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Ari is my Cat

That guy Hart was the kid making a movie when Logan's mom jumped off the bridge in season 1.

Ari is my Cat

Puts the scene where Woody was feeling Logan's muscles in a new light.

Ari is my Cat

The lawyer brought up the STD thing to make the jury think Veronica was a slut who would have tried to seduce Logan's dad and set up the boyfriend stuff for when her dad testified the next day.


Have faith - almost all loose ends get tied up on this show. Sometimes they just play the long game.


Wow, so much happened in this episode that I forgot about Lucky and the school shooting until Steven brought it up. Granted, I do get a bit distracted by the OTT terrible TV law, which Rob Thomas himself regrets, but so much happens in this episode that I don't care so much because I am overinvested in seeing Weevil graduate for his grandma.

Reef Sami

when is ep 22?


A really good episode. Damn Logan and his sentimentalism... If he hadn't destroyed the tapes Aaron would have gone down for certain.