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waiting on this one.....hahahaha


Loved watching your reaction to this one. I love when Whedon throughs a pretty normal plot into a supernatural show. It’s kind of the best!


I was looking forward to how you were going to react seeing Spike again :) BTW, this show came long before Vampire Diaries and that show does rip off this show in regard to the Gem of Amara.

Scarlett Monrow

1) I can't believe you said that Buffy needed Xander or Oz to kick Parker's ass! :)) She's Buffy! 2) I was waiting for your reaction. Several female reactors called Parker on being a player before this ep, they heard the manipulative lines in his speeches, and I wanted the see if you'll pick it up too. 3) Spike said "we'll both burn" in a desperate attempt to keep Buffy from removing the ring. 4) Spike was not being "mean" to Harmony, he's acting like a normal vampire.


Funny that you should bring up "Helpless" and the reactions to your reaction because I was shocked by your reaction at the time. Whereas here, you were immediately empathetic to the female characters in this episode. I loved your reaction to this. Parker is the worst because he is, objectively speaking, an attractive, charming guy who could easily get laid, but he goes out of his way to make girls think that they're maybe falling in love and then he gaslights them more into thinking it was their fault for thinking that. Ugh, Parker is the literalization of the metaphor that Angel was in S2: fall for a guy, sleep with him, and he turns evil. I wish violence upon him, too, Steven.


The Spike reveal was an awesome surprise. It was done well because I don't think anyone would think he would be with Harmony before it happened. At the Bronze even though they went there in high school they did have college aged kids there and serve alcohol so I think it's always been a place teens and 20s hang out at, plus it's the only place in town to hang. I think Spike said they would both burn if Buffy removed the ring in a thin attempt to get her to stop trying to take it. And yeah, Parker is rage-inducing. You're right, that guy is worse than even just someone sleeping with her and taking off. He slept with her and still tried to play the innocent nice guy who doesn't get why she expected more. It makes him that much worse. Anya having feelings for Xander is pretty adorable and I love the dynamic between them, it's fun. I think Whedon's stuff really shines when he focuses on real life issues like they seem to do a lot of in this episode.


I've come to appreciate the creepy/abusive side of Spike in a way I never could before. James Marsters was so charming in this role that it was easy to overlook a lot of bad things... lots of murder just wasn't a big deal. Then they upped the ante a bit and you got to see him doing things that you are not comfortable with or outright despise. These were the things that I feel make people uncomfortable more because they are relatable in a way that a demon slaughtering people are not. Having them come from a beloved charming character is one of the more realistic aspects of the show. "I don't know why I let you be so mean to me" is such a great comment because it is a sad mirror of so many real world relationships. People get blinded by charm, looks, apologies, promises to change, grand gestures, etc and stay in all sorts of relationships that are harmful to them. Seeing it happen on TV in a way that is definitely not trying to excuse it, but coming from a character you can't help but love is kind of brilliant. You get to experience a bit of the cognitive dissonance people experience in similar real world scenarios at a safe distance. I feel like recognizing this sooner would have helped me be a bit less judgemental in my life when the majority of what I knew of someone came from seeing the harm they were inflicting on someone I cared about.

Marshall Dante Robertson

I was really hoping you didn't accidentally see James Marsters, the actor who plays Spike, in the opening credits, so when you didn't I got excited. Lol Your love for Spike is famous, so it was great to see your reaction to this episode!

Nica Marie

There are many ways to look at any episode of Buffy, but I just want to focus on Parker for now. Yes, it sucks that the first guy she's with after Angel is a douche. But, I would like to think that his presence here acted as a sort of PSA for every young girl/woman watching. I want to believe that after seeing this they could identify the Parkers in their own lives and avoid them. Because, sadly, predators like Parker are far too plentiful in real life.


It's possible that I missed you explaining, but how are the Buffy / Angel reactions working? Are you treating them as if they're one show, so we only get one of either of them per week, or is it one of each of them per week?

Robin Gibbons

Just wanted to say SMG looks amazing in that screenshot!

Allan Cornett

Vampire Diaries rips off BTVS and the show Angel. I have seen reactions from others who watched VD first and they were spoiled for for Buffy and Angel because of the ripoffs.


If I'm not mistaken he's said it's not really a set structure like that. He'll be watching them in the order they're supposed to be watched but as far as upload schedule goes it won't be a per week thing necessarily. I'd expect the Angel episode within this week though, if that's what you're really asking. He won't be treating it as one show in the way you described.

J Scott Page

I was excited to see the reaction to spike as well. Most guest stars just say the actor’s name but this said James Marsters as Spike. So even if you don’t recognize the actor name you know Spike is in it. So I’ve never been so happy for him to NOT be looking at the screen at that moment. Lol.

Amanda S

This episode has always held a special place in my heart because I've been a big Bif Naked fan for a long time (like I have a ton of her albums and my sister even took me to see her for my birthday before), so yea, when I first saw this episode and she was the musician at the party, I was super fan-girling lol

Allan Cornett

I got the soundtrack for Buffy years ago and fell in love with Bif Naked. I didn’t remember their song was in this episode.

Amanda S

The fact they got three songs in the episode made it feel even more special :D Buffy had a real knack for casually slipping in some great "live" music.


The return of Spike, yaaaaaas! I knew you'd be excited.


Welcome to the Parker Hate Train Wubwub.

Valencia Lanier

I never understood why no one protested more about sending Angel the Gem of Amarra. What would happen if Angel somehow lost his soul again? Angeles with the Gem! That was just bad judgement to me. Buffy was thinking with her heart. She should have been thinking with Slayer logic.


I saw a JamesMarsters interview where he was talking about his relationship with Harmony. She’s a clear rebound. He was in love with Dru, she used him and cheated on him and ignored him a lot over the century, most of all recently in the past couple of years. Its clear in the episode he isnt over her. James said that his thing with Harm is like Spike’s way of getting ‘revenege’ on women, because Dru hurt him. That the funny thing is, he clearly wanted Dru’s love and devotion the way he felt for her; and here is Harmony offering him all that and more, but Spike doesnt want it now, or give a shot. Harm’s just a ht trophy gf to have sex with and distract himself - until she starts to get annoying. ALSO, I like to think its like getting to hurt buffy too, a blonde cheerleader from sunnydale.. all the girls getting hurt so bad this episode. Its so upsetting.