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I totally and completely agree with you about this episode. The concept, execution, and acting in this one are all phenomenal! I love the ideas of this episode being that some of the scariest things are just human nature, mass hysteria, and fear itself! And I also loved seeing Tenant’s doctor in terror - one of the episodes that makes him one of my favorite doctors!!

Ruby Alice

I was so looking forward to you seeing this episode! By far one of the best of the series in my opinion and you're right the music worked so well and especially for the suspense! I think it goes to show that you don't have to have multiple locations to make an episode interesting, they were on one set for basically the whole episode and it worked so well! And I also absolutely freaked out seeing Rose haha x


One of my favorite episodes as well. It scares me every time. Everything was so well done.


I completely agree, this episode is phenomenal. The Doctor, without his companion, without that human go-between, is unable to control the situation. A room of people that have no knowledge as who the Doctor is, he is just some random ’Joe Schmo’. For once he can’t just sweep in and take control. His ego back fires on him spectacularly, “Because I’m CLEVER!” The ‘monster’ works by picking the person that is the most scared. At first it was Sky then the ‘monster’ just wait’s till further panic sets in, and it wasn’t until the other people began to turn on the Doctor that he became the most scared in the room, the ‘monster’ then moved on to him. David Tennant is on spectacular form, one of his greatest performances, and there are many. He just owns the part without question. If the title had not already had been used, then ‘Human Nature’ would have suited this episode perfectly. A genius episode.

michael moslin

Thats the 2nd time we have seen Rose this series

Dani C

I think the reason they weren't listening to the woman who was trying to speak reason towards the end, was because she was saying what they didn't want to hear - they wanted a quick solution that would make them safe - and she was the one throwing doubt at their plan. And they didn't actually see anything pass to the Doctor - they just think they did - it's mass hysteria in action


I am SO glad you enjoyed this one. It’s literally my favorite episode of doctor who.


This episode. It's brilliant and completely maddening at the same time. I'm always so glad when reactors get here because I love hearing the various opinions and views on this one. Never before this episode and never since have I wanted to throat punch characters in a television show so much. Humans en masse can be so terrifying. Also, your reaction at seeing Rose was all of our reactions. Actually, I literally screamed the first time I saw it. I was so excited for you to see this one. I knew you'd love it.


The thing I love most about this episode is that it highlights why the doctor needs a companion. The doctor has a huge ego, and sometimes DOES look down upon humans. He shut down all the their ideas like he knew better than all of them . I guarantee if Donna had been there, the people would have been more receptive to the Doctors plan. This episode showed how human nature and sheer survival instinct kick in during intense and life threatening situations. The music, the setting, the lighting and the acting all made for a great horror episode. I love this one soo much.


This is the best kind of horror for me! Not knowing is sometimes better and more scarier. Kinda like how the Weeping Angels you didn't see what they looked like when they weren't stone. This episode definitely feels like the "Blink" of the series. I hope you enjoy the next 3 episodes! :)


3rd actually. EP1, EP5, and this one!


Yeah they've shown Rose throughout the season multiple times. In a comment I wrote on one of the earlier episodes I tagged the time and told you you should rewatch it because you weren't looking at the screen at the moment she was shown. I think it was the second part of the Atmos Rhyno looking creatures episode. Anyway, amazing near flawless episode. The acting was incredible at times, the concept was original and the unexplained aspects werent the kind that frustrate and seem like lazy writing, instead the unexplained just added to the horror of it all.


I love this episode too. It really speaks to the writing and acting that they made it so good, so intense, all in that one little room. And someone else I think mentioned that we've seen Rose before this season, briefly, plus she was in the first episode at the end with Donna.

Melinda Barr

What always bothers me most is that the hostess was right from the beginning, Harsh and callous, yeah, I know. But, what if they brought it back? P.S. The Doctor turned off all the media so that they would talk to each other. This episode is in my top three. It's like a really good Twilight Zone episode.

David Broome

This reaction is why I told fanboys to cut you some slack when you criticised episodes, because it makes the reactions where you love an episode all the better knowing you never fake. I'd much rather people give honest reactions whether they like an episode or not and nobody likes every episode.

John Smith

Second half of S4... Oh my. This episode is great, can't believe we got back to back 10s!

Idun V

I've seen this episode several times and I still find myself shaking when it's over.