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There were 2 separate thefts - 1) Teacher stole some of the $ out of the box before she gave it to Veronica. 2) Weevil stole the cash box with the remaining $ and planted some of the $ along with fake drugs in Thumper's locker to set him up and used the rest for himself.

Idun V

Took me a second but I figured it out, the girl Logan was with played Cinderella in OUAT.


She was also in Falling Skies and a few episodes of Nashville - which is probably where Steven knows her from.


Yeah... what Becca said above. The teacher stole the money they found on the ceiling, before she gave it to Veronica. Veronica said so during her reveal. They still thought that Thumper stole the majority of the money. As for Logan, it was a good reveal at the end.

Ari is my Cat

Cash box money was 12k. Teacher skimmed 3k. Weevil took the rest and planted 3k. So Weevil had 6k for his car.

Ina Durcekova

You about Dick: "What a dick" Me: well, he literally has it in his name, it's basically his fate to be one :D

Alexis Cardarella

Don’t feel dumb, it took me three watches to catch her saying that the teacher skimmed some before giving her the box, so I could put it all together. The transgender woman scene was dated as hell.. This is one of the episodes where I love the subplot developments but not necessarily the main storyline.. Good reaction, though!