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I love hearing about your personal shit. I have two jobs and no life right now so you are the only "friend" I have time for . . . that was supposed to sound funny not sad. Also, audio sounds great on my end. You are correct in that I'm not that discerning but I honestly never noticed the lawn mower until you pointed it out. However, I do follow another patreon account (which I love) but I wish they would get a microphone as I can't hear half of what they say. So, discening . . . not so discerning . . . it's fine.

Daniel R

The whole point of the time travel was for Castiel to throw all his cards out on the table in front of Dean. Since they have to work together there has to be a level of trust and while Castiel may have plucked Dean out of his time and dropped him during the situation with his mom and Azazel he did it for good reason. He needed to see what happened and learn the truth. Without this knowledge he wouldn't have known that his mom made the deal and it was basically her that got this all started just because she was a badass hunter. So now that Castiel and Dean know how it all happened they need to work together to find out WHY as it was stated at the end. This episode is one of the episodes that I love to go back and rewatch because of how fun it is and how many answers we got all while continuing to try and figure out Yellow Eyes' endgame

Brenda Lewis

Personally, for me this is the best episode of the whole series. I saw you were on the fence. But this episode does everything right. The acting is fantastic, the story is excellent. We get at least three plot twists. Just really incredible storytelling here.

Amy Rustand

WHY DIDN'T MARY REMEMBER DEAN'S WARNING??? Ugh, that could have been enough to stop one part of the mess that became the Winchester family's life. Loved all the reveals about the family background in this episode. And holy moly, yeah Jensen kills it with the emotions. That's not easy but he nails it. Be still my heart but I hope there's more coming.

Christian Liechti

One of my favorite episodes of the entire series. I love the backstory we get. So for me it’s a 10.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

There's a little more to it than just that. If Castiel just came out and told Dean the whole truth about him needing Dean to stop Sam from going down his dark path, Dean never would have believed him. Dean would have shut Castiel down and told him to go straight to Hell. Dean has somewhat blinders on in regards to his brother. So seeing this whole past, forces Dean to open his eyes and to understand that there's a chance Sam could become the thing Sam and Dean has feared he could become for a long time now. Since the big revelation that Sam could turn evil back in season two's episodes, In My Time of Dying and Hunted. By seeing that Mary had basically sold Sam's soul to Yellow Eyes in order to bring John back to life, Dean now understands that his brother's life is at stake in more ways than one. He has seen the truth with his own eyes, so now... he can no longer deny what Castiel is pleading with him to stop. And Castiel understood that, which is why he's been so vague, and cautious by how much he tells Dean. I absolutely love this episode. It's phenomenal and beautifully acted by all, especially by Jensen Ackles. And I love all of the revelations that include how both Sam and Dean got their names and how John gets their '67 Impala. I also love all the nods back to earlier episodes too. My only tiny gripe with this episode... is that I missed Sam being in it for more than two seconds. Thank you so much! I look forward to your next reaction to the continuation of this episode. The big problems that I have with season four overall... come later on, which I will let you know about when my troubles with this season begins. Until next time...

Natalie Shepherd

I love this episode, Jensen really killed it and the casting of Matt & Amy as the young John & Mary was perfect. It was the emotion Jensen brings to the character of Dean which drew me into this series that resulted in a huge binge watch a couple of years ago which is why this episode is a favourite amongst many fans & always scores high amongst reaction reviewers.

Mark Wood

Great episode one of the top 15 of the series. Episode does a lot in explaining why Mary ran into the nursery herself when she realized someone besides John was there. It explains why when Sam gets to talk to his Moms spirit all she does is say she is sorry, ie what has happened to him is because of her deal. Acting across the board was extremely solid. It’s a 10.

Ina Durcekova

I think she may have remembered Dean's warning, but imagine this - someone told you to stay in bed no matter what, while you know that a dangerous demon is in your house where your two young children are. No mother would lay in bed knowing something may be hurting her kids, no matter what anyone told her.

Ali Jacome

You explained it so well. Dean would have never believed if Castel just tell him that his mom made a deal selling Sam's soul. He is super stubborn. He needed to see it. Now Castiel and Dean can really work together against whatever Yellow eyes planned.

Chaos T

I think Castiel sent him in the past for two reasons: To show what really happened and to put the events in motion so Dean can become a hunter. If Dean doesn't go back in the past, Mary and John lead a quiet life together. The Yellow Eyed demon wouldn't have even interacted with her if it wasn't for Dean's involvement.


must not have been paying attention in s1 because they make it clear in the pilot and other scenes in s1 talking about or with john that he became a hunter after mary died.