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Not a great episode, but there's some good stuff coming up in Season 1 :-)


Yes, the episode probably is a 7 but for me an 8, knowing what happens later and because of the nostalgia. But not the best episode. I like the show exploring the complicated relationship between Kirsten and Caleb, I really enjoyed their scenes in this episode. I don't wanna say much, but just so you know, they will start developing Summer's character (and many others) soon. Marissa having sex for the first time feels so wrong. Mischa Barton is not the best actress out there but you could really see in her eyes and body language that Marissa did not feel good doing that, she was just hurting herself more. She was avoiding eye contact with Luke etc. Ryan has had sex before with several or at least a few girls before, they talked about it with Seth in an earlier episode. You are so right about Gabrielle, she definitely seems to have a thing for teenage boys and probably the thought of maybe getting caught. And yep, that was basically rape, he hasn't even turned 17 yet. I never saw it like that as a kid of course, but now I'm just wondering why they even had to do it like that. Ryan could've just hooked up with some other new character, a girl from another school or anyone really. Of course Ben McKenzie was in his 30's already so it doesn't LOOK that bad, but it is bad. Also about the POC on the show, there are not enough, like you said. There's been a few but no one you would really even remember. One of Sandy's old colleagues (we saw them playing golf together) was a black man, and another was one of those ominous guys who tried to reach Jimmy before we found out what he did. But really, they should've had way more.

Alexis Cardarella

You were cracking me up through this. So, this episode is chalk full of male driven fantasy crap. Ryan, I believe is 16, but even at 18, and her 24, yuck, yuck, yuck. Then there’s the sub plot of Marisa loosing her virginity... That whole thing is just ...yikes. I love the Kirsten and Sandy scenes. I like the acting from pretty much everyone in the main cast. I even like the acting of the person who plays Caleb, even though he’s a one note character. I do have a hard time distinguishing between whether Mischa Barton hits some bad notes in her performance, or whether she’s just really nailing the docile, awkward teenage beauty thing. I think the dialogue and acting is surprisingly good so far in the series in general.. there’s just a lot of cliche surrounding these characters, mostly in the dialogue/behavior from supporting characters.. But yeah, average episode- a lot of bones to pick in it. I really enjoyed your reaction and commentary though.