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Patreon's Dilemma: Stay up late to watch or wait til tomorrow? Nah, no dilemma at all, my bed can wait a bit longer


Great freaking episode

Felix Huang

The machine was late with Donnelly or it might had been Howard unwillingness to answer the phone.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The first of one of my favorite episodes from season two!!! I absolutely love this episode!! Reese is phenomenal in this episode, as are Finch and Carter. And I even love the way Fusco's side storyline was told throughout this episode as well. It didn't take away from all that was going on with Reese. It was just a fun relief shown in brief clips all throughout. And I love them as well. I love how hard both Finch and Carter work to try to clear Reese so he can be freed, and yet every time they get closer to helping him, Agent Donnelly, Northern Lights, and others keep interfering, preventing Reese from being set free. I also absolutely love Elias' brief appearances when he confronts Reese inside Rikers, then assures Reese that he won't inform Donnelly the truth about him being the "Man in the Suit" because he can't let go of Reese having been there to save his life. I also love seeing other past enemies like Byron, who Reese stole Bear from, and those from Northern lights... Hersh, who killed the one criminal and nearly shanked Reese in the prison yard, and his boss who is only known as Special Counsel. I love how Donnelly smartly figured out the truth about Reese being the true "Man in the Suit" because he had already begun to suspect Carter, then saw her concern for Reese when he had set Reese up to be attacked in the prison yard. Unfortunately, Donnelly's number finally came up before Finch could act to save him, or somehow warn Reese and Carter of the threat coming for them. All of a sudden, a truck speeds up and rams into the SUV, flipping it over and over until it finally stops, then Kara comes from out of nowhere and kills Donnelly, before finally inserting a needle into Reese's neck so she can abduct him for whatever her plan might be for him. It's brilliant! And all of this sets up perfectly for what's to come. :) And lastly... my absolute favorite moment in this episode is the moment between Reese, Carter, and Donnelly just before the truck rams into their SUV and Reese is kidnapped. I love the conversation between them, as Carter tries to defend Reese to Donnelly by telling him that Reese is a good man until Donnelly throws back in her face that Reese is nothing more than a monster and a cold blooded murderer, all the while Reese remains silent. I love Reese's face in this moment. It's heartbreaking because you can see that Reese believes Donnelly's cruel words about him over Carter's. Plus... you can see that he's more worried about Carter being in trouble with Donnelly and the FBI, than he's worried about himself. It's very sad, but I love, love, love this moment in the episode!!! Thank you so much! I can't wait for your reaction to the next episode coming up!! Until then...


The guy you think works for HR, the one who sent his agent to prison to kill John, is actually CIA/NSA or something like that. He mentioned that John was one of their operatives (and i am pretty sure he knows about the machine).

Dani C

HR is local (police, organised crime, local government officials) The bad guys in this episode are national/international level - CIA, NSA etc. They are not directly connected to each other.

Dani C

Great reaction - I was similarly excited when Elias showed up at Riker's Island :p I think the flashbacks were partly to fill in a few gaps, but mostly to a) show again how lethal he became and how he got there as a counterpoint to his statements in the interrogation and b) to remind us of the nature of their relationship just prior to bringing them back together


Washington DC bad guys are completely separate from HR

michael moslin

Fusco really did not need to be in this episode


The machine couldn't have known earlier, the only reason Donnelly was in danger is because he had Reese. And he had only just got Reese, the Machine tried to get the number in time but it couldn't have been earlier unfortunately.


Donnelly is so goddamn impressive.