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Rafael Lemus

"Is that it? Am I done?" -- Doyle


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"That it? Am I done?" Most heartbreaking final line. It's 3:41 am. Am I gonna watch it? So soon after the cryfest of IWRY? Of course, I'm going to. Where are the tissues? Poor Steven.


This was rough, the backstory of why it went down this way is an even rougher one. R.I.P Doyle the rats are low.


Joss said it was always planned to kill Doyle off midway through the season but Glenn Quinn had a heroin addiction and there were some problems on set so… Glenn unfortunately died two years later of an overdose which always makes this episode even harder to watch.


I think I said everything that you did, the first time I watched this, it was like checking off a grocery list of questions in my head at the time. This episode, following last episode and this moment at the end giving depth to it's earlier showing of Doyle being a bad actor.....some of the many instances of why I love this show so much.


I just wish a screen capture used by streaming services didn't giveaway anything in the episode. You would think someone would do something about that to prevent any spoilers.

Alexis Cardarella

For Doyle I’d give it a 10. Glenn Quinn had a battle with addiction. They wrote this as an out episode. And I love him regardless. No reservations. But, yes, rushed plot and that makes me say 9 and not 10 as a story. I did not love the episode via plot but god did I love Doyle.

Vicky N

This episode is mixed bag for me. The plot doesn’t make sense within the lore, the mythology of the show. They simply forget for plot convenience what was established before about all demons on earth being half breed. Just to have this ham fisted metaphor of the Nazis persecuting the Jewish people. The dialogue is particularly cringeworthy. The only redeeming quality is Doyle how Doyle sacrifice is handled and when you know what’s coming, you start to get emotional watching Doyle butchering his line in the commercial and by the end, you are crushed. That’s masterfully done.

Heather Flores-Ricks

Rough episode for sure. I always cry watching this episode...


I always thought that was the opposite? I thought that until 1000 year old ex-demon Anya said something about it during the ascension everyone had no idea what a true demon was and that is what allowed the misguided "Scourge" to make this lie their foundation. This changes things.....


This episode broke my heart when I first saw it,I already knew that Doyle was going to die and I know that Glenn Quinn had died so my emotions were already high going into it. Doyle was my favorite too...it was a tough death to watch. 💔😭

Marshall Dante Robertson

My mood is "Feeling really bad for Steven. Also laughing at Steven for thinking bringing Wesley on board would be a bad thing." Oh the beauty of hindsight. It might seem bad at first dear Steven but have faith my friend. Your in for quite a ride. 😉

Stephanie Bedworth

Doyle was a really great character. It's too bad that Glenn Quinn couldn't keep it together enough to really finish his arc but what they came up with here did work well enough. It's an extremely emotional episode that's tough to get through.


That commercial with Doyle at the end always gets me. This episode is made sadder by the fact that the actor died of a drug overdose two years later. This episode isn’t perfect by any means, but the sheer emotion of Doyle’s sacrifice makes up for it. David Boreanz was good friends with Glenn Quinn and still speaks of him highly till this day. He was a talented young man, it’s a shame.

Stephanie Bedworth

I saw an interview of his from a couple of years ago and he referred to him as "Quinny". It made me so sad.


I remembered that Glenn Quinn was written out of the show, and that he had died when I started watching Angel. I knew WHY he was written out. Did that stop me from giving up on the show for a long time once I got to this episode and saw that they killed off my favorite character so soon? Nope, not at all.

Katherine Thoreson

Your reaction was my reaction. I watched the Buffy/Angel shows when they aired. They didn't show the actual name of the episode, so I had no idea what it was called. My sister and I would record the episodes on VHS and come up with our own names for the episodes. This one was labeled, The one where Doyle "Dies", because she and I refused to believe he was dead. I was convinced that after waiting another week to see the next episode that they would bring him back somehow. He is a lot of people's favorite. But yeah, he had addiction issues and they caused issues on set, so much to the point that Joss and Co. thought it was best all around to write him out of the show...but not out of our hearts. As others have also pointed out, it's a shame that the image they chose for the next episode spoils a huge reveal.


There were a few reasons for writing out Doyle. The first is that it was always Joss Whedon's intention to put a character in the opening credits and kill them quickly, to show that no one is safe. He wanted to do it in the first episode of Buffy by putting Jesse in the credits, but they couldn't afford it. There were also the drug addiction problems for the actor, who sadly died a couple of years later. I'm sure I also read somewhere that there was a similar intensity to Doyle and Angel's characters that the show runners felt didn't work on the show. They wanted to amend the dynamic of the main cast to try and redress that balance.

Jed Wingard

A really cool detail is the cringy video they play of Doyle actually paints a perfect picture of what Doyle did for everyone. And his final line especially is great and heartbreaking. "Is that it... am I done?"

Daniel R

Wow that sucks that Wesley got spoiled for you smh


Gut wrenching ending isn't it. I can't ever hear that last part without feeling it. It was definitely a shock because there was no warning that we'd lose Doyle. And yeah what someone else said, sorry you got spoiled about Wesley.

Phoenix Dawn

How can you not be in tears in the last scene?!


i cry every time i watch this episode. I love Doyle, he was one of my favs too. The thing I like is that Doyle was able to redeem himself, he fixed his mistakes and came to terms with himself and his choices. He died a hero. So sad. Originally, Doyle's character was always supposed to be killed off, but due to his issues and addictions with drugs and alcohol, the crew, directors etc kept having issues with him turning up late, not knowing his lines, being a mess, etc. It was really effecting production. David Boreanaz was apparently really close with Glenn Quinn and kept trying to help him, but... in the end they had to fire Quinn and move their story up sooner. Sadly, Glenn Quinn died of an overdose a couple of years after this, which just makes this episode so much sadder to me :(

Tammy L. Faulkner

That last line gets to me EVERYTIME... with a single tear drop dripping down my cheek. Even after all these yr... RIP Glenn Quinn, my favorite Doyle.