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Ok so some trivia... During D-Day, there was a sanding order for No POWs... which essentially meant, take no prisoners. So you can say that Lt. Speirs was obeying that order when he (supposedly) killed all of those Germans. When Sgt. Malarkey asked that one German "Where are you from, Son?" That is in reference to General Eisenhower... When he was inspecting the 101st Airborne, he would go up to troops and ask them "Where are you from, Son?" The German soldier makes reference to "Volksdeutsche"... Everyone who was of Aryan descent must return to Germany. When Malarkey ran to the dead German soldier, he was trying to see if he had Luger, a German sidearm. For some reason, everyone wanted to get their hands on a Luger to take as a souvenir. The guy that died is Private Hall, the actor that plays Moriarty in the BBC Sherlock series, Andrew Scott. He died when he tripped a claymore.

Mark Wood

Yes the episode can be had to track the action, who’s who, where your friends are and where the enemy is. And that’s deliberate as they try to reflect the actual chaos of this type of war.

Stephanie Bedworth

The guy who gave the germans all cigarettes was Lt. Speirs.