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Welcome to "Hush" Joss Whedon's response to critics who stated that all this show had was snappy dialogue and pretty faces.......mic drop

Rafael Lemus

Definitley a skippable episode. I mean, they don't even talk! 😉

Stephanie Bedworth

Men who handled corpses in the old west? You mean undertakers, maybe?


To this day the gentlemen are the scariest villains I've ever seen on TV. Ironically, this is the first episode of Buffy I ever watched. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. I loved it so much that I bought the boxset the next day and that's how I fell in love with this show


Good news ! There is a "Making of" feature for Hush, but I don't remember if it contains spoilers or not. I think it's on the DVD set, but it might be for all of Season 4, so you can't watch, yet :-( There's also a stuntman who worked on Buffy who posts hours and hours of behind the scenes home movies, but again...spoilers.


There is a perfect episode it is unfortunately not seen by you yet, when it comes on, we will tell you to show it to your niece.

Katherine Thoreson

Let's also give a shout out (no pun intended) to Christophe Beck, composer of the awesome score that takes place of the dialogue this episode. They brought in mimes for the Gentlemen to get the creepy movements down. The lead Gentleman is actually Doug Jones, well known character actor. Also, the way the Gentlemen float was all done practically using cranes and wires that were digitally removed later. Yes, the character of Olivia, Giles' orgasm friend, is the same woman from episode 1.

Ryan Wilson

Lets not forget this episode was Emmy nominated for writing!!


"Hush" is to Buffy what "Blink" is to Doctor Who.


We don't know what the "Gentlemen" need the hearts for, we don't know how the "Gentlemen" picked their victims, they just sense them, when they are close, that is why they had to go door to door. The beauty of this episode for me, is so much left unknown (this information would have been filled in with words, but they dealt with it the best way they could for having no words also because of the Whedon proving his point thing)


This is a really good episode because it is so unique! I love it and The Gentlemen are really creepy omg the first time I saw them and heard the little girl in the beginning it scared me bad! Spike is still hanging around because I think he believes the Initiative is still hunting him and the Scoobys can help keep him safe...for now.


I didn't appreciate this episode the first time I saw it because I was pretty young, but it's definitely grown on me since then, and the Gentlemen have always freaked me out. It's a great episode all around. I'm with you about Buffy and Riley. As for the kid in Buffy's dream, I think it's because the Gentlemen were from a fairytale and fairytales tend to be told for children (even the creepy ones, think about how many of those there are.) so a kid in the mix makes some sense. Plus she was reciting what I think must be from a nursery rhyme from the tale. I guess what the gang takes away from keeping Spike around is hoping they can find out more about his chip/how he got it/how it works, and those that put it in his head.


Funnily enough, I was 5 when I started watching Buffy. I couldn't sleep one night and my mom let me watch it with her and she's regretted that moment ever since cuz I drove her nuts with this show. I don't remember what my first episode was, but I know it was in Season 5.

Allan Cornett

This episode is in my top 5 of all the Buffy episodes. I watch it every Halloween.


"Nobody deserves a mime, Buffy." Sorry, but I can't help but think of that Oz quote whenever someone says "mime." Seriously though, Doug Jones is incredible.


I definitely got an intense vibe from Willow and Tara, with a layer of confusion from Willow. One of the top episodes of Buffy. It used to be my #2, but the lack of emotional heft like Steven mentioned has dropped it a bit even though it's still a spectacular episode that ruminates on communication while advancing relationships and delivering a deft blend of horror, comedy, and drama.

Vincent Valentin

I love all the parts of this episode that don't involve the initiative. If you took this episode and put it in any other season it would have been phenomenal.


The "Riley Conundrum" is another fault of the fans. Just like putting Willow and Xander together Joss Whedon wanted to show the fans that what they think they want is not always what they want. As someone has stated after Angel and Parker everyone wanted Buffy to have a nice normal relationship with a good guy.....(can you get any more trope then that haircut, the weird use of the word peculiar, the black best friend, the member of a secret government agency, being from Iowa, who helps lesbians put up a banner and also is the teacher's pet?).......Now you see why there is so much disdain for Riley (Buffy brought this up in talking to Willow about the danger being the exciting part of the relationship). The viewers like Buffy need the fire and this guy is the exact opposite as Xander states he is a square and we can all understand why he likes Buffy, but Buffy liking Riley is like being okay at the cookout with Karen's homemade potato salad..just salt, maybe a little bit of pepper to make it spicy and definitely no paprika. He is bland, he was not seasoned properly and sent to us to enjoy........some of us will send it back and some of us will eat it and not complain because it was what we ordered. This should be viewed in the morning or before lunch, now everyone should be hungry and if you don't add any seasoning then you love Riley..nana nana boo boo...hahahaha


The "Riley Conundrum" is another fault of the fans. Just like putting Willow and Xander together Joss Whedon wanted to show the fans that what they think they want is not always what they want. As someone has stated after Angel and Parker everyone wanted Buffy to have a nice normal relationship with a good guy.....(can you get any more trope then that haircut, the weird use of the word peculiar, the black best friend, the member of a secret government agency, being from Iowa, who helps lesbians put up a banner and also is the teacher's pet?).......Now you see why there is so much disdain for Riley (Buffy brought this up in talking to Willow about the danger being the exciting part of the relationship). The viewers like Buffy need the fire and this guy is the exact opposite as Xander states he is a square and we can all understand why he likes Buffy, but Buffy liking Riley is like being okay at the cookout with Karen's homemade potato salad..just salt, maybe a little bit of pepper to make it spicy and definitely no paprika. He is bland, he was not seasoned properly and sent to us to enjoy........some of us will send it back and some of us will eat it and not complain because it was what we ordered. This should be viewed in the morning or before lunch, now everyone should be hungry and if you don't add any seasoning then you love Riley..nana nana boo boo...hahahaha


The "Riley Conundrum" is another fault of the fans. Just like putting Willow and Xander together Joss Whedon wanted to show the fans that what they think they want is not always what they want. As someone has stated after Angel and Parker everyone wanted Buffy to have a nice normal relationship with a good guy (can you get any more trope then that haircut, the weird use of the word peculiar, the black best friend, the member of a secret government agency, being from Iowa, who helps lesbians put up a banner and also is the teacher's pet?). Now you see why there is so much disdain for Riley (Buffy brought this up in talking to Willow about the danger being the exciting part of the relationship). The viewers like Buffy need the fire and this guy is the exact opposite as Xander states he is a square and we can all understand why he likes Buffy, but Buffy liking Riley is like being okay at the cookout with Karen's homemade potato salad..just salt, maybe a little bit of pepper to make it spicy and definitely no paprika. He is bland, he was not seasoned properly and sent to us to enjoy, some of us will send it back and some of us will eat it and not complain because it was what we ordered. This should be viewed in the morning or before lunch, now everyone should be hungry and if you don't add any seasoning then you love Riley *nana nana boo boo*. hahahaha


The "Riley Conundrum" is another fault of the fans. Just like putting Willow and Xander together Joss Whedon wanted to show the fans that what they think they want is not always what they want. As someone has stated after Angel and Parker everyone wanted Buffy to have a nice normal relationship with a good guy.....(can you get any more trope then that haircut, the weird use of the word peculiar, the black best friend, the member of a secret government agency, being from Iowa, who helps lesbians put up a banner and also is the teacher's pet?).......Now you see why there is so much disdain for Riley (Buffy brought this up in talking to Willow about the danger being the exciting part of the relationship). The viewers like Buffy need the fire and this guy is the exact opposite as Xander states he is a square and we can all understand why he likes Buffy, but Buffy liking Riley is like being okay at the cookout with Karen's homemade potato salad..just salt, maybe a little bit of pepper to make it spicy and definitely no paprika. He is bland, he was not seasoned properly and sent to us to enjoy........some of us will send it back and some of us will eat it and not complain because it was what we ordered. This should be viewed in the morning or before lunch, now everyone should be hungry and if you don't add any seasoning then you love Riley..nana nana boo boo...hahahaha

Christian Liechti

I absolutely love this episode. I love the design of the gentlemen. The actors did an amazing job with bringing over the emotions and feelings. The score fits great. TOP!

DJ Doena

This episodes also shows how the original picture frame was intended to be 4:3, not 16:9. The "in case of emergency, use stairs" sign wasn't supposed to be visible before the actual punchline. Of course this is a minor offense compared to visible equipment and crew.

Mariella Nilsson

Omg so many new episodes!! Hope you are feeling better!

DJ Doena

Love how much stuff they got past the censor in this episode. Buffy's spiking motion. Anya's let's get snuggly motion. Also Spike's two-finger salute towards Xander when they wake up voiceless is a very rude gesture in England (where Spike is from).

Daniel R

Yay, I forgot we meet Tara in this episode :) but you've seen her before on Supernatural lol


The "Riley Conundrum" is another fault of the fans. Just like putting Willow and Xander together Joss Whedon wanted to show the fans that what they think they want is not always what they want. hahahahaha


Which is great because Joss did this as a challenge to himself because he was worried his writing had become conventional (and also the Jossian dialogue criticism that Taz mentioned). Writing is much more than just crafting dialogue; it's about storytelling.


It’s not perfect, but it is a 10 (for me). Ultimately, I’m an absolute sucker when a show with a well-established formula tosses that aside to do something experimental for an episode. When they absolutely nail it like this, it’s unquestionably going in my Top 5. Sure, it doesn’t have the epic emotional payoff or action of the season 2 or 3 finales, but as much as I love those, I admire successful risk-taking like this even more. Also, Pangs/Something Blue/Hush is just an outstanding episodic run. Not a connected trilogy or anything, just one awesome episode after another.


please stop looking at the thumbnails 🙄🤣


Kind of impossible to avoid on most platforms, unfortunately. I wish streaming services offered a spoiler-free setting that hid thumbnails, descriptions, and episode titles. I don’t personally mind spoilers myself, but man alive I’ve noticed a ton of thumbnails that give away massive spoilers about a character returning or surviving — on plenty of shows, on plenty of platforms. At least pick better thumbnails, guys! Jeez!

Valencia Lanier

I think there was a Buffy cartoon. Maybe your niece might like that?


Loved this reaction. THANK YOU. One of my all time fave episodes of this series. And yes, to me Riley is a pain. :p


Spike is still with the gang because he is hiding from the Initiative guys.


It's taken me 20 years to realize that Buffy's dream in the beginning of the episode was one of her Slayer prophecy dreams!

Sharon Owen

This episode was actually the only episode of Buffy to be nominated for an Emmy for Writing in a Drama Series category - shows you how you don't need lots of dialogue to make a good show