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Please continue with The Pacific after this! It's phenomenal!


I’m so glad you finally got to this episode and I’m so happy you liked it!! So Whedon apparently read some reviews by critics where they praised the dialogue as the best part of “Buffy”, so Whedon decided to write an episode that’s largely void of dialogue to prove it would still be great. Good thing too since this episode was nominated for several Emmy’s! This one of my personal favorites. I just realized while watching this reaction that many characters got what they wanted when they couldn’t speak. As you noticed, Buffy had lamented the fact that she and Riley weren’t make progress since they talk too much, but while they couldn’t speak they end up kissing (I know you don’t like Riley, but it works well in the context of the episode). Anya was upset that Xander couldn’t/ wouldn’t tell her how he felt about her, and it wasn’t until they couldn’t speak that Anya was able to understand that he cares for her. Buffy and Riley both also talk about how they wish they could tell the other their secret and they find out each other’s secrets while their voices are still stolen (and after their voices are returned they go back to not being able to talk about it). Oh and at the beginning with the dream, Professor Walsh talks about language and communication and says they aren’t the same thing which I love as it sets up the rest of the episode. She also in the dream tells Riley to “be a good boy” which I think goes back to last episode where Buffy said she’s over bad boys and I think she sees Riley as a good boy. Then of course the little girl sings a song about the gentlemen which sets up the villain for the episode. Metaphorically speaking the gentlemen are a symbolism for the patriarchy: white men from what Whedon said was supposed to be the Victorian era who live in a phallus, penetrate their victims, then run away with their hearts. They’re terrifying and obviously evil and I like how the other institution in the episode is the Wicca group, one made up entirely of women, that’s largely just one big joke. I also like that Buffy, the “princess”, is the one to take down that group. Anyway, so much to love! This is where the season really takes off for me. I hope you’re ready!!


The death of Albert Blithe is actually one of the few things they got wrong, but only because the man of the Easy Compans assumed this and told it like this while beeing interviews since they didn't know either. Actually Albert Blithe survived his injuries, was awarded the Purple Heart but was unable to return to duty, which is why the man of the Easy Company assumed he died. He was released in 1945, worked in Michigan, but reeinlisted in 1949, was then discharged in 1952 but reeinlisted again in 1954, he then served in post war korea, married and had a son & daughter. He died 1969 in a Hospital in Germany while still beeing on active duty. The Blithe family found out about the false information while the show aired and it was later corrected in later editions of the book (which the series is based on) but the information obviously couldn't be corrected for the show since it was already out.


I think you posted under the wrong show ;) Happened to me just now aswell (amde my BoB post under Psych)


not having time to stop and think about things can actually be a good thing. . spend too much time dwelling and all that can be damaging to the unit

Ari is my Cat

You train for scenarios. You practice all the time and when stuff happens you don't need to think you just know your job and do it. We never got to general quarters faster in a drill then when there was a real emergency, when you wake up to the alarm and here the announcement for a main space fire and the words this is not a drill ring through your head you just do everything faster without thought. I can tell you a main space fire (fire in engineering) is the most terrifying thing on a Navy ship if you stopped to think about it instead of getting to your damage control station to do your job. If you don't put out that fire you have nowhere to go but the water.

Uga Engelhart

I would definitely love to see the Pacific after this! I actually watched the two shows in reverse order, myself, so its a little closer to my heart because of that. But I love both shows ALOT. Very nice to see you react to them.


Correct, thank you for pointing this out. It's not a bad thing, I'm sure it's impossible to get everything right, but they made a damn good effort to try, and to still show what Blithe went through during the invasion and days after is an important story to tell.


Please watch The Pacific after this show. It's by Spielberg and Hanks too, and I think it's a great addition to the series of films they made together.


Really enjoying the BOB reactions. This is actually the first Patreon I ever signed up for to see how you like the mini-series. Hope to see more episodes soon! Thank you.

Kevin M.

The Pacific I'm hoping he picks it up too. Really underrated imho

Kevin M.

My sentiments exactly:) with family members that fought in that theater and survived to tell us the tale we were not disappointed when they made that miniseries.

Kevin M.

The war there was hellish and they did their best to capture it, I'm hoping he does pick it up bc not too many people are familiar with what went down over there