, I love the moment when Pan's shadow suddenly appears along with the others, which swiftly pick up Hook and Neal as they begin to rip out their shadows to kill them as well. Thankfully, Emma saves them upon finding the strength within herself to light the candle, which then pulls Pan's shadow into the coconut and saves Hook and Neal. Also... did you notice how Emma screamed out Hook's name in fear when he suddenly was taken by the Shadow, and yet she didn't cry out Neal's name? I'm sure this didn't mean anything and that Emma didn't really not cry out Neal's name like she did Hook's because she didn't care about Neal as much anymore. It was most likely an oversight on Jennifer Morrison's part, when she most likely ad libbed screaming Hook's name. However, I like to believe she cried out Hook's name because she too has begun to care more for him in return than she's able to admit at this point. :) Next... I also really love David's and Mary Margaret's scene together when they're off finding Tinker Bell again, when Mary Margaret continues to ignore David, then finally breaks down and yells at her husband for his choice in keeping quiet, then tells David she would happily choose to stay in Neverland with him if she must. This was also quite beautiful too. I have loved Snow and Charming since the beginning and they are definitely one of the main reasons why I love Once Upon a Time so much, so I was happy they have worked out their differences and that they on the same side once again. As for the Storybrooke storyline... I really love seeing Belle and Ariel working together. Their scenes together were perfect and so much fun. And I absolutely love the reveal of Pandora's Box through Gold's spell's effects, when Belle uses the sand dollar to find Pandora's Box hidden beneath the floor in Gold's shop with Belle's chipped cup. Ariel is adorable and Belle's love for Gold, as well as his belief in her love for him was very sweet too. And it's cool that Ariel has brought Gold and Regina Pandora's Box to hopefully defeat Pan. We'll see how that goes for them. As for Henry's storyline with Pan and Wendy... I didn't really care for it too much, but I do understand it. Like you, Henry this season is pretty weak and he acts more foolish than usual. However, I do like the reveal that Wendy was the one trapped inside the other cage and that the boys were her brothers, John and Michael. And Pan is once again is very tricky and cruel to her by convincing her to trick Henry. And it was interesting to meet John and Michael in Storybrooke. They weren't patsies like Greg and Tamara were, and thank goodness too, However, they were still foolish enough to believe Pan would free Wendy if they succeeded in stopping Belle and Ariel, which I didn't like. And yet I understand that they were desperate to help their sister. And lastly... I love Pan like you do. No one could play him better than Robbie Kay does and he's absolutely brilliant. He's most definitely the main reason why I was quickly okay with seeing Pan as a villain in Once Upon a Time, rather than as a hero as I would have expected. Overall... I really enjoy this episode a lot despite the few flaws in my opinion, that I didn't really care for in it. And despite still not being really fond of Neal as a character at all. However, the scenes that I love, especially that moment between Hook and Emma... make this show that much more loved. So, thank you again for another great reaction! Until next time...

Paul Fisher

I think you are confused about Henry's age. he's not fourteen, he's only eleven (He was ten in the first season.) His naivete' seems to me about right for an eleven-year-old. I think to make him more sophisticated would be unrealistic.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yes, this is very true. Henry is young and his naivety definitely comes from his age and lack of experience. And making him act older than he is by having him being smart enough to see through everything, would seem unrealistic. I just can't help but feel that Henry is the weakest in this Neverland arc. I love Henry, and I always will love Henry. But he makes a lot of decisions throughout this first half of the season that annoy me. You're definitely right though, Paul. :)

Elisa Ingo

Really excited for your reaction to the next episode!!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Henry is only eleven years old at this time. But you're right that Jared Gilmore at the time was definitely thirteen years old. He's just meant to be playing an eleven year old boy. He grows up a lot throughout this show, and you really see it.

Paul Fisher

Yes, it's very confusing that the actor is older than the character. In the pilot, both the actor and the character were ten years old but by the third season Jared Gilmore has aged three years while only about a year has elapsed in the story.

Paul Fisher

Me too. The next episode is one of my two favorites from this season.

Paul Fisher

I agree, Heidi. I can't say more or it would be a spoiler, but I bet you know what I'm thinking of.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

It's tough to cast a child for a long running series because they do age a lot faster than adults do. So onscreen, we really see them grow up. But overall... it still works and Jared still does a good job.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Poor Henry gets so much hate,Lol and I don’t know, Emma and Hook’s interactions make this season for me. Their build up is believable because from the get go he’s been attracted to Emma. Emma’s side of the two of their feelings is believable to me, because of how closed off she is emotionally. How are we, as an audience, supposed to buy her attraction to Hook, is she herself isn’t aware of or accepting of it yet. To me that’s believable storytelling. She’s been in pretty hard-core denial mode since the get-go, you know, from being abandoned and everything. Emma not showing her emotions is true to her character. If she was flirty and was obviously and openly building up something with Hook that would be completely out-of-character and strange. But that’s just my feelings, perspective, and opinion on it. ❤️

Linda McDonough Garcia

I completely agree with you about Henry & especially about Emma & Hook . They’re one of the things I love most about season 3 & the buildup & feelings on both parts has been believable. Like you said Emma not showing a lot of feelings for Hook is part of her character anything else wouldn’t have been realistic. Oh and I loved their kiss in Good Form. I think there was a great buildup to it & I don’t think that because she kissed meant she necessarily had feelings for him even though deep down inside she does. There were a lot of reasons why Emma kissed Hook.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Absolutely. Killian and Emma do slowly build in their feelings... Hook much more quickly than Emma due to her struggles with all that's happened in her past and her abandonment issues.


All the baby Henry flashbacks say "11 years ago" I dunno at 11 I was an incredibly dumbass kid. I'm not really into romances in most shows. I'm more about the story in general. I'll get behind a good couple if it enhances the story but I almost never 'ship' 2 people. Hook and Emma are an exception to this. I love their building chemistry. I love the reasons they seem to match up. From their first episode together I was all in. I did feel Neil and Emma's first love flashbacks but not current day. I agree Neil and Hook fighting over the lighter was stupid but love Hook and Emma.


for me when people are surprised Emma likes him, I refer back to Tallahassee and say "do you really think it was a coincidence that the flashback is of her falling in love for the first time and it parallels her going on a journey with ANOTHER thief where this time she's the betrayer?" She wouldn't have panicked over the chance that she was "wrong" about him if she hadn't already started to trust him. He's got the same kind of smartass personality that she's proven to be into IN THE SAME EPISODE. It's not rocket science. Plus all throughout neverland she leans in and bats her eyelashes every time he gives her encouragement. She actively seeks out his encouragement multiple times and tries to hide the fact that she's affected by his declarations by\ walking away or closing herself off.