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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for a good episode!!! :) Hook is definitely back, which I absolutely love!!! And boy was he angry upon discovering that Rumplestiltskin is still alive. And after swearing revenge for the last two hundred years... of course he's angry. Oh... and like you, I love, love, love that Hook continues to call Rumplestiltskin/Gold Crocodile too. :) While I really don't like Greg and Tamara at all, I do like the idea of seeing them form an alliance with Hook by throwing his failure to kill Rumple in his face in order to get him on their side. I don't like them, but they are at least smart enough in this episode to use Hook to lure Regina into a trap. I just wish this plan throughout this episode was executed better than it was. This storyline, especially in regards to Greg and Tamara was weak. Hook as always is phenomenal, but like you said, he wasn't in this episode as much as i wish he would have been, and things were not explained at all. As for Hook's storyline... I truly do believe that Hook was genuine in wanting to side with Regina once they started working together, until Regina of course betrayed him like Hook of course suspected she would, when she pushed him off the cliff in the mines to face off against what's left of Maleficent in her mummified form. If Regina hadn't have betrayed him, I think Hook would have eventually turned against Greg and Tamara, and helped Regina gain back her magic by removing the cuff for her. Unfortunately for us, we'll never know. As for Maleficent... she is dead because Emma killed her like you remembered, back in season one's finale... A Land Without Magic. However, Regina cursed Maleficent so that her soul would remain trapped in whatever formed she happened to be in. In A Land Without Magic, she was alive and trapped in the form of a dragon until she was killed, because she was in the form of a dragon when the curse fell over her. And in this episode, she becomes a mummified beast when her ashes form into this creature that Hook fights. As for my overall favorite moment in this episode... I love the moment when Hook talks to Regina about his belief that their lust for revenge, should they finally succeed in gaining it, will be the end of their lives because they will have no purpose to live any longer. It's so sad for him that he feels that all he's meant to do with his life is to try to kill an immortal being that can't seem to be killed despite all of his efforts, and then that he expects to die in doing so. It's tragic really. It shows a much deeper side to Hook and I love it! And then sadly, Regina has to make the pain we see in his eyes in that moment worse, by rubbing it in that she still has Henry to live for once she gains her revenge against Snow White and everyone else by destroying all of Storybrooke and everyone in it with her fail safe. Evil Queen... agh!! Now... after Regina pushes Hook off the cliff to face Maleficent, she walks over to what we see again to be Snow White's glass coffin, which was shown to be within the bottom of the mines back in season one's episode, That Still Small Voice. And at last we find out the purpose for Regina having hidden it down within the mines where it wouldn't be found... because Snow's coffin is where Regina hid the small blue jewel that is her fail safe with the power to destroy all of Storybrooke. However, before she can do anything with it, she returns to the library only to discover Hook is still alive as he's standing in front of her, having beat her back up somehow... a way that is never explained aside from that Greg and Tamara somehow helped him escape from Maleficent. If there's one little nitpick I have with this episode that I don't like a lot... it would be that. I would have loved to know how Hook got away from her. And now... Regina has been taken captive herself by Greg and Tamara. I honestly liked watching Hook's facial expressions throughout this scene any time they showed him, whether in the forefront, or in the background. He's certainly thinking carefully over every conceivable option. I didn't care a whole lot for either Greg's or Tamara's role throughout this episode at all. As you know... I really hate their characters. They're stupid. Next... I do enjoy the backstory in the Enchanted Forest with Regina, Snow White, and Rumplestiltskin, as Regina at last accepts and declares herself to be the Evil Queen. I love the smile she always makes in powerful moments like this. It's perfect and so evil. Rumplestiltskin is hilarious and fun like always... when he comes to Regina bragging about the villainess she's become. And then, she asks Rumple to first teach her a cloaking spell, but when he states that it can't be taught so quickly, she then asks him if he can cast the spell on her so she can go out unseen among the villages to find Snow White. In doing so, she learns exactly what her people think of her... that they hate and ridicule her, while they love and adore Snow White. To be honest... I felt that it was a little strange that Regina was so blinded by her hate for Snow, that she didn't understand why her people hated her so much and why they couldn't see Snow White to be the villain she saw her as. However, it is true that the deep hatred someone has for another like Regina feels towards Snow, can certainly twist your sight and believe so much so that you can't see straight. Hook feels this way towards Rumplestiltskin. The only real difference is that Hook never sees himself as anything more than the villain he is. He isn't blinded to the fact that he is a villain. He knows it with every fiber of his being, which only continues to be more apparent as his character is developed further along. But back to the story... Regina attempts to confront a few of her Black Guards once she's cloaked, so the guards don't actually recognize her, just as no one else does. Everyone only sees her as a crazy woman trying to mock the Queen. The guards then arrest Regina and nearly behead her, until none other than Snow White herself appears in time to save her. I really love seeing Snow care for this woman she believes to be only an innocent peasant woman, as she treats Regina's wound she receives in the fight against the guards, as well as her fever. Snow cares for Regina in a course of two days, while she talks about her hop that Regina will one day come to be the woman who once saved her from her runaway horse years ago. These scenes between them are really beautiful and for a moment... Regina even feels Snow's kindness in her words and thinks that they might have a chance to become a family again despite everything that's happened between them. And I actually really like this, despite it seeming almost unbelievable after seeing how deep Regina's hatred for Snow really goes for so long now. Unfortunately, Snow then discovers the bodies of the villagers Regina killed for them harboring Snow. And Snow is livid and takes back everything she said about Regina possibly changing to be a better woman again. Then, Regina let's slip that she is somehow really Regina and Snow threatens to kill her. However, she can't go through with it because she doesn't have the heart to do so. And Regina runs back to Rumplestiltskin's castle to the Dark One, because she's still trapped under Rumple's cloaking spell. And Rumple shows up again at last and continues to mock her before he finally undoes his magic to make her herself again. I really love their interactions together. As for the Storybrooke storyline between Emma, Henry, David, Mary Margaret, Regina, and Neal... I like the dilemma with everyone wanting or not wanting to return home to the Enchanted Forest. However, I don't really like the moment between Regina and Henry when she tells him about killing everyone using her fail safe because it's obvious what Henry's reaction would be upon hearing that his mother wants to kill everyone else he loves and she should know that. But c'est la vie. She then erases his memory of their conversation too. It's sad. Poor Henry. Trouble is definitely coming up for the final two episodes. And lastly... I didn't really like the scene between Emma, Henry, and Neal as they're investigating Tamara either. Parts of it are funny. But like you, I hate how no one aside from Henry believes in Emma's suspicions of her. I understand why Emma is suspicious of Tamara and I like that, but the moment Neal comes in, the scene between them was just awkward and weird. I didn't like it. But then... I also don't really like Neal much either, as I've said before too. Overall... I enjoy this episode a lot and I'm so excited for you to watch all that's to come. Thank you again!!! Until next time...

Paul Fisher

I noticed you skipped over the "Previously on..." recap at the beginning. You won't want to do that on the next episode (or if you do, you'll want to be very careful not to skip past the end of the recap) because the recap will transition directly into new events BEFORE the title scene appears. You'll need to see that portion just after the recap to get a clear understanding of when and where the events are taking place.


Lol I actually kinda loved this episode, not for the story line but because of the jokes and how funny it was LMAO I think if this episode was just only the Emma and Henry scenes, it would be amazing. LOL Henry admitted that he believed Emma about Tamara and she’s was just like, “you should, because I’m right “ LMAO and the whole thing with the door “just hit the door” and Emma making a fool of herself LMAO, it’s moments like these that I live for. Also, cannot wait for your next reaction, idk if you’re going to react to the last 2 as a joint reaction episode but I would, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to or don’t have the time to do then2 together. Until then :)

Ceara Abrahamsz

Can’t wait until the next episode! Don’t worry about this episode too much,😉 That’s all I’ll say, don’t want to spoil anything! REALLY can’t wait for your reaction to the rest of this season as well as next season! 😳😅😆 Not gonna lie, hoping you’ll do the last two episodes together, but I completely understand if you don’t have the time! No worries! ☺️❤️