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Daniel R

Thank you for this even though you're under the weather, just know I really appreciate your hard work.


I guess with Stefan and Elena it’s a case of love at first sight and with them sharing such important bond of him trusting her enough with his secret and her sharing her feelings of grief about her parents death. It’s also the first real thing she’s felt after her parents death as if it woke her up from the depression she was in. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I danno I’m not team stefan and Elena at all but that’s just my take from it. Love your reactions. Hope ur feeling better


So this one lol. I like most of it. I watched this as it aired. I think I’ve always assumed that this and other shows like it happened in real time (like it’s episode 10 so I would’ve figured it’d been about 10 weeks or two and a half months). Obviously now I realize that can’t be the case, but I guess it only bothers me in the way that they’re a problematic couple even regardless of the time. Like you pointed out, they’ve already broken up twice now, so yeah. They should probably just let it go, but that’s teen “love” for ya. I basically ignore the romantic elements of this one. That aside, it’s a pretty great one!

Therese Larsen

A lot of people are probably gonna disagree with you on the Stefan/Elena part, haha. But don’t be afraid to be honest though, I want your reactions to be genuine, regardless of how people feel. I totally agree on the Stefan/Elena, they feel rushed and kinda cheesy. Aside from that, the episode is pretty good. I’m really enjoying your reactions! Are there gonna be any more? Has anyone requested for a new episode? If not I think I’m gonna have to upgrade my tier because the show is now about to get crazy good!!

Idun V

I especially interested in what his thoughts are gonna be when it comes to a certain dance 😂 Also the big reveal.

Therese Larsen

Omg there are so many events I’m excited for him to see. We can’t stop here 😩

Idun V

One of the best things happens in season 2! Also those two villains, you know, the ones starting with K 😉


The timeline of the show is that 3 months have passed since it started and they've been together on and off for 2 and a half months. TBF, I remember my first love when I was 16 and after about a month I thought I was in love, so I didn't think it was an unusual timescale. You are the first reactor to spot something in this episode and straight up say it as you see it, I suspected you would as you seem very observant regarding that sort of thing. Of course I'm not going to say what it is as that might be a spoiler. ;) I'm hoping someone has requested the next episode as the show is about to take off. It goes up another level from the next episode. I think Elena is a little creeped out by Katherine and now understands why Damon kept bringing her up. Damon is prepared to do bad things for the greater good. Whether that makes him evil is questionable. He can be very funny though. He is the anti-hero. Brilliant reaction, hoping for another one.

Janeka Rector

Another thing you’ve spotted is this show’s willingness to burn through story like it’s on fire.


So true. I actually find it impressive - they pack a ton of plot development into each episode and don't unnecessarily drag out storylines, while still mostly avoiding repetitiveness until the later seasons. For a teen vampire drama, the non-romantic, lore-based storylines are pretty sophisticated and well-developed over the course of the show.


I can definitely agree that the relationship moved really fast, but it's not nearly as strange to me as you found it. Totally understandable on your part but idk, after a big time loss like she had before the show started, she was in a black hole emotionally, where nothing makes you... 'feel'. Grabbing onto the first thing that excited you in months is not too strange, then you throw in the fact that he's a vampire and it becomes strange for her to be into him again, but then you throw in that she knows he's saved her life a couple of times... I mean I've never had my life saved but I would imagine that would make you feel quite a bit. All that being said, her being into him makes sense to me to an extent, but her being in love was clearly pushed here to get to the "Katherine 1864" moment. Long-winded way for me to say, I agree with you, but not as intensely as you felt about it.

Shauni Livingstone

I think theyve been dating for a few months, there was something said in the previous episode that made reference to him having been back for 4months

Amanda Winner

In the episode with Lexi, she mentions after Stefan talks that he is in love with her so Elena saying "I love you" in this episode wasn't a surprise after everything they've been through in a short period of time


I just have to say, I always loooved the soundtrack of VD :-)


17yr olds fall in love alllll the time. By the way, Damon is 7 years older than Stephen. Stephen was 17 when he died and Damon was 24.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Yeah... the music is really starting to annoy me. Really don't remember it to be that bad when I first watched it, or even when I wat he ASR. It's just too much all the time.


Your reaction to Stelena is everything :D