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LMFAO I feel like i’m the only one but when Snow told Mother Superior that she had kept her secret from long ago that she hasn’t told anyone and Mother Superior was like all confused, I seriously thought she was acting confused on purpose so that her secret isn’t spilled in front of David. LMFAO idk why but that’s what i thought when i first ever watched this episode 😭 so the reveal that Cora was the Blue Fairy took me by fucking surprise 😂

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Okay... I really enjoy this episode for the most part. Especially for the connections, or the parallels between Snow's past and present with her mother's death and now Johanna's death, both deaths having happened on her birthday because of Cora... who is most definitely a real witch with a capital "B". And I hate her all the more for it. I feel so bad for Snow because she does lose her mother and a woman she loved like a mother once her own died years ago. I can't blame Snow for feeling like she's lost enough and now feels like she has no choice but to kill Cora in order to protect the rest of those she loves. It's just so tragic, because her mother died teaching her to believe in always doing the right thing for those she loves. I also love how orchestrated and patient Cora was for so many years in order to help make her own daughter the new Queen. I don't like that she's done all she's done, but this shows how devious of a villainess she really is and I like that about her. I mean... not only did Cora kill Snow's mother to take her out of the picture, but she used her magic to spook Snow's horse into running with young Snow while arranging for Regina to be there to see it so that Regina would save her, allowing for her to be able to catch the King's eye and for Regina to win his favor. Very twisted, and so deviously clever. Next... I absolutely love that Hook suddenly appears in New York City after he knocked David out in order to steal back his hook, and I love the moment when Hook suddenly stabs Gold in the chest with his hook that he had coated with a poison which we will learn more about later on. Hook's face in that brief moment of pure evil and satisfaction was brilliant. I love it!!! Brilliantly acted by Colin O'Donoghue (Hook). And this is easily my favorite moment in this episode, even though it's never explained how Hook came to know where in New York to find Gold and Emma. Unless of course... he knew where Neal was living in New York, since we learned in this episode that Hook and Neal have a history together. Nonetheless... this scene was phenomenal. :) As for Neal's storyline with seeing his father become injured by Hook, his storyline with Henry, Gold, and Emma, and now Tamara who I hate... I like Neal's relationship with Henry developing further along, and yes... I somewhat like that Neal is getting to know his father again, who is different than he was centuries earlier, but still very much a villain too. However, I feel like Neal's concern for his father feels... sudden and maybe a bit forced? I get it... Neal feels bad because his father is suddenly dying and he doesn't want to lose his father like this. It's just that Neal has hated his father for so long and I just feel kind of strange about his concern for him. I know that it might just be me and I'm sure a part of it comes from the fact that I don't really care much for Neal's character at all, which I do realize is biased of me. And then with Neal's fiancee... I can't help but feel skeptical of her right away. The timing for her to suddenly pop in feels really off to me too. Overall... this episode was really good. Most of all, I love Hook's moments, as well as the connections between Snow's past and present. And I hate Cora even more for killing Johanna, also on Snow's birthday like she killed Snow's mother. Poor Johanna. She was no longer of any use to Cora and Cora killed her for absolutely no reason other than just to hurt Snow further, which I hated. And Regina just stood there and let it happen. I agree with you that Regina's character this half of the season just makes no sense and if there's ever a time when I don't like Regina at all... it is throughout season two within its second half. Yet... I sense that Regina's is beginning to realize that Cora's intentions and all her efforts aren't being done for her sake, but Cora's alone. Oh... and I also love David throughout this episode as he struggles to help Snow find peace and to joy on her birthday again, and that he's now struggling to be the voice of reason now that Snow feels obligated to go against her true self by listening to her temptation to kill Cora. We'll see where it all goes from here. Thank you very much again, for another brilliant reaction! I really enjoying seeing and hearing what you thought about this episode, and like always... I can't wait for more!! Until next time...

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

My goodness... everyone is so quick to judge poor Blue and to think the worst of her. I really don't understand that.