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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I enjoy this episode. Especially that ending between Carter, Laskey, and Terney. It was phenomenal. And I absolutely agree with you that this show stars three amazing and strong women in Carter, Root, and Shaw. Some of the strongest leading women in any show too. First... I really enjoy the overall main storyline with the two con artists, especially when it was revealed that Natalie conned Hayden in the end, and actually got away with the baseball. I didn't see that coming in the slightest. It was brilliant! As for Carter's side story... once again, I agree with you that it feels like Carter has been working in her own show... in the best sense though. I really love that she has continued to control Laskey, who was definitely coming to see the evil behind H.R. We have to remember... Fusco used to work for H.R. in the beginning of the series as well, and was even more corrupt than Laskey really was. And yet anyone who watches this show eventually comes to love Fusco and forgives him for his misdeeds. And rightly so too. I absolutely love Fusco. So, I feel like Laskey really could have been a good asset to the team. Unfortunately, just when I was somewhat starting to like him, Terney catches him and Carter together and kills poor Laskey, who tries to protect Carter, allowing for her to kill Terney just in time before he kills her too. So sad. And now... Carter finally knows that Alonzo Quinn is behind all of H.R. Fantastic! Speaking of Fusco... it certainly does feel like he has fallen into the background because he hasn't been in the show lately as consistently, which is unfortunate because I absolutely love his character. Reese and Fusco are my overall favorite characters among the group, followed very closely by Finch and then the others. I don't know if the actor who plays Fusco... Kevin Chapman's lack of screen time was because he was busy filming other shows or movies, which I know he was filming in between working on his main show. Or if there was another reason why he has taken the backseat. But I don't think this will last much longer. He does definitely come back into the forefront along with the others. Overall... this episode was really good. Thank you so much for your reaction! Keep feeling better, my friend. I look forward to many more reactions for Person of Interest, as well as Once Upon a Time to come! :) Until next time...


I agree about the female characters on this show some of the best and well written female characters I can remember, Charter, Shaw, Root and even Zoe when she is on. I originally watched this show when it first aired, I started because of Michael Emerson after coming off of Lost, I liked it but I didn't start loving it until season 3, the main reason other then it was getting more serialized was the addition of Root and Shaw, from the moment Shaw was introduced in season 2 she was my instant favorite, it took a little time for me to warm up to Root but love her now. I don't think they gave Carter enough to do in the first couple of season but always liked her character a lot, and she is bad ass this season.


I agree as well about the women but no one can compare to Harold in my opinion. He has the best lines and the best judgement most of the time haha. Carter has some of the best scenes this season's beginning and love the way she is tackling her investigation into HR. Fusco has been missing a bit from the show but I have a feeling things are about to change :) well have to see and you'll have to watch. Haha the sooner the better


Nah. Nothing at all spoilery about his post. It’s not spoilery to say that the rest of this season on is great great tv


You’re all forgetting the best female character of the show — The Machine. 😉 I think the last couple episodes are great examples of why Person of Interest is underrated. In early season 1, this case would have been a 7, just fine, not that memorable. But once they get all these different factions built up and interweaving — HR, the Elias and Russian gangs, Vigilance, the government/relevant team, Decima, Team Machine and their various allies — even a middling case of the week ends up being a rock-solid episode, because those plots are still getting advanced, and are done so well. In short, even the “filler” never really feels like filler.

Felix Huang

My opinion of the current Alignment Chart for the characters. Please don't use any characters that haven't been introduced. Optional rules: all members of team machine must be included. Can't use Organization ie HR, it must be a person. No more than one person per alignment. (pic your favorite) Lawful Good: Joss Carter Lawful Neutral: Lionel Fusco Lawful Evil: Alonzo Quinn Neutral Good: John Reese True Neutral: Harold Finch Neutral Evil: Carl Elise Chaoic Good: Sameen Shaw Chaoic Neutral: Root Chaoic Evil: Kara Stanton