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I haven't watched, yet, so I don't know if you mention this or not - but the watch order had the next Buffy episode before this. It doesn't matter, it doesn't spoil anything, but in the future it's going to be VERY important to watch things in order to avoid spoilers.


Where can I find the watch order? because I just watched Buffy first then Angel when I finished it and it all still made sense to me give or take a few moments...


It's ok, this one is fine. In fact, I think you can just watch all of the scheduled Angel episodes and then just slip Buffy 4x11 in before you watch 4x12. Can somebody else confirm that there wouldn't be any spoilers if he does this ? Angel 1x10 - Parting Gifts Angel 1x11 - Somnambulist Angel 1x12 - Expecting Angel 1x13 - She Buffy 4x11 - Doomed Buffy 4x12 - A New Man

Allan Cornett

Aways watching Buffy then Angel works perfectly to avoid spoilers. No guide is needed.


I don't care what anyone says, the phrase uttered by Wesley Wyndham Price: "I am going to thrash you within an inch of your life and then I am going to take that inch", is one of the greatest attack lines of all time, up there with "I'll be your huckleberry".


"PTB's" "The Powers that Be" is what they are referred to as a whole....there is more, but spoilers.

Stephanie Bedworth

The two at the beginning who Angel talks to about Doyle are known as the Oracles.


“I’m a rogue demon hunter now.” “Huh. What’s a rogue demon?”

Moon Logic

I think it is pretty easy to underestimate Wesley. He may be clumsy, inexperienced, a little cowardly and a little rash, but he is deeply knowledgeable, trained with all kinds of weapons, he is ambitious and hard working, he has shown himself to be willing to make hard and even quite ruthless decisions ... and he looks good in a suit. Wesley is new to the field, but the groundwork is there to make a very fine rogue demon hunter :p


Classic. I wasn't sure if Steven caught that because he was looking off to the side. What are you looking at, Steven? Are you paying attention to these very important jokes? ;)


I remember feeling slightly disappointed by this episode after "Hero," but I've grown to love it after multiple rewatches. I could write about all the great things in this episode, but I'll skip to end when the Irish tin whistle kicks in with a musical cue that sounds eerily similar to the Titanic theme, with Wesley obviously longing to be invited to stay, and the lovely final shot of our new chosen family, a major Whedon theme. Just beautiful.

Daniel R

I LOVE Wesley :)

Alexis Cardarella

I’m going to thrash you within an inch of your life. ..And then I’m going to take that inch!” Hands down, one of my favorite Wesley quotes ever.

Alexis Cardarella

This ranges a 7-8 for me. Wesley is in absolute full form dork. At this point I’ve just learned to embrace the sometimes but not always ridiculousness of it. I felt it was another angel verse glib followups to something very tragic. They try to balance out the serious elements with the glib, but it ended up being more silly than serious to me overall. Still, lots to love about the episode. Everything Wesley, basically. Good moments between Angel and Cordy, as well. ❤️

Daniel R

I think Steven will grow to love Wesley some day ;)

Trey Moore

I feel it would make his life easier to just do one Buffy & one Angel each week. Airdate is more balanced and less complicated than chronological order.