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Great episode, definite 10 for me. Two great episodes in a row. I think in terms of them dying, it may be one of the advantages of having a number of different bad guys that come in and out of the series (unlike for example Buffy that have a big bad for each season). It means that when a storyline is wrapped up, there's no need to keep them round treading water or adding extra filler, they can just change focus to a different one. It's a testament to the show that it's able to juggle them all. As for his plan, I think it was his genuine intention to go to the safehouse but Reese put him off with the black hood thing. He would have realised that was the most likely outcome and so if he was going to go, he might as well go out with a bang! Great exit line so...Mission accomplished, Snow!

Dani C

Ha! The expression on your face when Snow took Kara out.


Wow! You're reaction to the bomb was awesome.


Keep watching mate. You'll find out Finch's reasons. The villains will only get better from here, there's going to be bigger and even better ones. Just enjoy the ride.


This show is the main reason, besides some other favs i joined on patreon. This show is soo massively underrated is f-ing crazy!!!


Yeah no doubt. I joined because of this show also. The only show I’ve ever felt gets better than the season before. This show builds to an amazing crescendo. Everything happens in this show for a reason and paying attention to the details is key. Wait until he gets to season 3!! Hell, wait until he see’s ep 16!!!!!!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Love, love, love this episode!!! It's easily my favorite episode of season two, and one of my overall favorite episodes of the entire series. It's so, so good. I love Reese so much, and I love how Jim Caviezel portrays his character in every aspect that makes John Reese up. Especially when he shows the emotion which Jim Caviezel excels at. And Reese in this episode, we see that much more of the emotion in his character that I love so much. :) I love the moment between Reese, Carter, and Fusco towards the end when his friends find him just as Reese is about to head out onto the roof to sacrifice his life. It's emotional, and the acting between all three of them is beautiful. I love seeing the concern for Reese on both Carter's and Fusco's face. It's so sad. And I also love seeing just how far they have come together as a team, along with Finch too of course. My favorite moment... is the moment between Reese and Finch, when Reese walks out onto the roof, only to come face to face with Finch who refuses to give up on the man who has become a very close friend to him the more they've come to know one another. I love how Reese pleads with Finch to let him go because this was the moment his past caught up to him once more. However, Finch refuses to give up on Reese and saves his life as he works to unlock the cell phone attached to the bomb so he can at last disarm it in order to save Reese's life. What a phenomenal moment. I just love everything else about this episode as well. I love how Kara used Reese and Snow only to clear a path for her so she could get into the room and plant the hard drive, or virus into the computer, when all throughout the episode we believed she needed them for something more. And yes... Kara was a phenomenal villain in this episode, like she has been since her first introduction back in season one. And what an end for her and Mark Snow. I was shocked when Snow appeared in the backseat of Kara's car just as the sound of the bomb vest was revving up, just like you were. I didn't see that coming, and while it's too bad that both characters were killed in this episode... this moment in it is absolutely phenomenal. I love seeing Bear immediately run to Reese once he comes back to the library and seeing him smother Reese upon becoming so excited to see him. And I love seeing Reese laughing as he plays with Bear. So cute! :) And lastly... we finally get to see what came of Kara after the events we've seen in two other episodes after she and Reese are told to kill one another in the flashbacks, only for both of them to survive the bombing. And we get introduced to the old man currently known only as the leader of the "New Gods". I really love the mystery behind this old man, and knowing that he used Kara to plant the hard drive that would begin something to come in five months. But if his role didn't present enough of a mystery... he also revealed that Finch is possibly behind Reese's and Kara's mission that set the events from this episode in motion. Yay!!! Thank you so much! I really enjoy this episode so much, and I'm so happy you loved this episode too. And I'm so grateful for your reaction to it. I look forward to more, so until next time...

Felix Huang

The women in this show are no push overs. Some are just as bad ass as Reese. Other shows should take notes.